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Outer Harbour Dragon Boat Club Safety & Practice Info

Outer Harbour Dragon Boat Club Safety & Practice Info. Table of Contents. OHDBC Safety Procedures & Policies (house rules set forth by OHDBC and other important information)

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Outer Harbour Dragon Boat Club Safety & Practice Info

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  1. Outer Harbour Dragon Boat ClubSafety & Practice Info

  2. Table of Contents • OHDBC Safety Procedures & Policies (house rules set forth by OHDBC and other important information) • RDB Practice Procedures (specific boat scheduled practice times, how we deal with lateness, in case of emergency etc.) • RDB Membership Rules & Policies (the expectation of members - commitment, attitude, rules and regulations set forth by the University and RDB including waiver and membership agreement)  • Race Day Procedures (the expectation of members on race day - how we deal with lateness, attitude, emergency call ups and etc) • Membership Cost • Rental Equipment will be handed out to members

  3. Outer Harbour Map Click Here to See Map

  4. OHDBC Safety Protocols Paddler Responsibilities • PFDs: Must be worn at all times • Buddy System: Recognize the paddler next to you; stay with them if your boat capsizes Emergency Procedures • Boat Capsizes/swamped: • Locate and stay with your buddy • Stay near the boat; do not swim to shore

  5. Medical Emergency • 10 CPR certified paddlers on the team • Ambulances should be directed to the Outer Harbour Marina Driveway, off Unwin Street • Depending on crew’s location, paramedics can also be directed to Bayside Rowing Club off Unwin Street (west of OHDBC practice facility)

  6. Why is Wearing A PFD So Important? • Canadian Coast Guard (CG) conducts checks • PFDs must to Canadian Coast Guard approved • If boat capsizes, you need to swim around the boat • With a PFD, you can float • PFDs…can save lives especially if you can’t swim

  7. Inflatable PFDs • Inflatable PFDs have not been approved by the Canadian Coast Guard (there are no regulations at the moment) • Some regattas forbid the usage of Inflatable PFDs • RDB prefers non-inflatables PFDs • If you use these, it is at your own risk and it must be visible at all times (in case there are CG checks) • DO NOT use if you CANNOT swim or if you are not a strong swimmer

  8. RDB Policies & Procedures • All members will adhere to the rules and policies set fourth by Ryerson University, the Department of Athletics and Recreation, and the Ryerson Dragon Boat Club. • Each member has already signed a club policy (Ryerson 2012-13 Waiver) which outlined all required rules and expectations and they have agreed to adhere to policies and rules that are set fourth by the club.

  9. Membership Fees Breakdown • Payment Policy- All members are required to pay their Summer Fees at the RAC (front desk) and fees can be paid starting on Monday April 15th.- The last day to pay the Summer Fees will be on Thursday, May 2nd (before the RAC closes at 10:30 pm).- If you are unable to pay by the deadline due to unexpected circumstances, please contact info@ryedboat.ca as soon as possible.  Once again, Text and Facebook message will not be accepted. - I will stress to all members that it is your responsibility to pay on time and not management's.  "I forgot", "I was busy", and "I got there too late" simply is not an acceptable excuse.  There is a 17 day window opportunity to pay so there is really no reason why you cannot make the payment OR make prior arrangements with management regarding your inability to pay within that 7 day window.- Members will be cut from the team if they do not make the payment deadline.  - THIS IS FIRM AND ABSOLUTELY NO EXCEPTIONS

  10. Membership Fees (cont’d) • Fees- All members are require to pay $230 to the RAC (Cash, Credit, Debit) before April 27th; after April 28th until May 2nd, the fee is increased to $250. • Rental Fees- Rental equipment contains a paddle and/or PFD as per request from the paddler • Rental fee for a PFD is $30 • Rental fee for a paddle is $20 • OR for a combo it is $40 for both paddle and PFD • Please bring $100 deposit (for each item) to Ryerson Dragon Boat Club upon picking up your equipment along with the rental fees. • Pick Up Schedule will be emailed by Chetan Singh & Nick Fan. • Once the equipment is returned in satisfactory order, the deposit will be returned to the paddler at the end of the season.If management deem the condition of the equipment is less than ideal, then a partial or full amount of the $100 will be charged to the member.

  11. RDB Policies & Procedures Overview… • There are a total of 6Saturday practices before Toronto Island and therefore the attendance of the Saturday sessions are of the utmost importance.  The following rules will be implemented in ensure we get the best possible results for our members and the team.  In essences, we need to address attendance issues right away and not drag this on. 

  12. RDB Policies & Procedures Saturday Sessions • Miss Saturday May 4 &11 practices and the member will be cut from the team.  The regatta fees will be refunded back to the member. Member will be required to turn in their jerseys (cost of the jersey will be refunded).- Miss 1 of 2 Saturday practices in June and the member will be subjected to becoming a substitute for the Toronto Island race.  However, the coach of the boat will have the final say.- Members who has already indicated they are going to missed either one of the Saturdays will be safe as they have done their due diligence to notify us of their absence.  - Members who participates in a "No Show" for ANY of the Saturday practices will automatically be cut from the team. The regatta fees will NOT be refunded back to the member. Member will be required to turn in their jerseys (cost of jersey will be refunded).

