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Annual General Meeting Foundation for IT Accessibility

Annual General Meeting Foundation for IT Accessibility. 18:00 Welcome speech Mr. Joseph M. Camilleri, Chairman, KNPD 18:05 Introduction Mr. David Spiteri Gingell, Chairman, MITTS Ltd. 18:10 Presentation Mr. Joseph A. Gasan, Funding Partner and Chairman of Gasan Group 18:20 Presentation

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Annual General Meeting Foundation for IT Accessibility

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Annual General MeetingFoundation for IT Accessibility 18:00 Welcome speech Mr. Joseph M. Camilleri, Chairman, KNPD 18:05 Introduction Mr. David Spiteri Gingell, Chairman, MITTS Ltd. 18:10 Presentation Mr. Joseph A. Gasan, Funding Partner and Chairman of Gasan Group 18:20 Presentation Mr. Stanley M. Debono, Executive Coordinator, FITA and Mr. Michael Micallef, Officer in charge of ICT Accessibility Audits, FITA. 18:30 Comments Honourable Mr. Leo Brincat, Opposition’s shadow minister for Information Technology 18:40 Comments Ms. Isabelle Bonello, Head of ICT Society Secretariat, Ministry for Industry, Investment and Information Technology. 18:50 Open Discussion Disability Week Foundation for Information Technology Accessibility National Commission Disabled Persons

  2. Annual General MeetingFoundation for IT Accessibility • International Day of Disabled Persons 2006 theme • E-Accessibility • 2007 European Year theme • Equal Opporunties for All Disability Week Foundation for Information Technology Accessibility National Commission Disabled Persons

  3. Service Statistics

  4. ECDL training at MCAST

  5. ECDL training at MCAST • From January to June 2006, FITA organized two ECDL Module 3 (MS Word) course for a total of 14 students. • The course was hosted by the MCAST ICT institute in Paola. • The main tutor was provided by the Education’s Adult Training and Evening courses section. ST Microelectronics provided the support tutors.

  6. Awareness on E-Inclusion National Commission Disabled Persons

  7. Awareness on E-Inclusion • FITA developed and delivered University course credits in collaboration with the Inclusive Education Unit and Psychology department at the University of Malta. • Guest lecturers included a number of disabled persons who shared ICT experiences related to their respective impairment. • A total of 92 under-graduate students participated in these courses.

  8. Empowerment through ICT

  9. Empowerment through ICT • Through funding obtained through MIIIT, FITA created an information video on the use of ICT by individuals from the six main impairment groups (vision, hearing, mobility, intellectual, mental health/hidden). • The video is modular in format, so as to facilitate its widespread application and viewing.

  10. Nitghallem bil-Kompjuter

  11. Nitghallem bil-Kompjuter • Crimsonwing (Malta) Ltd. has provided the services of two software developers, who in collaboration with FITA have developed accessible basic literacy and numeracy software, based around the Maltese language. • Mrs. Marica Gatt from the Education Division, assisted with the source material, whilst FITA ensured the interface was made as accessible as possible.

  12. GetResults Project

  13. GetResults Project • In 2003 FITA embarked on an EU funded pilot project under the Leonardo da Vinci programme, in order to create an entrepreneurship train the trainer course. • A pilot training course attended by 15 individuals, amongst which 13 disabled persons was organized in July 2006 in order to help assess and improve the course contents and delivery methods. • Malta Enterprise, the Kordin Business Incubation Centre and Mr. Joseph A. Gasan gave direct support to this initiative.

  14. ICT classes at ACCESS

  15. ICT classes at ACCESS • The MIIIT ICT Society Secretariat helped in organizing two summer classes for disabled persons. • These evening courses were held at the ACCESS Computer Technology Learning Centre (CTLC) with the help of the education division who provided the main tutor. • A support tutor was also provided by MIIIT. These courses were based on the standard MyWeb training material and conformed to FITA ICT training policies.

  16. ICT and Disability Research

  17. ICT and Disability Research • A research study carried out by FITA between 2003 and 2005 was finalized in 2006 and is being launched during the 2006 AGM. • The data collection process was facilitated through the agreement between MIIIT and Microsoft Corporation. • The Computer Society of Malta (CSM) financed the publication of the results.

  18. PC Refurbishment

  19. PC Refurbishment • The Foundation has been selected to be a Microsoft Authorised Refurbishment Centre (MAR). • This initiative aims at introducing disabled persons to ICT and enhance their experience in this field. • This initiative is particularly important to FITA in that it is run and managed by disabled persons.

  20. Broadband Internet

  21. Broadband Internet • Onvol and Maltanet launched promotional offers for disabled persons which generated a lot of interest and were well received by customers. • These initiatives complement ongoing operations at the PC refurbishment workshop by emphasizing the importance of access to information content along with access to ICT equipment.

  22. Mobile Technology

  23. Mobile Speak Software • After assessing local demand for speech technology for mobile phones, FITA negotiated an agreement with Code Factory, Spain enabling the purchase of software licenses at a discount. • Add-ons like accessible MP3 players etc are also available through this agreement. • Financial savings are passed on directly to the end users.

  24. Work Plan 2007

  25. Workplan 2007 • Use of Assistive ICT in business (GetResults) • E-Inclusion in Education • E-Inclusion in Employment • Maltese speech synthesis • Educational gaming CD-Rom Archive • E-Inclusion across society

  26. Annual General MeetingFoundation for IT Accessibility Stanley M. Debono Michael MicallefExecutive Coordinator OIC ICT accessibility audits and ICT training (VI) The presentation is also available on the FITA website at www.knpd.org/mittsfita Disability Week Foundation for Information Technology Accessibility National Commission Disabled Persons

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