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Introduction to Livestock and Irrigation Value chains for Ethiopian Smallholders (LIVES) Project

Introduction to Livestock and Irrigation Value chains for Ethiopian Smallholders (LIVES) Project. Azage Tegegne LIVES Research Planning Workshop March 26-28 , 2013. LIVES Project.

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Introduction to Livestock and Irrigation Value chains for Ethiopian Smallholders (LIVES) Project

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  1. Introduction to Livestock and Irrigation Value chains for Ethiopian Smallholders (LIVES) Project Azage Tegegne LIVES Research Planning Workshop March 26-28, 2013

  2. LIVES Project • An ILRI research for development project implemented with IWMI, MoA and EIAR in partnership with Amhara, Tigray, Oromia and SNNP Regional States • Supported for 6 years by a our development partner – Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) • Focuses on challenging high value, market-oriented livestock and irrigated crop Commodities

  3. WHY LIVES? • In line with GoE – GTP aim of transforming subsistence to more market oriented small holder agriculture. • Potential for scaling out of piloted innovative approaches and interventions in large scale development project (HABP, AGP, LMDP, SLM) • As seen in GTP and from the lesson learned by ILRI/IPMS and IWMI, livestock and irrigated agriculture are high value commodities with huge potential and promise to transform smallholders from subsistence to market-orientation

  4. Goal and Ultimate outcome Goal • To contribute to environmentally sustainable, enhanced income and gender equitable wealth creation for smallholders and other value chains actors through increased and sustained market-off-take of high value livestock and irrigated crop commodities. Ultimate Outcome • Increased economic well-being for male and female smallholder producers in 30 districts in 10 target Zones in Amhara, Oromia, Tigray, and SNNPR through the development of livestock and irrigated value chains

  5. LIVES Project Zones

  6. Intermediate Outcomes • Increased use of improved knowledge and capacity by male and female livestock and irrigated agriculture value chain actors and service providers to develop gender sensitive and environmentally friendly sustainable market-oriented livestock and irrigated value chains. • Increased adoption of gender sensitive and environmentally sustainable market-oriented value chain interventions by male and female livestock and irrigated agriculture value chain actors and service providers.

  7. LIVES Objectives • Introduction/adaptation of tested and new value chain interventions for targeted value chains/areas (value chain development) • Capacity development of value chain actors, service providers and educational institutions (capacity development) • Introduction/adaptation of tested and new knowledge management interventions in support of value chain development (knowledge management) • Generation and documentation of new knowledge on value chain interventions through diagnosis, action and impact research studies (action research) • Promotion of knowledge generated for scaling out beyond the project areas (promotion for scaling out)

  8. Project Focus Commodities: • Livestock (dairy, beef, sheep and goats, poultry, apiculture) and high value irrigated crops (vegetables, fruits, fodder) Geographical: • Ten (10) zones with clusters of Districts producing selected commodities

  9. Commodities by Zone

  10. Value Chain Development Long VC Fed/Reg AG - Agribusiness F - Farmer Short VC District D2 D3 D1 D1 IPMS LIVES

  11. What are the possible interventions? • Technological:eg. seeds, animal genetics, drugs, fertilizers, pumps, e-readers, computers • Organizational:eg. organizational forms (public, private, individual, cooperative, government, PLCs) • Institutional:eg. rules & regulations, behavior, linkages

  12. Capacity Development Strengthening capacity public sector staff through MSc/BSc education In service training based on TOT/BDS approach: regional – zone/district (eg) • Rapid value chain assessment to identify potential interventions -teams • Participatory market oriented extension – extension staff • Gender mainstreaming – extension staff • Knowledge management – extension staff • Results based monitoring – specialist staff • Irrigation technologies – specialist staff • Irrigated crop value chain development – specialist staff • Livestock value chain development – specialist staff

  13. Knowledge Management Federal level • Strengthening EAP • National learning events/conferences • Video production • e-extension Regional/zonal/District level • Knowledge center development • Learning events/conferences/workshops • Study tours • Exhibitions • Field days • New IT technologies

  14. ResearchLIVES Rapid assessment of value chains and public support services Learning Learning Diagnosis Action Impact RESEARCH/STUDIES

  15. Promotion for scaling up • Facilitate project visits by key policy makers and donors • Participation in government/non- government national, regional learning platforms, conferences and workshops • Use of mass media • Publications • Newsletters • Promotional materials • Leveraging new investment into value chain development.

  16. Direct value chain beneficiaries -LIVES Input Producer/ Supplier Output Producer Trader/ Processor • POLICY Research Education Public Support Services

  17. Indirect beneficiaries • Producers and service providers in AGP, HABP, PSNP programs through (joint) capacity development, field visits, learning events. • Producers and service providers in adjoining districts which form part of natural clusters – milk shed, irrigation schemes and watersheds through learning events, capacity development and field visits.

  18. Gender in VC development • Greater involvement of women (female headed HH, married women) in value chain development • Involvement in capacity development and knowledge management activities • Targeting women for commodities and specific vc interventions • Use of women friendly technologies (modern hives, mechanized/conservation tillage) • Women involvement in cooperative structure and water user groups

  19. Environment in VC development • Integrated in knowledge capacity development and knowledge management interventions • Assessment of environmental impact and mitigating measures and synergies – highlighted in livestock and crop value chain interventions

  20. Project Management • Coordinating Team – (MoA, EIAR, LIVES, IWMI) • Steering Committee – (MoA, MoWE, EIAR, BoA, BoWE, LA, LIVES, IWMI, CIDA) • Regional Project Implementation Committee (RPIC) • Project staffing – HQ, Regional, Zonal • Counterpart staff at Federal, Regional and Zonal

  21. Partnerships MoA EIAR MoWE RARIs Livestock Agencies Univ LIVES BoWE CGIAR Dev’t Projects CIDA Private Sector Farmers, Coops, CBOs

  22. www.lives-ethiopia.org

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