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TOTEM Physics Scenarios at the LHC; Elastic Scattering, Total Cross section, Diffraction,

TOTEM Physics Scenarios at the LHC; Elastic Scattering, Total Cross section, Diffraction, and beyond. Risto Orava Helsinki Institute of Physics and University of Helsinki.

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TOTEM Physics Scenarios at the LHC; Elastic Scattering, Total Cross section, Diffraction,

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  1. TOTEM Physics Scenarios at the LHC; Elastic Scattering, Total Cross section, Diffraction, and beyond ... Risto Orava Helsinki Institute of Physics and University of Helsinki LOW X MEETING SINAIA, ROMANIA June 29 - July 2 - 2005

  2. CMS is TOTEMized... Leading Protons measured at -220m & -147m from the CMS CMS Experimental Area (IP5) (Also CMS is here...) TOTEM Experiment • Leading protons are detected at 147m & 220m from the IP. • CMS coverage is extended by Totem T1 and T2 spectrometers. • Additional forward calorimetry & veto counters are under planning. Leading Protons measured at +147m & +220m from the CMS

  3. Base Line LHC Experiments: pT-h coverage LHC TOTEMized 1000 CMS ATLAS 100 T1 T1 pT (GeV) ALICE LHCb 10 T2 T2 1 microstation microstation RP RP 0.1 veto veto pTmax~ s exp(-h) -12 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 +2 +4 +6 +8 +10 +12 h The base line LHC experiments will cover the central rapidity region - TOTEMCMS will complement the coverage in the forward region.

  4. Base Line LHC Experiments • ATLAS & CMS: • Energy flow in |h| 5 • Minimum bias event structure • need to sort out the pile-up events at L › 1033 • present MC models differ by large factors • ALICE: • Charged multiplicities in -5  h 3 • Zero Degree Calorimetry (neutral & charged) • TOTEM: • Charged multiplicities: 3  h 7 • Leading particle measurement: • Totem sees ~ all diffractively scattered protons • TOTEM/CMS inelastic coverage is unique: • Holes only at h~ 5 & 7-9 (could be covered with ms & veto counters)

  5. Diffractive scattering is a unique laboratory of confinement & QCD: A hard scale + hadrons which remain intact in the scattering process. Transversal view Elastic soft SDE hard SDE soft CD hard CD Longitudinal view - Lorentz contracted – not to scale! ‘wee’ parton cloud - grows logarithmically p jet lnMX2 Baryonic charge distribution-r  0.5fm jet + b b lns h Valence quarks in a bag with r  0.1fm rapidity • Soft diffractive scattering: • large b Hard diffractive scattering - small b p Rapidity gap survival & ”underlying” event structures are intimately connected with a geometrical view of the scattering - eikonal approach! 25mb? 10mb? 1mb? • Soft processes: • Coherent • interactions • impact parameter • picture. Hard processes: Jet momenta correlated with the initial parton momenta. Cross sections are large. Totem sees SDE MX  20 GeV

  6. A Light Higgs Boson as a Benchmark: Recent Tevatron Top-mass measurement reinforces the motivation. The new result (using 173.5  4.1 GeV/CDF): Central preferred value of the Standard Model Higgs boson mass is:94 GeV, with 68% uncertainties of +54 and -35 GeV. 95% C.L is < 208 GeV Thanks to Martin Grunewald

  7. Central Diffraction produces two leading protons, two rapidity gaps and a central hadronic system. In the exclusive process, the background is suppressed and the central system has selected quantum numbers. JPC = 0++ (2++, 4++,...) MX212s Measure the parity P = (-1)J: ds/d 1 + cos2 2p  Gap Jet+Jet Gap 0 hmin h hmax Mass resolution  S/B-ratio Survival of the rapidity gaps?1 see: DKMOR EPJC25(2002)391

