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Community Language Learning: From Three Different Perspectives

Community Language Learning: From Three Different Perspectives. Emine Ç akir S ü rmeli and Julien Boast School of Oriental and African Studies. School of Oriental & African Studies… has more than 4600 students from 130+ countries

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Community Language Learning: From Three Different Perspectives

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  1. Community Language Learning: From Three Different Perspectives Emine Çakir Sürmeli and Julien Boast School of Oriental and African Studies

  2. School of Oriental & African Studies… has more than 4600 students from 130+ countries has more than 350 degree combinations available in social sciences, arts, humanities and languages, all with a distinctive regional focus offers an unparalleled range of African and Asian languages has the largest concentration of specialist staff (300+ academics) concerned with the study of Africa, Asia, and the Middle East, at any university in Europe

  3. Organisational Perspective

  4. Planning • Widening Participation • Capital L • Department of the Languages and Cultures of the Near and Middle East

  5. Aims To develop Turkish written skills “typically community language learners have a degree of oral fluency when they first begin formal study of the language, but lack literacy skills” – Professor Itesh Sachdev, “Community Languages in Higher Education”

  6. Aims (continued) To raise the profile of community languages “among linguistic communities themselves, so that learners place greater value on their existing expertise and on the socio-cognitive benefits to be gained from maintaining and developing their languages, become more aware of the potential uses to which their languages could be put and more committed to enhancing their language skills” – Professor Itesh Sachdev, “Community Languages in Higher Education”

  7. Aims (continued) To explore political, cultural and historical topics related to Turkish To raise aspiration

  8. Proposed Programme

  9. Key points Active physical movement every day Ensure lecturers are adequately briefed, and insist on group work with Student Ambassadors ‘Double up’ on Ambassadors, and ensure each group has a Turkish speaking Ambassador Liaise closer with schools in terms of numbers attending

  10. Teaching and learning perspective

  11. Planning the teaching Preparation: 4 days - 7 hours 13-15 year old students L/S  R/W  1st day

  12. Activities Writing notes on the fridge Listening to a song/ gap filling Reading a paragraph & writing cool life mottos Picture story & writing a paragraph Reading texts and discussion Assignment

  13. Ali’s Day

  14. Ali Ayşe’yi seviyor

  15. Student Perspective

  16. EvaluationsDid either / both parents / guardians attend Higher Education?

  17. What you gained from attending

  18. Do you think you will go to university or other HE in future?

  19. Comments “My Turkish has improved dramatically” “I really liked it because I learned new stuff” “I really found my Ambassador helpful” “It cannot be improved because it was great” [from students] “It is difficult to get pupils motivated, so this was done well” “Just having a focus for Turkish pupils / young people [is a benefit]” “[Pupils gained] An added knowledge of their culture and language, increased awareness of the ability to study Turkish language and also a general added confidence in their written Turkish” [from schoolteachers]

  20. And finally… SOAS üniversite’de geçirdiğimiz süre çok değerliydi bizim için. Yeni arkadaşlarla tanısdık Türkiyenin her yerinden ve hepsi birbirinden güzel kişiliklere sahipti. Orda geçirdiğimiz sürede bize üniversiteli gibi davrandılar ve bu çok hosumuza gitti çünkü üniversiteli olmakla ilgili çok sey öğrendik. Ayrıca, gördüğümüz dersler, Türkce dili, Türkiye tarihi, Türkiye politikasi ve Türk müzikleriydi. Her dersten ayrı birşey öğrendik ve eğlendik, geleceğimiz için çok güzel bir deneyim oldu.

  21. “The time that we spent in SOAS University was very special for us. We made new friends from all parts of Turkey and they all had very nice personalities. During the time we spent in university we were treated like university students which we appreciated because we learnt a lot about what life is like in university. In addition, the lessons we had were Turkish language, Turkish history, Turkish politics and Turkish music. We enjoyed it and learnt a lot in every lesson we had. It was a good experience for our future.”

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