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SOLC. Student Organizational Leadership Consultants. Our mission statement.

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  1. SOLC Student Organizational Leadership Consultants

  2. Our mission statement We the members of the Student Organization Leadership Consultants (SOLC) set forth to promote and implement perr leadership skills and to use these skills to aid students, staff, and student organizations at the University of Rhode Island to effectively and efficiently achieve their desired goals through leadership and organizational development programming. We support this mission by embracing the following values: civility community, creativity, inclusion, mutual input, open communication, peer leadership, respect, self-definition, and unity.

  3. Organize Facilitate Lead

  4. Need help recruiting new members?

  5. Recruitment and Retention: How to get new members and make sure they stay • Know, Understand and Sell Your Vision •  Set Some Recruitment Goals  • Get Everyone Involved  • Word-of-mouth is the best and least expensive type of publicity you can utilize. • As a President Acknowledging those members who are doing a great job is important. • Have a sense of Community 

  6. Is one of your biggest problems communication? Here’s how you can work to improve your groups communication skills.

  7. Communication • Requires a sender, a message, and a receiver • The sender first generates a thought which can be a concept, feelings, idea, or information then is encoded which a message is sent to a receiver. • The receiver decodes or translates the words or symbols into a concept of information that he or she can understand.

  8. How to transition from one e-board to another

  9. This resource talks about techniques to use for transitioning in groups, such as a new environment or new peers. • And an example of that would be SOLC and how we have a new e-board and new members. • One way we used to transition was the retreat that was held at the beginning of the semester. • The technique we used was one conducted by Buck which he believes if you set enough time for people to sit down and get to know each other, it smooths out a transition and get to know people's strengths and weaknesses.

  10. Some Helpful Resources! http://www.communication-skills.info/interpersonal-communication-skills.shtml http://www.nwlink.com/~donclark/leader/leadcom.html http://www.shkaminski.com/Classes/Handouts/Communication%20Models.htm Recruiting New Members. (n.d.). U n i v e r s i t y o f O r e g on . Retrieved November 27, 2011, from http://leadership.uoregon.edu/upload/files/tip_sheets/recruiting_new_members.pdf http://www.cu-portland.edu/coe/thesis/documents/timfox.pdf

  11. If your group has some of these issues or other issues and wants more help dealing with them then SOLC can help! • SOLC uses these resources to plan retreats. • Your group can come to us with any issues they are having and we will research them and plan activities in response to what your organization wants.

  12. Want to book a retreat with SOLC? Please contact us at uri.solc@gmail.com!

  13. Your Retreat Beginswith our consultants designing a custom agenda suited for your group’s specific needs, requests, and future goals Endsby a request for your constructive input written on a formal survey admitted to evaluate the level of success of your program

  14. Participants in this program consistently agree: •  Groups get acquainted with one another through enjoyable activities • Direct discussions and debriefs help members openly communicate • Some topics are best addressed anonymously with effective facilitation • Available venues are excellent getaways, encourage focus and comfort • The variety of problem solving tasks are constructive and amusing • Group leaders can choose to block time and give their own presentation • Team brainstorming identifies different future goals for consideration • Being president is easier when your group functions more efficiently

  15. Thanks to everyone that participated in a retreat with SOLC this year! ALIMA AZD SEC Women’s Lacrosse SAWA SASA Look forward to seeing you again next year!

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