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Children’s Sermon - Our Sins on the Cross

Pins which at first hold the memory of our sins which Jesus died for, are then used to hold decorations for celebration of Easter's message of forgiveness.

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Children’s Sermon - Our Sins on the Cross

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  1. www.CreativeYouthIdeas.com Children’s Sermon - Our Sins on the Cross Pins which at first hold the memory of our sins which Jesus died for, are then used to hold decorations for celebration of Easter's message of forgiveness. www.CreativeEasterIdeas.com

  2. www.CreativeYouthIdeas.com • Using a large bulletin board, place pins strategically to outline a cross. • Wind a piece of string around the pins to create the form of the cross. • Cut small pieces of black or brown construction paper. • Explain to the children that Jesus died for our sins – things we do but know we shouldn’t do. www.CreativeEasterIdeas.com

  3. www.CreativeYouthIdeas.com • Talk about the things we do that are wrong – sinful. • (e.g. lies, taking something that doesn’t belong to us, hitting someone, talking bad about someone, etc) Let everyone write their sins on the small dark pieces of construction paper (one sin per piece) and pin it within the outline of the cross. • Encourage everyone to add more of these pieces as they reflect on their sin, and when new sins are remembered. www.CreativeEasterIdeas.com

  4. www.CreativeYouthIdeas.com Take off the sin papers, leaving the pins in place. These pins hold the memory of our sins which Jesus died for, and will now be used to hold decorations. www.CreativeEasterIdeas.com

  5. www.CreativeYouthIdeas.com Create flowers out of construction paper and pin them on the cross with the same pins. An artificial vine with flowers could also be wound around the pins to create the triumphant cross. www.CreativeEasterIdeas.com

  6. www.CreativeYouthIdeas.com The sin papers are then burned by the Easter fire: a white candle symbolizing the new beginning we have in Christ. www.CreativeEasterIdeas.com

  7. www.CreativeYouthIdeas.com VariationInstead of construction paper, use pieces of “flash paper” available from a local magician’s shop. When touched to a flame “flash” paper vaporizes in a flash of fire and leaves nothing behind. Warning: Have a teacher touch the papers to a flame and quickly let go to avoid getting burnt. www.CreativeEasterIdeas.com

  8. www.CreativeYouthIdeas.com Easter CollectionGames and Activities in celebration of Easter. Get more than 80 creative ideas for planning a Youth Easter celebration or Easter Party. You can immediately download my best Easter Icebreakers, games, illustrations, Easter activity ideas AND MUCH MORE in a useful ebook! => Tell me more about the Easter Collection www.CreativeEasterIdeas.com

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