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READY TO ENGINEER Conceive- Design- Implement - Operate: An Innovative Framework for Engineering Education Edward

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READY TO ENGINEER Conceive- Design- Implement - Operate: An Innovative Framework for Engineering Education Edward

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    2. “What is chiefly needed is skill rather than machinery” Wilbur Wright, 1902

    3. CENTRAL QUESTIONS FOR ENGINEERING EDUCATION What knowledge, skills and attitudes should students possess as they graduate from university? How can we do better at ensuring that students learn these skills?

    4. THE NEED Desired Attributes of an Engineering Graduate Understanding of fundamentals Understanding of design and manufacturing process Possess a multi-disciplinary system perspective Good communication skills High ethical standards, etc. Underlying Need Educate students who: Understand how to conceive- design-implement-operate Complex value-added engineering systems In a modern team-based engineering environment

    5. TRANSFORM THE CULTURE CURRENT Engineering Science R&D Context Reductionist Individual

    6. GOALS OF CDIO To educate students to master a deeper working knowledge of the technical fundamentals To educate engineers to lead in the creation and operation of new products and systems To educate all to understand the importance and strategic impact of research and technological development on society

    7. VISION We envision an education that stresses the fundamentals, set in the context of Conceiving – Designing – Implementing – Operating systems and products: A curriculum organised around mutually supporting disciplines, but with CDIO activities highly interwoven Rich with student design-build projects Featuring active and experiential learning Set in both classrooms and modern learning laboratories and workspaces Constantly improved through robust assessment and evaluation processes

    8. PEDAGOGIC LOGIC Most engineers learn from the concrete to the abstract Manipulate objects to understand abstractions Students arrive at university lacking personal experience We must provide dual impact authentic activities to allow mapping of new knowledge - alternative is rote or “pattern matching” Using CDIO as authentic activity achieves two goals -- Provides education in the creation and operation of systems Builds the cognitive framework to understand the fundamentals more deeply

    9. CDIO Is a set of common goals Is a holistic integrated approach that draws on and integrates best practice Is a set of resources that can be adapted and implemented for national, university and disciplinary programs Is a co-development approach, based on engineering design Is not prescriptive Is a way to address the two major questions: What are the knowledge skills and attitudes? How can we do a better job?

    10. APPROACH Our approach is to design (in the engineering sense) an improved educational model and implementable resources. Analyze needs, and set a clear, complete and consistent set of goals Design and prototype in parallel programs with partner universities Original collaborators: Chalmers, KTH, LiU, MIT Recently joined by: 18 others world wide Compare results,evaluate, iterate and develop improved models and materials Create as open source of resources, not a prescription

    11. NEED TO GOALS Educate students who: Understand how to conceive- design-implement-operate Complex value-added engineering systems In a modern team-based engineering environment And are mature and thoughtful individuals

    12. THE CDIO SYLLABUS 1.0 Technical Knowledge & Reasoning: Knowledge of underlying sciences Core engineering fundamental knowledge Advanced engineering fundamental knowledge 2.0 Personal and Professional Skills & Attributes Engineering reasoning and problem solving Experimentation and knowledge discovery System thinking Personal skills and attributes Professional skills and attributes 3.0 Interpersonal Skills: Teamwork & Communication Multi-disciplinary teamwork Communications Communication in a foreign language 4.0 Conceiving, Designing, Implementing & Operating Systems in the Enterprise & Societal Context External and societal context Enterprise and business context Conceiving and engineering systems Designing Implementing Operating

    13. CDIO SYLLABUS Syllabus at 3rd level One or two more levels are detailed Rational Comprehensive Peer reviewed Basis for design and assessment

    14. CDIO-ABET

    15. CDIO-UK SPEC

    16. CDIO-UK SPEC

    17. SYLLABUS LEVEL OF PROFICIENCY 6 groups surveyed: 1st and 4th year students, alumni 25 years old, alumni 35 years old, faculty, leaders of industry Question: For each attribute, please indicate which of the five levels of proficiency you desire in a graduating engineering student: 1 To have experienced or been exposed to 2 To be able to participate in and contribute to 3 To be able to understand and explain 4 To be skilled in the practice or implementation of 5 To be able to lead or innovate in


