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Problem Statement

“AerWay No Till on Highly Erodible Lands” July 1, 2011 – June 30, 2012 Capital RC&D Council Hammond, La. Problem Statement. East Baton Rouge, East & West Feliciana, St. Helena, Livingston and Tangipahoa in Southeast La, have a large number of HEL Soils.

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Problem Statement

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  1. “AerWay No Till on Highly Erodible Lands”July 1, 2011 – June 30, 2012 Capital RC&D CouncilHammond, La.

  2. Problem Statement • East Baton Rouge, East & West Feliciana, St. Helena, Livingston and Tangipahoa in Southeast La, have a large number of HEL Soils. • There are approximately 225,000 acres in production. About 30 percent are disked in the winter for preparation of ryegrass and wheat crops.

  3. Opening Ceremony • August 30, 2011 • Kentwood CO-Op, Spring Creek CO-Op & Tri-Parish CO-Op

  4. Disking on HEL Soils • Is causing excessive soil erosion and runoff of nutrients and pesticides. • This process is leading to Water Quality problems in near by streams and lakes throughout the Florida Parishes.

  5. Objective of Project • To make available three AerWay Implements for use in the Florida Parishes through a landowners rental program.

  6. Goal • To allow landowners an opportunity to plant directly into an established sod without disking. Reducing the amount of fertilizer applied and improving water infiltration through the root zone.

  7. Benefits • Erosion control on Highly Erodible Soils and Improved Water Quality • Lower the estimated annual soil loss from as high as 10 tons per acre loss to as low as 1 ton per acre or less. • Better utilization of applied fertilizer (nutrient management)

  8. Accomplish To Date, 2003 acres of HEL soils renovated in twelve months

  9. Summary Review: • Three pieces of AerWay equipment purchased for $31,500, with a in-kind match of $116,888. • Forty two landowners rented the equipment for use on 2003 acres. • Sedimentation, Turbidity, Dissolved Oxygen, Total Dissolved Solids, Fecal Coliform and Total Suspended Solids were all listed as impairing watersheds and were addressed through this 319 rental program.

  10. Reduction Estimates • Using a 30 % NPK improvement has lead to a reduction of 60,090 units of Nitrogen, and 43,263 units of Phosphorus and Potassium • Soil Erosion using RUSLE2- has lead to a reduction of 15,623 tons of top soil per acre per year. • These estimates were achieved from changing landowner’s methods of seed bed preparation, from clean tilled to reduced tillage, reducing the amount of fertilizer applied and improving utilization by allowing moisture movement through the root zone.

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