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Juvenile Transfer Efforts within the Bureau of Justice Statistics Presented by Howard N. Snyder Deputy Director, BJS. ojjdp.gov. National Survey of Prosecutors 2011. Surveys of a representative sample of prosecutor offices in U.S. (n ≈ 400) Ask about possible transfer options

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  1. Juvenile Transfer Effortswithin theBureau of Justice StatisticsPresented byHoward N. SnyderDeputy Director, BJS ojjdp.gov

  2. National Survey of Prosecutors 2011 • Surveys of a representative sample of prosecutor offices in U.S. (n ≈ 400) • Ask about possible transfer options • Request counts of the number of cases with persons under age 18 processed in criminal court by type of transfer mechanism

  3. Persons Under Age 18 in Adult Courts • Representative sample of approximately 12,000 persons under the age of 18 processed in adult criminal courts • Oversample transferred youth • Collect information on criminal history, type of transfer, offense, and court disposition (and hopefully fingerprint-based identification number)

  4. National Survey of Indigent Defense • Surveys all entities providing indigent defense services for adults in criminal court about staffing, caseloads, and resources • May explore availability of customized services for defendants under age 18

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