  8. With the leading protons and additional forward coverage a new physics realm opens up at the LHC: Elastic scattering, stot and soft diffraction – surely... But also: • Hard diffraction with multi- rapidity gap events (see: Hera, Tevatron, RHIC...)  Problems intimately related to confinement. • Gluon density at small xBj (10-6 – 10-7) – “hot spots” of glue in vacuum? • Gap survival dynamics, proton parton configurations (pp3jets+p) – underlying event structures • Diffractive structure: Production of jets, W, J/, b, t, hard photons, • Parton saturation, BFKL dynamics, proton structure, multi-parton scattering • Studies with pure gluon jets: gg/qq… LHC as a gluon factory! (see: KMR EPJC19(2001)477) • Signals of new physics based on forward protons + rapidity gaps Threshold scan for JPC = 0++ states in: pp  p+X+p – Spin-parity of X ! (LHC as the pre -e+e- linear collider in the gg-mode.) • Extend ‘standard’ physics reach of the CMS experiment into the forward region:  Full Monty! • Measure the Luminosity with the precision of DL/L 5 % (KMRO EPJC19(2001)313)

  9. As a Gluon Factory LHC could deliver... • High purity (q/g ~ 1/3000) gluon jets with ET >50 GeV; • gg-events as “Pomeron-Pomeron” luminosity monitor • Possible new resonant states in a background free environment (bb, W+W- & • t+t- decays); (see: KMR EPJC23(2002)311) • Higgs • glueballs • quarkonia 0++ (b ) • gluinoballs • invisible decay modes of Higgs (and SUSY)!? • CP-odd Higgs • Squark & gluinothresholds are well separated • practically background free signature: multi-jets & ET • model independence (missing mass!) [expect O(10) events for gluino/squark masses of 250 GeV] • an interesting scenario: gluino as the LSP with mass window 25-35 GeV(S.Raby) • Events with isolated high mass ggpairs • Moreover: Mini-Black Holes, Extra Dimensions –The Brane World !!!... • (see: Albrow and Rostovtsev) -

  10. longer Q2 extrapolation smaller x Low-x Physics at the LHCResolving Confinement of quarks & gluons? The forward detectors at the LHC will facilitate studies of collisions between transversally extended slices of QCD vacua – with quantum fluctuations? J. Stirling

  11. Probing Very Small-x Gluons • Consider a high momentum proton: • Measure gluon distribution G(x,Q2) at fixed Q2 • and small x with x››Q •  probe gluons with the transverse size = |Db|~1/Q and • longitudinal size = |Dz|~1/px. • gluon saturation, colour-glass condensates, colour-dipoles,.... In SD: If a pair of high ET jets are produced, then: If the interacting partons have fractional momenta b of P, then b=xBj/, then (if all hadrons i in the event are measured): Instrument region with tracking, calorimetry (em+had), muons, jets, photons ...

  12. LHC: due to the high energy can reach small values of Bjorken-x If rapidities above 5 and masses below 10 GeV can be covered  x down to 10-6 ÷ 10-7 Possible with T2 in TOTEM (calorimeter, tracker): 5 <  < 6.7 Proton structure at low-x: Parton saturation effects? Saturation or growing proton?

  13. Puzzles in High Energy Cosmic Rays Cosmic ray showers: Dynamics of the high energy particle spectrum is crucial Interpreting cosmic ray data depends on hadronic simulation programs. Forward region in poorly known. Models differ by factor 2 or more. Need forward particle/energy measurements e.g. dE/d… PYTHIA – PHOJET – ExHuME...??

  14. Chuck Dermer (BNL)

  15. The “Underlying Event” Problem inHard Scattering Processes Min-Bias Min-Bias • LHC: most of collisions are “soft’’, outgoing particles roughly in the same direction as the initial protons. • Occasional “hard’’ interaction results in outgoing partons of large transverse momenta. • The “Underlying Event’’ is everything but the two outgoing Jets, including : initial/final gluon radiation beam-beam remnants secondary semi-hard interactions • Unavoidable background to be removed from the jets before comparing to NLO QCD predictions This is already of major importance at the Tevatron – how about the LHC??