  13. RDB Policies & Procedures Rule Reasoning to Note: • Mandatory Saturday practices has been indicated and stressed to the members since October. • The purpose of this rule is to prevent "no shows" and it stops members who are not committed to training from slowing down the progression of others. • Essentially each member is allow to miss 1 Saturday practice per month and any No Shows is an automatic cut.  • Obviously we treat each situation on a case by case basic... but the rule really applies to people who don't feel like getting out of bed, slept in, or so hung over or simply, “didn’t feel like showing up”.

  14. Practice Times Weekend Practice Schedule • Saturday Practice is MANDATORY for all boats • Boat 1 & 2 will load the boat at 8:45AM to 9:45AM • Show up at 8:15AM for warm up • Boat 3 & 4 will load the boat at 10:00AM to 11:00AM • Show up at 9:30AM for warm up • Boat 5 will load the boat at 11:15AM to 12:45PM - 1:15PM • Show up at 10:45AM for warm up • Boat 5 will practice between 1.5-2 hours depending on progress • Warm up begins half an hour prior to the start of practice. Be on time. • Expect practice to end 30 mins after getting of the boat. (Cool down, debrief, and team updates)

  15. Practice Times (Cont’d) Weekday Sessions Applies to Boat 1 & 2 Members Only (as required to attend the Mandatory Weekday training sessions) • Members of Boats 1 & 2 are required to attend weekday practices.  The onus will be on the coach to implemented and apply the appropriate disciplinary action. • In event of an emergency, you are asked to notify the coaching staff at the earliest convenience so lineups and seat allocation can be modified.

  16. Practice Times (Cont’d) • Weekday Sessions • Applies to Boat 3 & 4 Members Only • Weekday sessions are optional but encouraged • Members are still asked to notify their absences so their empty spot can be filled to ensure a full boat • Applies to Boat 5 Members Only • If you wish to attend a weekday practices, sign ups are first available for boats 3 to 4 only, any empty seats (up to 24 hours prior to the start of practice) are up for grabs

  17. Practice Times • Weekday Practice Schedule- Boat 1+2 will be practicing together during the weekday sessions on the same boat. - Boats 3+4 will be practicing together during the weekday sessions on the same boat. - Boat 5 will fill out any empty seats on the Boat 3 + 4 practice. - You are only allow to sign up for either the Monday or the Thursday - not both.- 10 slots are available per Boat per slot (ie. 10 people from Boat 1 will practice on Monday, the other 10 will practice on Thursday). - The club will do its best to place you in the day of your choice, however you may be asked to practice in a different day due to scheduling conflicts. Boat 1 + 2Monday: 6:15 - 7:30 (Mandatory) – orThursday: 6:15 – 7:30 (Mandatory) *Warm Up at 5:45PM Boat 3 + 4Monday: 7:30-8:30 (Optional)orThursday: 7:30-8:30 (Optional)  *Warm Up at 7PM

  18. Practice Times (Cont’d) • Weekday Sessions • Weekday sessions will be a sign up process via Google Doc • This is the Google Doc Link: • https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AhHFbYm1h4jBdENISENubG9ZWXZ1WWtHbWJIVzJPTmc#gid=0 • Lisa will be posting this Google Doc via Facebook (if you do not have Facebook, please inform Lisa) • Sign ups will be opened every Saturday evening for the new week of practices

  19. Practice Times (Cont’d) • Weekday Sessions • For Boats 1 & 2: • Weekday Practices will be on Mondays & Thursdays • Boat 1 & 2 will be warming up at 5:45PM • Boat loading happens at 6:15PM • Boat 3 & 4 will be warming up at 7:00PM • Boat loading happens at 7:30PM

  20. RDB Policies & Procedures On Race Day • All members are required to arrive on-time at the specific time frame indicated by the coaching staff. • Failure to arrive at the specific time frame without a valid reason (proof will be required), the paddler will be subjected to an automatic substitution or they will not be allow to race for the duration of the regatta. • If no substitute paddlers are available on hand, the boat will race with the current roster given and the seat will be left empty. • Paddlers who commit a No Show for regatta is automatically cut from the team and a refund of their membership will not apply. • All members are required to wear the designated 2013 Ryerson Dragon Boat Uniform during a race. If a member forgets their jersey, it will be their responsibility to borrow a jersey from another team member. No paddler will be permitted to paddle without the official jersey. Previous year’s uniform will not be permitted. • Jerseys must be worn for all photos deem as “team pictures”. The “team pictures” will be used for promotion and marketing purposes and thus, the uniform must be present. You will be notified in advance if the photo being taken will be used for official purposes.

  21. RDB Policies & Procedures Before a Race (also known as Marshalling time) • Paddlers who fail to arrive on time to warm up can potentially be subjected to a substitution. • Paddlers who fail to arrive at marshalling will not be permitted to race. The crew will either use a substitute paddler, or race with an empty seat. • It is the paddler’s responsibly that s/he is ready before a start of a race. That means it is the paddler’s responsibility to know when to head back to base camp, when not to over eat, stay hydrated and etc. • It is the paddler’s responsibility to know where s/he has left their equipment last. • It is the paddler’s responsibility to listen carefully and remember their position (line up) within the boat.

