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S-Plus 8.0 программ

S-Plus 8.0 программ. S-Plus 8.0. 1988: S-PLUS is first produced by a Seattle-based start-up company called Statistical Sciences, Inc. The founder and sole owner is R. Douglas Martin, professor of statistics at the University of Washington, Seattle.

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S-Plus 8.0 программ

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  1. S-Plus 8.0 программ

  2. S-Plus 8.0 1988: S-PLUS is first produced by a Seattle-based start-up company called Statistical Sciences, Inc. The founder and sole owner is R. Douglas Martin, professor of statistics at the University of Washington, Seattle. 1993: Statistical Sciences acquires the exclusive license to distribute S and merges with MathSoft, becoming the firm's Data Analysis Products Division (DAPD). 1995: S-PLUS 3.3 for Windows 95/NT. Matrix library, command history, Trellis graphics 1996: S-PLUS 3.4 for UNIX. Trellis graphics, nlme library, hexagonal binning, cluster methods. 1997: S-PLUS 4 for Windows. New GUI, integration with Excel, editable graphics. 1998: S-PLUS 4.5 for Windows. Scatterplot brushing, create S-PLUS graphs from within Excel & SPSS. 1998: S-PLUS is available for Linux & Solaris. 1999: S-PLUS 5 for Solaris, Linux, HP-UX, IBM AIX, SGIIrix, and DEC Alpha. S-PLUS 2000 for Windows. nlme 3.3, quality control charting, new commands for data manipulation. 2000: S-PLUS 6 for Linux/UNIX. Java-based GUI, Graphlets, survival5, missing data library, robust library.

  3. S-Plus 8.0 2001: MathSoft sells its Cambridge-based Engineering and Education Products Division (EEPD), changes name to Insightful Corporation, and moves headquarters to Seattle. This move is basically an "Undo" of the previous merger between MathSoft and Statistical Sciences, Inc. 2001: S-PLUS Analytic Server 2.0. S-PLUS 6 for Windows (Excel integration, C++ classes/libraries for connectivity, Graphlets, S version 4, missing data library, robust library). 2002: StatServer 6. Student edition of S-PLUS now free. 2003: S-PLUS 6.2 New reporting, database integration, improved Graphlets, ported to AIX, libraries for correlated data, Bayesian methods, multivariate regressions. 2004: Insightful purchases the S language from Lucent Technologies for $2 million. 2004: S+ArrayAnalyzer 2.0 released. 2005: S-PLUS 7.0 released. BigData library for working with larger-than-memory data sets, S-PLUS Workbench (Eclipse development tool). Insightful Miner 7.0 released. 2007: S-PLUS 8 released. New package system, language extensions for R package compatibility, Workbench debugger. 2008: TIBCO acquires Insightful Corporation [

  4. S-Plus 8.0

  5. S-Plus 8.0 Энэ программын File, Edit, View, Insert, Format цэснүүд нь бусад статистикийн болон MS-office-ийн программуудтай бараг адилхан үүрэг функцтэй.

  6. S-Plus 8.0 Graphics >par(mfrow=c(2,2))

  7. S-Plus 8.0/ Graphics > x <- seq(-2*pi, 2 * pi, length = 100) > y <- sin(x) > plot(x, y) > plot(x, y, col="blue")

  8. S-Plus 8.0 Graphics > par(mfrow=c(2,2)) > plot(x, y, col="blue") > plot(x, y, col="red") > plot(x, y, col="green") > plot(x, y, col="yellow")

  9. S-Plus 8.0 Graphics > lines(x,y2, col="red") > plot(x,y,col="red") > lines(x,y2, col="blue")

  10. S-Plus 8.0 Graphics

  11. S-Plus 8.0 Graphics

  12. S-Plus 8.0 Graphics

  13. S-Plus 8.0 Graphics

  14. S-Plus 8.0 / Summary Statistics Хэмжигдэхүүнүүдийн статистик тоон үзүүлэлтүүдийг олох Тухайлбал: Дундаж, мод, медиан, дисперси,... Мөн түүнчлэн корреляци хамаарлыг тодорхойлж болно.

  15. S-Plus 8.0 / Compare Samples

  16. S-Plus 8.0 / Summary Statistics

  17. Сүүлийн 150 жилийнтемпературынбүртгэл

  18. Судалгаа(Улаанбаатар хотын Тахилт станцын агаарын үнэмлэхүй их температур /*С/)

  19. Судалгаа(Улаанбаатар хотын Тахилт станцын агаарын үнэмлэхүй их температур /*С/)

  20. Судалгаа(Улаанбаатар хотын Тахилт станцын агаарын үнэмлэхүй их температур /*С/)

  21. > attach(climate)> boxplot(climate)

  22. Хэлбэрийн параметрийг Пикандсын үнэлэлтээр үнэлье Харгалзах нормчлогч тогтмолуудыг

  23. Хэлбэрийн параметрийг Hill үнэлэлтээр үнэлье > Climate > module(finmetrics) > hill(climate)

  24. ÅðºíõèéýêñòðåìòàðõàëòûíñóäàëãààÅðºíõèéýêñòðåìòàðõàëòûíñóäàëãàà -0.44 10.0091 3.8562 > gev(climate) Generalized Extreme Value Distribution Fit -- 100 blocks of maxima data ML estimation converged. Log-likelihood value: -269.2 Parameter Estimates, Standard Errors and t-ratios: Value Std.Error t value xi -0.4400 0.1124 -3.9136 sigma 3.8562 0.3763 10.2475 mu 10.0091 0.4542 -8.2220

  25. Åðºíõèé ýêñòðåì òàðõàëòûí ñóäàëãàà 0.063 10.0795 2.3414

  26. Àíõààðàë òàâüñàíä áàÿðëàëàà

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