  16. Relative precision on the measurement of HBR for various channels, as function of mH, at Ldt = 300 fb–1. The dominant uncertainty is from Luminosity: 10% (open symbols), 5% (solid symbols). (ATL-TDR-15, May 1999) In addition: The signatures of New Physics have to be normalized  Measure the Luminosity Luminosity relates the number of events per second, dN/dt, and the cross section of process p,sp, as: A process with well known, calculable and large sp (monitoring!) with a well defined signature? Need complementarity. Measure simultaneously elastic (Nel) & inelastic rates (Ninel), extrapolateds/dt  0, assumer-parameter to be known: (1+r2) (Nel + Ninel)2 L = 16p dNel/dt|t=0 Ninel = ?  Need a hermetic detector. dNel/dtt=0 = ?  Minimal extrapolation to t0: tmin 0.01 see: KMOR EPJ C23(2002)

  17. Signatures • Proton (Roman Pots): • elastic proton (b*=1540m: 5  10-4  -t  1 GeV2, b*=18m: 310-1  -t  10 GeV2) • diffractive proton (b*=1540m: 90% of all diffractive protons:   10-2 & -t  10-3 GeV2) • hard diffractive proton (b* = 0.5m: excellent coverage in -t space) • Rapidity Gap (T1 & T2, Castor & ZDC): • rapidity gaps (up to L~ 1033cm-2 s-1: 3  |h| 7, +veto counters?) • Very Fwd Objects (T1 & T2, Castor & ZDC): • Jets (up to L~ 1033cm-2 s-1: 3  |h| 7, +veto counters?) • g, e, m (fwd em calorimetry & muons: 3 |h| 7) • tracks (vx constraints & pattern recognition: 3  |h| 7) • particle ID? • Correlation with CMS Signatures (central jets, b-tags,...)

  18. Correlation with the CMS Signatures • e, g, m, t, and b-jets: • tracking: |h| < 2.5 • calorimetry with fine granularity: |h| < 2.5 • muon: |h| < 2.5 • Jets, ETmiss • calorimetry extension: |h| < 5 • High pT Objects • Higgs, SUSY,... • Precision physics (cross sections...) • energy scale: e & m 0.1%, jets 1% • absolute luminosity vs. parton-parton luminosity via • ”well known” processes such as W/Z production?

  19. Configuration of the Experiment Aim at detecting colour singlet exchange processes with the leading protons scattered at small angles with respect to the beam. b-jet Roman Pot Station at 147 / 220m Roman Pot Station at 147/220m CMS T1 CASTOR CASTOR T2 T1 T2 - b-jet Aim at measuring the: • Leading protons on both sides down to D  1‰ • - Rapidity gaps on both sides – forward activity – for |h| > 5 • Central activity in CMS

  20. To Reach the Forward Physics Goals Need: • Leading Protons • Extended Coverage of Inelastic Activity • CMS

  21. Leading Protons – Transfer Functions To be detected, the leading protons have to deviate sufficiently from the nominal LHC beams  special LHC optics & detector locations for elastically scattered protons. The proton trajectory, in the plane transverse with respect to the beam, at position s along the beam line, is given as: - the initial transverse position and scattering angle at the IP • the effective length, bx,y(s) = value of the b-function • along the beam line, b* = bx(s=0) = by(s=0) at the IP. - betatron phase advance - dispersion - magnification

  22. Leading Protons - Measurement The small-angle protons are detected within the LHC beam pipe at large distances from the IP. To facilitate detection of elastically and diffractively scattered protons, special machine optics are needed b* = 1540m (-t down to  10-3 GeV2), 18m (-t up to 10 GeV2) For hard diffraction and low-x physics, nominal – high luminosity – conditions are required  b* = 0.5m RP2 RP1 RP3 CMS 147 m 180 m 220 m RPi: Special insertion devices needed for placing the proton detectors within the beam pipe  Roman Pots IP5 CMS Interaction Point TAS Beam Absorber for secondaries between the IP and Q1 Qi Quadrupole Magnets TASA Beam Absorber for secondaries between Q1 and Q2 TASB Beam Absorber for secondaries between Q2 and Q3 DFBx Cryogenic Electrical Feed-Boxfor Arc Di Dipole Magnet i TAN Beam Absorber for neutral secondaries before Q1-Q3 BSR Synchrotron Radiation Observation System TCL Long Collimator for protecting Quadrupole Magnets