  22. Toronto Island Regatta- UPDATE • All members, including their families and friends are asked to arrive at the Toronto Island Ferry Docks by 7:00 am on Sunday, June 23, 2013. • The entire Ryerson University contingent will be boarding the ferry together and arriving to the race sit as a group. • RDB members are required to be in uniform prior to boarding. • Friends and family will be provided with Ryerson University and Ryerson Athletics swag. • Invitation has been sent out to President, Athletic Director, Faculty Deans, Eggy the Ram and other managerial staff to attend the Sunday finals.

  23. Where is Outer Harbour? 480 Unwin Avenue at Leslie Street and Lakeshore Avenue

  24. Traffic Notifications • There is Bridge Construction along Unwin Avenue (if you are coming from the WEST side, take Commissioners then Leslie) • There has been notice that TTC may build streetcar tracks along Leslie Street during the summer (we will keep you posted)

  25. TTC Directions Option 1 • Take subway to Donlands Subway Station • Take 83 Jones bus • Get off at Commissioners St Option 2 • Take 501 Neville Park (going east) or 501 Humber/Long Branch (going west) • Walk South or Take 83 Jones bus

  26. Parking • Please park straight and adjacent to each car • Out of courtesy to fellow OHDBC users, we want to pack in as many cars as possible • Park into the grass as close as you can

  27. Where to Park

  28. Parking Tickets • If you are parked in the green area (shown on slide previously), you are parking on private property therefore the City cannot issue you a parking ticket • If you do get one, do give the ticket to the coach that night to deal with

  29. OHDBC Penalties • $200 Fine for each infractions after 1st warning • Failure to park as per their instructions • Failure to pick up garbage and keep the site in a tidy manner’ • Failure to wear PDFs while on water • This is a co-operated facility and everybody has to do their part in order to keep the fees low. One team’s irresponsibility effects everyone.

  30. What To Bring • PFD • Paddle Always bring your PFD AND Paddle OHDBCand RDB does NOT provide these items on site

  31. What To Bring (cont’d) • Change of clothes • Towel • Water, Water, Water • If possible, use a re-usable bottle for water • YES, YOU'RE SURROUNDED BY WATER BUT YOU CAN'T DRINK IT - Its Lake Ontario, need I say more? Remember we are working hard on the water, we need to stay hydrated so please bring water. • Post- practice Snacks

  32. What To Wear • This email was sent out last year when I was a recruit. Here is information you need to know: • THE WATER IS COLD - yes, yes we've had some beautiful weather these past couple of weeks. Sunshine, 20 degree weather, but the water is different. It might be warmer than last year (last year was numbingly cold) but we don't want to risk it SO I've listed some great products from MEC (Mountain Equipment Co-op) to help reduce that, • MEC Catch Neoprene Gloves (Unisex) - These ones were the team favourite last year, cause the neoprene keeps you warm!  • MEC Power Phase Paddling Gloves (Unisex) - Gives a much more snug feeling (less stretch) than the neoprene, but less warm • MEC Bubba Neoprene Slippers (Unisex) - You could wear flip-flops or shoes but these will keep you warmer :) - Note: You can also use old shoes if you don't want to buy new footwear. • MEC Moque Boot Low (Unisex) - Same thing as the slippers but has grip in the bottom. Also we "could" be running after boat practice ;)

  33. What To Wear (cont’d) • YOU WILL GET WET - quoting the great people at SNL.. "I'm on a boat! I'm on a boat! Everybody look at me cause I'm (paddling) on a boat!".. there's water EVERYWHERE it's inevitable. So dress warm, try to prevent wearing cotton cause it'll just soak up the water and make you colder than you already are. Cold water + wind + wet clothes = hypothermia. We don't want anyone suffering from hypothermia cause its not fun for anyone. Therefore, we recommend • Water wicking clothing such as Under Armour, Nike Dri-Fit, etc, just avoid cotton. Hint: Polyester is your friend. • A wind breaker or a light winter jacket to act as a shell. Having this as a top layer will help A LOT. • Layers, layers layers! Its better to be warmer than colder right? Just try and keep the layers water-proof. • Bring extra clothes! • A wetsuit if you own one or have the money to afford one, they keep you relatively dry and warm at the same time.

  34. Sign Your Waiver!

  35. Waivers • Email will be sent out for everyone to fill out an online waiver for Milton. • Team waiver will be done for St. Catherine’s and Toronto Island (we will email this info in June) • Fill out and hand to Lisa or Loc: • OHDBC Waiver (bring this waiver to your first practice; no waiver = no practice)

  36. REMINDER • If you cannot attend practice due to an unforeseen circumstance, please email: practice@ryedboat.ca

  37. Thank You • Now make sure you go through Dragon Boat 101 power point slide • And do the Safety Quiz BEFORE you paddle on the lake. • www.ryedboat.ca/ryedboat-2013-mandatory-summer-quiz/

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