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LINKING REDD+ AND NAMAs. NUR MASRIPATIN Director CENTRE FOR STANDARDIZATION AND ENVIRONMENT Ministry of Forestry INDONESIA WORKSHOP Building REDD-plus Policy Capacity for Developing Country Negotiators and Land Managers Hanoi, Vietnam, 18-20 May 2011.

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  1. LINKING REDD+ AND NAMAs NUR MASRIPATIN Director CENTRE FOR STANDARDIZATION AND ENVIRONMENT Ministry of Forestry INDONESIA WORKSHOP Building REDD-plus Policy Capacity forDeveloping Country Negotiators and Land Managers Hanoi, Vietnam, 18-20 May 2011

  2. HISTORICAL BACKGROUND (international context) A. REDD+ from Montreal to Cancun : • COP-13 (Dec.1/CP. 13 “Bali Action Plan: Policy approaches and positive incentives for REDD+ /Paragraph 1 (b) (iii)”; Dec.2/CP.13 “RED in developing countries: Approach to stimulate actions”) • COP-15 (Dec. 4/CP.15 “Methodological guidance for REDD+ in developing countries”) • COP-16 (Dec.1/CP.16 “Cancun agreements: Outcomes of AWG-LCA work ”  Policy approaches and positive incentives for REDD+ in developing countries) B. NAMAs : from Bali to Cancun : • Dec.1/CP. 13 “Bali Action Plan (NAMAs/Paragraph 1 (b) (ii)” • Dec.1/CP.16 “Cancun agreements : outcomes of AWG-LCA work ” C. REDD+ negotiation  almost all developing countries did not agree to include REDD+ under NAMAs. STANDARDIZATION, ENVIRONMENT, CLIMATE CHANGE

  3. HISTORICAL BACKGROUND (national context) A. NAMAs : Indonesia Voluntary Mitigation Action B. Translating REDD+ activities into national strategy  next slide STANDARDIZATION, ENVIRONMENT, CLIMATE CHANGE

  4. Translating Scope of REDD+ in The National Strategy Reducing Emissions from DEFORESTATION (Forest conversion) REDD + Indonesia Reducing Emissions from Forest Degradation (SFM practice) Reduce emissions Sustainable Management of Forest NET SINK/ Balance Conservation (avoiding Emissions/ C stocks Conservation) Increase removals Enhancement of Carbon Stocks (Reforestation, Ecosystem Restoration) Scope of REDD+ according to Bali Action Plan

  5. LINK BETWEEN REDD+ AND NAMAs ( from legal basis and progress in implementation) • Both NAMAs and REDD+ are under “Enhanced national/international action on CC mitigation” in BAP (Dec. 1/CP.13), • Cancun agreement (Dec. 1/CP.16 Appendix II.c): modalities for MRV of REDD+ activities should be consistent with guidance for MRV of NAMAs and consider Dec. 4/CP.15  target for consideration by COP-17. • Challenge to link REDD+ and NAMAs: • many ambiguities in COP-decision relating to NAMAs • a lot of progress has been made in REDD+ both in the negotiation process and implementation STANDARDIZATION, ENVIRONMENT, CLIMATE CHANGE

  6. LINK BETWEEN REDD+ AND NAMAs (activities: Indonesia case) NAMAs in Forestry and Agriculture REDD+ activities Sustainable peatland management Forest Land Reducing Emissions from Deforestation (Red Forest conversion) Non-Forest Land Reducing Emissions From Forest Degradation (SFM practice) RR deforestation Reducing rate of deforestation and land degradation RR Land Degradation Conservation (Avoiding Emissions/ C stocks Conservation) Land rehabilitation, Afforestation, Reforestation, Replanting • Carbon • sequestration • Project (For & Agr) Enhancement of Carbon Stocks (Ecosystem Restoration) Part of activities are related STANDARDIZATION, ENVIRONMENT, CLIMATE CHANGE

  7. Possible causes of controversy in REDD+ and NAMAsdiscussions: 1. At the international level : • Negotiation process: two groups of views on whether REDD+ be part or not part of NAMAs • Other international processes (outside negotiation processes) tends to prefer REDD+ be part of NAMAs • At the national level: • Diversity in awareness of the issues and views on how to best translate the international instruments into the national context 3. From points (1) and (2)  have we been asking a wrong question? (whether REDD+ is part/not part of NAMAs ?Or how to best link REDD+ and NAMAs?). STANDARDIZATION, ENVIRONMENT, CLIMATE CHANGE

  8. INDONESIA CASE • Activities relating to REDD+ and NAMAs are ongoing  (1) translating COP-decisions into implementation, including efforts in bringing the issues into the mainstream of development planning (national and sectoral planning; national-provincial-district level planning), (2) awareness raising and increasing capacity relating to REDD+ and NAMAs and other relevant issues, • Indonesia is yet to develop her plan to implement the national policy on development and CC mitigation: achieving 7 % economic growth and 26 % emission reduction by 2020 (called 726 Formula), • Critical issue for Indonesia relating to REDD+ and NAMAs is how to ensure coherence between policy, actions, and MRV of REDD+ and NAMAs . STANDARDIZATION, ENVIRONMENT, CLIMATE CHANGE

  9. CLOSING REMARKS AND RECOMMENDATIONS • Both REDD+ and NAMAs are aimed at achieving CC mitigation goals, • Efforts should be directed to identify relevant issues from REDD+ and NAMAs, and work to address the issues, • Follow up COP-16 guidance on REDD+ relating to NAMAs(consistency between MRV for REDD+ and MRV for NAMAs), including what best could be done within uncertainty (including progress in REDD+ and NAMAs negotiations that is not at the same stage). STANDARDIZATION, ENVIRONMENT, CLIMATE CHANGE

  10. Thankyou

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