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FRANCHISE TIMELINES. Don Stursma. What Does IUB Staff Do with Petitions?. Review content for errors, omissions, engineering, and if legal requirements met. Inspect route (Required by Iowa Code 478.4) Prepare/send deficiency letter

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  2. What Does IUB Staff Do with Petitions? • Review content for errors, omissions, engineering, and if legal requirements met. • Inspect route (Required by Iowa Code 478.4) • Prepare/send deficiency letter • Review response, address any new or remaining deficiencies, until petition is in order. • If petition uncontested (no objections) and no ED, send notice for publication. • If contested of ED, prepare staff report, arrange assignment to ALJ or Board for hearing, prepare notices.

  3. Then - • In uncontested cases, franchise can issue 20 days from second publication of notice if no objections. • In contested cases, hearing is required. Franchise (if granted) will issue following hearing. After assignment, time is out of Engineering staff hands.

  4. How Long Does It TakePetition filing to new/amend franchise issuance 2004-2008Includes both staff and petitioner response time • Shortest – 56 days • 10% Less than 79 days • 20% Less than 98 days • 30% Less than 111 days • 40% Less than 118 days • 50% Less than 132 days (median) • 60% Less than 152 days • 70% Less than 176 days (6 months) • 80% Less than 247 days • 90% Less than 337 days • Longest – 545 days including appeals.

  5. Why did some take longer? • IUB action on hold at petitioner request while petitioner pursued ROW or easement issues • IUB action on hold at petitioner request while petitioner pursued withdrawal of objections • Hearing continued at petitioner request • Significant route change late in review process by petitioner • Petitioner gets TCP – not heard from again for months • Problems with publication of notice • Too many contact persons – communication confusion (too many cooks) • “Corrections” that introduce new errors • Numerous objections and/or eminent domain parcels • Unusual or complicated issues • Holiday/winter filings

  6. New Errors • Amendments/corrections that introduce discrepancies with other parts of the filing or with related dockets. • “Corrections” that do not include previous corrections. • “Corrections” that include re-filing of documents that did not need correction. • “Corrections” with missing pages/paragraphs/lines. (The word processor ate my homework.)

  7. Ways to expedite • Do homework on laws and rules. • Informational meeting notice and conduct must be right – else it’s a do-over. • Insure changes/corrections do not introduce new problems. • IUB can review drafts of future filings between IM and petition filing. • File petition, but hold off filing Exhibit E specifics until need for ED is known. • If confident voluntary easements can be obtained, proceed w/o all easements. (Do not need 100% of ROW to get franchise.) • Timely response to IUB letters and questions. • Hearing/filing published/mailed notice correct

  8. Why are details important? • Contested cases must establish sound evidentiary record. • Any case could become a contested case at any time. • Uncontested cases must still create record that provides legal support for granting a franchise. (Justification, location, safety, law requires, etc. - Give us something to work with here.)

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