    20. HOW CAN WE DO BETTER? Re-task current assets and resources in: Curriculum Laboratories and workspaces Teaching, learning, and assessment Faculty competence


    22. CDIO AS A MATRIX STRUCTURE Conventional engineering education replicates a stove piped disciplinary organization CDIO uses disciplines as the organizing principle, but interweaves personal, interpersonal and project experiences – a lightweight project organization Problem Based Learning uses projects as the organizing principle, and interweaves disciplinary education in a just in time model – a heavyweight project organization

    23. OVERLAY DESIGN For each Syllabus topic, need to develop an appropriate cognitive progression For example, for design: Design process Design by redesign Disciplinary design Design for implementation Multidisciplinary design Then identify where content will be taught

    24. INTRODUCTORY COURSE To motivate students to study engineering To provide early exposure to system building To teach some early and essential skills (e.g., teamwork) To provide a set of personal experiences which will allow early fundamentals to be more deeply understood


    27. DESIGN-BUILD RESOURCES Multidisciplinary Design Projects (EE/MechE) development of standard design kits; new course materials on CD-ROM Hardware-Software Co-Design modern control and software; development of design kits and standard lab stations (spin-dude pictured)



    30. Looking in more detail at Kolb’s learning cycle Concrete experience – reflective observation – abstract generalisation – active experimentation - concrete experience, etc Deliberately general language so we can add our own words to increase the relevance to engineering Abstract generalisation – ‘form or acquire a theory’ Active experimentation – ‘apply that theory’Looking in more detail at Kolb’s learning cycle Concrete experience – reflective observation – abstract generalisation – active experimentation - concrete experience, etc Deliberately general language so we can add our own words to increase the relevance to engineering Abstract generalisation – ‘form or acquire a theory’ Active experimentation – ‘apply that theory’

    31. ACTIVE AND EXPERIENTIAL LEARNING ACTIVE LEARNING Engages students directly in manipulating, applying, analyzing, and evaluating ideas Examples: Pair-and-Share Group discussions Debates Concept questions EXPERIENTIAL LEARNING Active learning in which students take on roles that simulate professional engineering practice Examples: Design-build projects Problem-based learning Simulations Case studies Dissections

    32. CONCEPT QUESTIONS A black box is sitting over a hole in a table. It is isolated in every way from its surroundings with the exception of a very thin thread which is connected to a weight. You observe the weight slowly moving upwards towards the box. 1) This situation violates the First Law of Thermodynamics 2) Heat must be transferred down the thread 3) The First Law is satisfied, the energy in the box is increasing 4) The First Law is satisfied, the energy in the box is decreasing 5) The First Law is satisfied, the energy in the box is constant






    38. CENTRAL QUESTIONS FOR ENGINEERING EDUCATION What knowledge, skills and attitudes should students possess as they graduate from university? Syllabus Stakeholder engagements How can we do better at ensuring that students learn these skills? Standards - guide to adopting good practice Resources

    39. Understanding of need, and commitment Leadership from the top Nourish early adopters Quick successes Moving off assumptions Involvement and ownership Appeal to professionalism Students as agents of change Adequate resources Faculty learning culture Faculty recognition and incentives CHANGE PROCESS

    40. CDIO RESOURCES www.cdio.org Published papers and conference presentations Implementation Kits (I-Kits) Start-Up Guidance and Early Successes Instructor Resources Modules (IRM’s) CDIO Book (forthcoming) CDIO Conference in Linköping in June


    42. Approaches for more effective curricular design Inventory of concept questions across a range of disciplines Design implement experiences in “other” fields of engineering and applied science Learning assessment techniques for comparative evaluation Models of incentives from leading universities APPARENT CHALENGES

    43. AN INVITATION The CDIO Initiative is creating a model, a change process and library of education resources that facilitate easy adaptation and implementation of CDIO Chalmers had been a leader in creating this approach Many of you are developing important resources and approaches that we could all learn from Please consider working more closely with us

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