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Evaluation Changes SB290 Requirements

Evaluation Changes SB290 Requirements. January 17, 2013. SB290 Requirements. New evaluation requirements for all licensed educators, with the goal to improve student academic growth and learning by: Need to use standards of Professional Practice:

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Evaluation Changes SB290 Requirements

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  1. Evaluation ChangesSB290 Requirements January 17, 2013

  2. SB290 Requirements • New evaluation requirements for all licensed educators, with the goal to improve student academic growth and learning by: • Need to use standards of Professional Practice: • Teachers – INTASC - Interstate Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium (We have a crosswalk to the Danielson’s model) • Administrators – ISLLC - Interstate School Leaders Licensure Consortium • Differentiated Performance Levels: • Requires 4 levels – our current model has 4 levels (unsatisfactory, basic, proficient and distinguished)

  3. SB290 Requirements • Multiple Measures: Evaluation should include multiple measures from all three categories of evidence: • Professional practice: measures of the quality of a teacher’s planning, delivery of instruction, and assessment of student learning (ex. observations, lesson plans, student work, assessments, RTI data) • Professional responsibilities: measures of the teacher’s progress toward his/her own professional goals and contribution to school-wide goals (ex. professional goals, teacher reflection, setting student growth goals, peer collaboration, meets timelines) • Student learning and growth: quantitative measures of the teacher’s impact on a student (or sets of students) as measured by multiple sources of student data over time

  4. SB290 Requirements • Set two goals on student learning and growth from three categories. Student learning goals are required for all licensed staff, even teachers in non-tested (state test) subjects and grades (this includes counselors and TOSAs), and administrators. • State or national standardized assessments (ex. OAKS, ELPA) • Common national, international, regional, district-developed measures (ex. DIBELS, AP) • Classroom-based or school-wide measures (ex. student performances, tests, portfolios)

  5. Examples of goals: “Using beginning of year assessment, I will identify the 25% of my kindergarten students with the lowest reading/pre-reading skills and provide targeted instruction so they exit kindergarten with skills no lower than pre-primer level.” Target based on Achievement Compact Target: Low percentage of 9th-graders “on track” GOAL: Increase from 50% to 60% students who have 6 or more credits at the end of 9th grade. Target based on common national measure: Target: Student growth in physical conditioning/ basic skills (elementary PE teacher). GOAL: Increase from 20 to 33% number of students in grades 1-6 scoring 80 or higher on Presidential Fitness Test.

  6. Pendleton SD student learning rubricExample (State or national standardized assessments):

  7. SB290 Requirements • Evaluation and Professional Growth Cycle: • Critical steps in the cycle: self-reflection, goal setting, observations and collection of evidence, formative assessment, and summative evaluation • Required to discuss progress of goals mid-year and at end of year

  8. Evaluation & Professional Growth Cycle

  9. SB290 Requirements • Aligned Professional Learning: • Linking evaluations with high quality professional learning • Informs decisions for professional growth plans • Relevant to educator’s goals and needs • Ongoing training: • Calibration • New teachers and administrators

  10. Next Steps Continue conversation and work on student learning and growth goals Discuss evaluation cycle Discuss specialists evaluation (ex. counselors, TOSAs) Share out with administrators & staff at each building Update forms Plan training for administrators and staff Submit plan to ODE by June 30, 2013 Pilot evaluation system 2013-14

  11. Questions?

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