  23. Leading Proton Detection-An Example 0m 147m 180m 220m 308m 338m 420 430m D2 Q4 Q5 Q6 Q7 B8 Q8 B9 Q9 B10 Q10 B11 IP    D1    Q1-3      x = 0.02   Note the magnification x vs. z! Helsinki group: Jerry Lamsa & RO

  24. Elastic Protons For detecting the low –t elastic protons down to –t  10-3 GeV2 (scattering angles of a few mrad) need to maximise Lx(s=sRPi), Ly(s=sRPi)at each RPi, and, simultaneously, tominimise vx(s=sRPi), vy(s=sRPi)at each RPi. Aim at parallel-to-point focussing condition: vx,y = 0 in both x- and y-directions at s=220m  independence of the initial transverse position of the IP. y*  High-b* optics: b* = 1540 m IP Leff  low angular spread at IP:  large beam size at IP: (if eN = 1 mm rad) Reduce number of bunches (43 and 156) to avoid parasitic interactions downstream. LTOTEM= 1.6 x 1028 cm-2 s-1 and 2.4 x 1029 cm-2 s-1

  25. Photon - Pomeron interferencer Pomeron exchange ~ e–B|t| diffractive structure pQCD ~ |t|–8 Ldt = 1033 and 1037 cm-2 Elastic Scattering: ds/dt ds/dt (mb/GeV2) -t (GeV2)

  26. Elastic Scattering: Acceptance in -t Region |t| [GeV]2Running Scenario Coulomb region 510-4 [lower s, RP closer to beam] Interference, r meas. 510-4510-3 [as above], standard b* = 1540 m Pomeron exchange 510-3  0.1 b* = 1540 m Diffractive structure 0.1  1b* = 1540 m, 18 m Large |t| – perturb. QCD 1  10 b* = 18 m

  27. Elastic Scattering: Resolution t-resolution (2-arm measurement) f-resolution (1-arm measurement) Test collinearity of particles in the 2 arms  Background reduction.

  28. Extrapolation of Elastic Cross-Section to t = 0 Non-exponential ds/dt fitted to Slope parameter according to BSW Model see: KMRO EPJ(2001)313

  29. Soft Diffraction (highb*): Acceptance b* = 1540 m A > 95 % 85 - 95 % A < 5 % ~ 90 % of all diffractive protons are seen in the Roman Pots -assuming x = Dp/p can be measured with a resolution of ~ 5 x 10-3 .

  30. Hard Diffraction (highb*): Acceptance

  31. Extension to Inelastic Coverage To measure the colour singlet exchange, need to extend central detector coverage in the forward direction: h > 5. T1: 3.1 <h< 4.7 T2: 5.3 <h< 6.5 10.5 m T1 10.5 m T2 CASTOR ~14 m

  32. Vertex resolution R z

  33. Total pp Cross-Section • Current models predictions: 100-130mb • Aim of TOTEM: ~1% accuracy Cosmic Rays COMPETE Collaboration fits: UA5 TEVATRON LHC UA4 ISR [PRL 89 201801 (2002)] LHC:

  34. Luminosity-independent measurement of the total cross-section by using the Optical Theorem: Measurement of tot • Measure the elastic and inelastic rate with a precision better than 1%. • Extrapolate the elastic cross-section to t = 0. • Or conversely: • Extract luminosity:

  35. simulated extrapolated Acceptance single diffraction Loss at low masses detected Measurement of the Total Rate Nel + Ninel Total: 0.8 % Extrapolation of diffractive cross-section to large 1/M2 using ds/dM2 ~ 1/M2 .

