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**1. Why was the Toleration Act of 1649 significant to America’s development?

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**1. Why was the Toleration Act of 1649 significant to America’s development?

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  1. Chapter Three ReviewThe English Colony Edition(2013)AP Students you are responsible for all the slides.**Regular Program Students you are only responsible for the questions with a **(70 questions). Be sure to study all those questions and the short answer and prepare your Open Response in advance!!!!

  2. **1. Why was the Toleration Act of 1649 significant to America’s development? A. It proved that conflicts over beliefs about God can be solved once-and-for-all by human beings. B. It provided an example of how a representative democracy can pass laws in a fair and just manner. C. It symbolized the American value of protecting the freedom of individuals and minority groups. D. It stopped all conflicts between Catholics and Protestants and united them as American patriots.

  3. C. It symbolized the American value of protecting the freedom of individuals and minority groups.

  4. **2. Why did the population of Jamestown plummet between 1609 and the spring of 1610? A. Infertile soil caused many settlers to seek better farmland in the middle colonies. B. A combination of famine, disease, and a harsh winter killed many in the colony. C. The London Company closed the settlement because it wasn’t making a profit. D. The Algonquian Indians attacked and burned down much of the colony.

  5. B. A combination of famine, disease, and a harsh winter killed many in the colony.

  6. **3. Which was a factor in the Virginia colonists’ decision to use slave labor? a. They could purchase more land if they put more slaves to work. b. The cost of purchasing slaves had fallen dramatically. c. There had not been a significant slave rebellion in the northern colonies. d. There were not enough indentured servants to meet the high demand for workers.

  7. d. There were not enough indentured servants to meet the high demand for workers.

  8. **4. The Mayflower Compact could best be described as a. a detailed list of reasons why the Pilgrims left England for the United States. b. a trade contract between Great Britain and merchants in the Virginia colony. c. an early attempt at self-government in the English colonies. d. a basic agreement requiring colonists to obey Virginia law.

  9. c. an early attempt at self-government in the English colonies.

  10. **5. Which statement is TRUE of the Southern colonies in the late 1600s? a. The important cash crops were tobacco, rice, and indigo. b. African servants lived separately from white indentured servants. c. Skilled craftspeople were essential to the economy. d. There were many large factories and industries on the farms of the South

  11. a. The important cash crops were tobacco, rice, and indigo.

  12. **6. How were the middle colonies different from the northern and southern colonies? a. Generous land grants and religious tolerance brought people to the middle colonies. b. Many of the colonists were there for the fur trading business c. There were a lot of minerals in the ground for use by jewelers d. Most colonists there suffered religious persecution.

  13. a. Generous land grants and religious tolerance brought people to the middle colonies.

  14. **7. In large part, who filled the growing labor needs of the economy of the middle colonies? a. Slaves b. Apprentices c. Indentured servants d. Skilled craftsmen

  15. c. Indentured servants

  16. **8. What product was so valuable in the South, that it was sometimes used as money? a. Corn b. Wheat c. Tobacco d. Rice

  17. c. Tobacco

  18. **9. What was the objective of the English Bill of Rights? a. to limit the power of the English Parliament b. to reduce the power of the English Monarch c. to end the taxation of colonies without their consent d. to require colonists to trade only with England

  19. b. to reduce the power of the English Monarch

  20. **10.What was the Great Awakening? a. a movement of thinkers who believed in the idea that reason and logic could improve social and political life b. the migration of thousands of English people to the New England colonies and the Caribbean islands c. the series of witchcraft trials in which groups of young girls accused church ministers of casting spells d. a religious movement that swept through the colonies and changed colonial religion, society, and politics

  21. d. a religious movement that swept through the colonies and changed colonial religion, society, and politics

  22. **11. From the late 1600s to the early 1700s, colonists did all of the following to undermine British restrictions on trade, EXCEPT a. complain to representatives of the Crown. b. smuggle sugar, molasses, and rum into the colonies. c. trade with plantation owners in the West Indies. d. charge taxes on goods exported to England.

  23. d. charge taxes on goods exported to England.

  24. **12. What was the turning point of the French and Indian War? a. British victory at Quebec b. Colonial victory at Toronto c. French victory at New Orleans d. Spanish victory at New York

  25. a. British victory at Quebec

  26. **13. What was the purpose of the series of Navigation Acts passed by Parliament between 1650 and 1696? a. to require colonists to do their trading only with England b. to establish duties, or taxes, on items exported to the colonies c. to benefit the colonists by promoting a spirit of free trade d. to give England freedom to buy and sell goods in any market

  27. a. to require colonists to do their trading only with England

  28. **14. Which of the following colonies was established as a debtor’s colony? a. Georgia b. Virginia c. Rhode Island d. Delaware

  29. a. Georgia

  30. **15. Which of the following churches did the Puritans want to purify or reform? a. Catholic Church b. Anglican Church c. Mormon Church d. Presbyterian Church

  31. b. Anglican Church

  32. **16. The first attempt at an English colony on the North American continent was at ? a. Massachusetts Bay b. Roanoke c. Plymouth d. Chesapeake Bay

  33. b. Roanoke

  34. **17. Why were joint-stock companies a good way of financing new colonies in North America? a. This type of financing guaranteed that the colony would be a success and make a profit for the investors. b. Groups of people invested in the new colonies reducing the amount of loss if the colony did not make it, but also reducing the profit if the colony brings in a lot of income c. The investors never had to worry about losing their investment. d. All of these choices

  35. b. Groups of people invested in the new colonies reducing the amount of loss if the colony did not make it, but also reducing the profit if the colony brings in a lot of income

  36. **18. Families in New England often sent their young sons off to learn skilled trades such as printing, shipbuilding, weaving, blacksmithing, etc. from experienced workers. Which of the following is what these young men were known as? a. Novices b. Journeymen c. Apprentices d. Craftsmen

  37. c. Apprentices

  38. **19. Which of the following was the colony that was founded as a religious refuge for Quakers? a. Maryland b. Plymouth c. Pennsylvania d. Rhode Island

  39. c. Pennsylvania

  40. **20. The group in Massachusetts that was most like the Virginia House of Burgesses was called the a. Virginia Company of Plymouth b. New England Way c. Massachusetts Bay Company d. General Court

  41. d. General Court

  42. **21.Who brought the first enslaved Africans to Virginia in 1619? a. the French b. the English c. the Germans d. the Dutch

  43. d. the Dutch

  44. **22. What was a person called that signed a contract to work four to seven for someone, in return for a free journey to the Americas? a. a slave b. a plantationeer c. an indentured servant d. an encomienda

  45. c. an indentured servant

  46. **23. In order to provide law and order in their colony, the Pilgrims signed an agreement known as the a. Fundamental Orders of Connecticut b. House of Burgesses c. Mayflower Compact d. Magna Carta

  47. c. Mayflower Compact

  48. **24. The Toleration Act of 1649 made it a crime to restrict the religious freedom of a. Slaves b. Christians c. Muslims d. Indentured servants

  49. b. Christians

  50. **25. A person who leaves a country they were born in to move to another country is a. an alien b. a smuggler c. an intruder d. an immigrant

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