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Developing Tests for Departmental Assessment

Developing Tests for Departmental Assessment. Deborah Moore, Assessment Specialist Institutional Research, Planning, & Effectiveness University of Kentucky. Session Overview. Steps in Test Development and Test Administration Process for Evaluating Test and Items Common Difficulties

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Developing Tests for Departmental Assessment

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  1. Developing Tests for Departmental Assessment Deborah Moore, Assessment Specialist Institutional Research, Planning, & Effectiveness University of Kentucky

  2. Session Overview • Steps in Test Development and Test Administration • Process for Evaluating Test and Items • Common Difficulties • Strategies for Analysis and Reports

  3. Improve Student Learning

  4. Exercise 1 (10 minutes) Under What Conditions Do You Give a Test? • How do you decide you are going to give a test? • What do you do to develop a new test? • How do you decide what types of item formats to use? • How do you develop items? • How long does it take to put the test together?

  5. Using a Test for Classroom Assessment • Generally, instructors develop their own classroom tests, making all decisions about when and how to construct, administer, score, and report results of tests. • Construction is often done without formality or documentation. • The most frequent use of tests by instructors is to assign grades related to individual student learning.

  6. A Test Is a Good Choice When… • the student must demonstrate acquisition of knowledge or ability to process and use knowledge • the student's knowledge about a wide range of content is to be evaluated (e.g., survey and capstone courses) • multiple observations of the content-related knowledge are needed (e.g., math and foreign languages) • more resources are available for constructing the test than for scoring and reporting • a large group is being assessed

  7. Using a Test for Departmental Assessment • Planning, implementing, and using results become a group effort – a shared set of decisions and responsibilities. Consensus is emphasized. • Additional planning time, communication, and record keeping will be needed. • When used for program assessment, test performance is generally used along with other information to describe group achievement and is independent of grading.

  8. Advantages of Selected-Response Item Formats • Better content coverage • Higher reliability • Greater efficiency • Objectivity • Mechanical scoring

  9. Test Development Process • Define purpose/use • Outline curriculum & consult goals/objectives • Create test plan (aka blueprint or specifications) • Create a pool of items • Critique and revise items • Pilot/field test (e.g. item analysis, reliability/validity studies) • Set guidelines for test administration, scoring procedures, interpretation of scores (e.g. develop norm tables and standard setting procedures)

  10. Exercise 2 (10 minutes) Review a Sample Departmental Packet • What role does the exam play in the assessment plan for this department? • What type of item formats should be used on the comprehensive exam?

  11. Objectives 4 1 2 5 3 6

  12. Test Blueprint (Content X Objective)

  13. Test Plan (Items Within Cells)

  14. Administrative Approaches • Common exams • Course-embedded testing • Assessment Center/Assessment Days

  15. Research Curriculum Real life Professional development materials & textbooks Own final exam files Comprehensive exams from other universities Retired test/item banks Sources for Items

  16. Common Difficulties with Test Quality • Push for higher order thinking often weak • Insufficient consensus on test plan/blueprint • Discomfort with various item-writing approaches (writer’s block) • Insufficient editing • Little or no piloting of items

  17. Critiquing Items • Match with test plan • Item value • Item quality

  18. Typical Item Review Questions • Has each item received a quality appraisal? • Has each item’s content been verified? • Has each item been classified? • Has the key been identified? • Have you edited the items? • Have items been checked for bias/insensitivity? • Have you field tested the items?

  19. Planning A Departmental Test • Develop test • Plan administration • Analyses test data • Report and use results • Agree on leadership/support roles

  20. Exercise 3 (30 minutes) Developing a Planning Checklist • Review the headings of the checklist form • List additional headings needed • List activities that need to be completed under the various headings • Add a number to the activities to represent the order of completion

  21. Analyses • Examine quality of your assessment tools and procedures • Describe the test results • By test plan features • By meaningful subgroups • Combine with other datasets • Execute and summarize planned comparisons linked to research design

  22. Reports • Determine stakeholders/constituents • Identify specific interest • Create a timeline and share • Include a vetting procedure

  23. Testing in the Future • Computer based testing • Adaptive (CAT) • Self-Adaptive (SAT) • Computer assisted item generation • Automated essay scoring

  24. Thank you for your attention. • Deborah Moore, Assessment Specialist • 101B Alumni GymOffice of Institutional Research, Planning, & Effectiveness • dlmoor2@email.uky.edu • 859/257-7086 • http://www.uky.edu/LexCampus/

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