  36. Accuracy of stot Total rate Nel + Ninel r = 0.12 ± 0.02 Extrapolation to t = 0

  37. Total Cross Section - TOTEM TOTEM

  38. Elastic Scattering- TOTEM TOTEM

  39. Running Scenarios + Runs atb* = 0.5 m, L = (1033  1034) cm-2 s-1 foreseen as an extension to the TOTEM program.

  40. Exclusive Production by DPE: Examples Advantage: Selection rules: JP = 0+, 2+, 4+; C = +1  reduced background, determination of quantum numbers. Good f resolution in TOTEM: determine parity: P = (-1)J+1 ds/df ~ 1  cos 2f • Need L ~ 1033 cm-2 s-1 for Higgs, i.e. a running scenario for b* = 0.5 m: • try to modify optics for enhanced dispersion, • try to move detectors closer to the beam, • install additional Roman Pots in cold LHC region at a later stage.

  41. Hard Diffraction: Leading Protons at Low b* horizontal offset = Dx ( = momentum loss) For a 2.5 mm offset of a   0.5 % proton, need dispersion  0.5 m.  Proton taggers to be located at > 250 m from the IP (i.e. in a ”cryogenic section” of the LHC). Dx y Optical function  in x and y (m) Dispersion in horizontal plane (m) x CMS

  42. Potential locations for measuring the leading protons in pp  p  X  p with MX~ O(100 GeV). Cryogenic (”cold”) region (with main dipole magnets) locations of currently planned TOTEM pots!! 420 m (308/338m) 220 m CMS Dispersion suppressor Matching section Separation dipoles Final focus

  43. The TOTEM Detector Layout 220m ~300m 420m ~2-12mm y(mm) y(mm) ~1,5-20mm ~3,5-17mm y(mm) x(mm) x(mm) x(mm) Leading diffractive protons seen at different detector locations (b* = 0.5m)

  44. Exciting new physics potential in the process: pp  p  (JPC=0++)  p • Colour singlet exchange process with exclusive priviledges • - JPC selection rule •  e+e- ILC type threshold scan for new physics! h p 10 p p Dh 5 b-jet P b - 0 b P - p b-jet p -5 Dh -10 p • Need to solve the L1 trigger issue at high luminosity (pile-up) • conditions. see: KMR EPJ(2002)

  45. CD ExHuME (MH = 120 GeV) dN/dhHiggs hHiggs

  46. Event Characteristics: ds/dt & xmin x acceptance? -t < 1 GeV2 CD PHOJET (MH = 120 GeV) CD PHOJET (MH = 120 GeV) dN/dxmin dN/dt -t (GeV2) xmin SN/dt SN/dxmin -t (GeV2) xmin  dN/dt  exp(-10t)  should detect p’s down to x  10-3

  47. CD ExHuME (MH = 120 GeV) dN/dmin min 0.0 0.001 0.002 0.003 0.004 0.005 0.006 0.007 0.008 0.009 0.010 SdN/dmin min 0.0 0.001 0.002 0.003 0.004 0.005 0.006 0.007 0.008 0.009 0.010

  48. Where do the b-jets go? xpmax 0.02 xpmin 0.002 dN/dhbmax PHOJET PHOJET ExHuME ExHuME hbmax hbmax • The b-jets are confined within h 4. • ExHuME generates more symmetric jet pairs.

  49. Leading protons: Hard CentralDiffraction • pp  p + X + p simulated using PHOJET1.12& ExHuME • Protons tracked through LHC6.2& 6.5 optics using MAD • Uncertainties included in the study: • Initial conditions at the interaction point • Conditions at detector location • Transverse vertex position (x,y = 11 m) • Beam energy spread (E = 10-4) • Beam divergence ( = 30 rad) • Position resolution of detector (x,y = 10 m) • Resolution of beam position determination (x,y = 5 m) • Off-sets at detector locations J.Lamsa, T. Maki, R.Orava, K.Osterberg...

  50. Acceptance: ExHuME vs. PHOJET 60% ExHuME 420+220m PHOJET 420+215m 38% 420m+220m ExHuME 420m ExHuME 420m+220m PHOJET 420m PHOJET 22% ExHuME 420m 12% PHOJET 420m Helsinki group: Jerry Lamsa et. al. "420+220" calculation: either both protons are detected at 420m, or both protons are detectedat 220m, or one proton is detected at 420 [220]m with the other one detected at 220 [420]m.

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