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Health Services

Health Services. By Stacey Rojas, Dominique Hindsley , and Michelle Morales. NURSE ASSIsTING. Help providing basic care for patients in hospitals and residents of long-term care facilities, such as nursing homes. Salary State and National Wage. Tools:. Technology:.

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Health Services

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Health Services By Stacey Rojas, Dominique Hindsley, and Michelle Morales

  2. NURSE ASSIsTING Help providing basic care for patients in hospitals and residents of long-term care facilities, such as nursing homes.

  3. SalaryState and National Wage

  4. Tools: Technology: Microsoft Access (database) Microsoft Outlook (email) Microsoft Internet Explorer (internet) Microsoft Officer Software (office suite software) Argon Lasers (surgical lasers) Bedpans Thermometer Bed sheets Gloves Needles X-rays Oxygen Machine Heart Rate Machine Cooling Pads Tools and Technology

  5. Dental Assistants Perform many tasks, ranging from patient care to record keeping, in a dental office. Their duties can vary by dentists offices where they work.

  6. SalaryState and National Wage

  7. Tools and Technology

  8. Medical asSISTANTS Perform administrative and certain clinical duties under the direction of a physician.

  9. SalaryState and National Wage

  10. Technology Tools Hypodermic needles Blood Pressure Units Nebulizers Gloves Needles • Accounting software - Billing software, Bookkeeping software • Electronic mail software - Email software, Microsoft Exchange • Microsoft Windows Vista Business (Operating system software) Tools and Technology

  11. Any Questions?

  12. http://www.careeronestop.com/ • Delaware Department of Labor, . Delaware Career Compass 2012-2013. 2012. Print. <www.delawareworks.com/olmi/Information/Publications.asp&xgt;. Sources

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