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Assessing Progress on the Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP)

Assessing Progress on the Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP). Department of Academic Effectiveness and Assessment. Critical Thinking Retreat – Spring 2012. Progress on the QEP. Review QEP timelines Define Critical Thinking QEP Initiatives and Goals Progress and Areas of Opportunity.

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Assessing Progress on the Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP)

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  1. Assessing Progress on the Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP) Department of Academic Effectiveness and Assessment Critical Thinking Retreat – Spring 2012

  2. Progress on the QEP • Review QEP timelines • Define Critical Thinking • QEP Initiatives and Goals • Progress and Areas of Opportunity Critical Thinking Retreat

  3. Review of QEP Timelines Efforts began in Spring 2008 at program levels As of 2011, all disciplines institution-wide (33) have participated in learning to teach Critical Thinking (via Champions and ARTs) Currently implementing plan for last year of QEP Critical Thinking Retreat

  4. Defining Critical Thinking QEP Focus: Enhancing student learning by improving students’ ability to think critically. SPC’s definition of Critical Thinking: Critical Thinking Retreat

  5. Defining Critical Thinking • The outcomes of SPC’s definition of critical thinking are intended to: • Foster understanding • Support sound decision-making • Guide Action Critical Thinking Retreat

  6. QEP Initiatives • Initiative #1: Student Success (primary focus of the QEP) • Initiative #2: Professional Development (culminates with student success) • Initiative #3: Critical Thinking Resources (supports student success) Critical Thinking Retreat

  7. Initiative #1:Student Success Quality Enhancement Committee Meeting

  8. Initiative #1: Student Success • Goal 1-1: Enhance students’ critical thinking skills through “teaching for critical thinking” classroom activities across the curriculum. Critical Thinking Retreat

  9. Initiative #1: Student Success • Goal 1-2: Develop and use general and discipline-specific assessment tools and strategies for measuring students’ critical thinking skills. • Faculty Champion Portfolios, Academic Round Tables, Scenarios • Goal 1-3: Collect student artifacts through ePortfolio. • Feasibility study reviewed current LMS (Angel) and others. Determined that the ePortfolio would not meet our needs. CT subcommittee of Ed Oversight recommended using ePortfolio allocated funds towards CCSSE. • Goal 1-4: Implement critical thinking programs supported by key student organizations. • Great debate of 2008 & 2012, SPC Reads, “The Cuban Guy”, Extreme Entrepreneurship Tour. WITS forms for Student Life and Leadership and students. Critical Thinking Retreat

  10. Student Success: Opportunities • Administer MAPP (institution-wide direct measure, last administered in 2007) • Now ETS Proficiency Profile, both LD and UD students fall 2011, LD again Spring 2012 • Consider critical thinking items on the SSI • Will be added to data reported in QEP • Documentation of student journaling (V. Reflection) (aligned to ePortfolios, also single demonstration aligned to “foster understanding”) • Still outstanding • Increase documentation of Critical Thinking programs/events and feedback • In progress, currently assessing students participating in college-wide Great Debate • “Clean up” of faculty champion portfolios; explicitly document discipline-specific assessment examples • Conduct audit of all SPC programs (curricular and others) (SACS IE Reviewer’s template) Critical Thinking Retreat

  11. Student Success: Opportunities Presented QEP update to Quality Enhancement Committee (QEC) Sept 2011 and held session during All College Day 2011. Recommendations included: • Conduct a second scoring session of ethics papers assessed with the ARC in 11-12 • Scheduled for Friday, May 18th • Focus on documenting students’ ability to demonstrate reflection (this is often misinterpreted by students as summarizing what they learned about the content.) How to do this? Needs to be discussed. • Amplify efforts to work with Student Life coordinators, others sponsoring student activities. What are the MLOs of the event, how do they relate to CT? How do we assess? • Collect additional feedback from program stakeholders, particularly advisory board members, regarding needs of employers relating to CT (Joint Advisory Committee meetings, Oct 2011) Critical Thinking Retreat

  12. Initiative #2:Professional Development Quality Enhancement Committee Meeting

  13. Initiative #2:Professional Development • Goal 2-1: Provide professional development opportunities to assist faculty in developing class activities to support teaching for critical thinking. • Thirteen Critical Thinking Institutes and retreats, CAT scoring workshops, ARC scoring workshops, Online seminars, evaluations • Goal 2-2: Develop in-house critical thinking expertise (i.e., faculty champions) using the “train-the-trainer” approach. • Faculty Champion meetings, six external experts on campus, online training seminars, development of RLO and assessment checklists • Goal 2-3: Institute Academic Roundtables (ARTs) to investigate “teaching for critical thinking” strategies • ART Beach Retreats, meetings with Faculty Champions, evaluations by ARTs Critical Thinking Retreat

  14. Professional Development: Opportunities • In fall 2011, advanced CT seminars will be held as part of the CT Institute, where disciplines will have individual meetings to discuss the day's presentations and discuss how it applies to their discipline. • Completed, will also occur fall 2012 • In 2011-12, QEP office will work with CETL to get in touch with new faculty about CT • Look at C&I 3-yr course review process for opportunity to develop a “teaching for critical thinking” checklist as a tool for faculty to use when modifying courses or class activities. Checklist for activities are being developed in partnership with CETL. • During 2011-12, survey SPC faculty regarding availability and effectiveness of professional development opportunities. Critical Thinking Retreat

  15. Initiative #3:Critical Thinking Resources Quality Enhancement Committee Meeting

  16. Initiative #3:Critical Thinking Resources • Goals 3-1 (electronic resources), 3-2 (RLOs), and 3-4 (CT Resource Centers): • Gateway Website, instructional portfolios, partnership with WITS, designated space at each campus library, as well as online. Approx 30 RLOs as of 2010-2011. • Goal 3-3: Contribute to the critical thinking literature… • Faculty champion presentations at CT Institutes, 33 different instructional portfolios that include discipline-specific research. Critical Thinking Retreat

  17. Critical Thinking Resources:Opportunities • Survey faculty champions to identify RLOs they implemented in their courses. • Consider focus groups of students • Survey SPC faculty to obtain feedback regarding Faculty Champions’ portfolios (literature, activities, resources) Critical Thinking Retreat

  18. How You Can Get Involved • Participate in a scoring workshop: • Assessment Rubric for Critical Thinking (ARC): Friday, May 18th, 8:30 – 4 pm, District Office - Consular Conference Room 102 (ethics papers) • Critical thinking Assessment Test (CAT): Friday, April 20th, 8:30 – 4 pm, District Office - Consular Conference Room 102 (math, Vet Tech courses) • Use the ARC to assess your activities • Implement journaling as a way to capture students’ ability to reflect • Identify MLOs in your courses/programs/activities that relate to critical thinking… how do you determine if students are improving? Assess! • Visit SPC’s Gateway Website: http://www.spcollege.edu/criticalthinking/resources/initiative.htm Critical Thinking Retreat

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