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Stendhal Syndrome

Stendhal Syndrome. What is it?. Stendhal Syndrome. Or sometimes known as hyperkulturemia and Florence syndrome. Heartbeat increases, may become dizzy, lightheaded, confused or even begin seeing hallucinations when a person sees a large amount of art. . Historical overview.

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Stendhal Syndrome

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  1. Stendhal Syndrome

  2. What is it? Stendhal Syndrome Or sometimes known as hyperkulturemia and Florence syndrome. Heartbeat increases, may become dizzy, lightheaded, confused or even begin seeing hallucinations when a person sees a large amount of art.

  3. Historical overview This syndrome is named after the famous 19th-century French author, Marie-Henri Beyle. Beyle was better known with the nickname as Stendhal. He was the first documented person to experience the overwhelming feeling while looking at Renaissance masterpieces he saw during a trip to Florence in 1817.

  4. Historical Overview II Dr. GraziellaMagherini, chief of psychiatry at Florence's Santa Maria Nuova Hospital in 1969, noticed that many of the tourists who visited Florence were overcome with temporary panic attacks to acts of just madness that lasted for several days. She remembered that Stendhal had had similar symptoms, so she named the condition Stendhal's syndrome.

  5. Signs/Symptoms When looking at a large amount of artor sculptures, and a person has a rapid heartbeat, breathlessness, dizziness, or otherwise physically ill, there is the possibility they are experiencing Stendhal's Syndrome.

  6. Treatments psychological therapy to help the disorder sufferers is being investigated.

  7. Common? There have been about 100 more documented cases of Stendhals Syndrome since the 1970’s. CaseStudy.htm

  8. Facts • Stendhal Syndrome is an illness where the affected individual feels confused or light-headed to the point of fainting or even hallucinating upon seeing beautiful artwork. • The syndrome is named after a French author Henri-Marie Beyle, who used Stendhal as a pseudonym. • It can happen more than one time. • You might not remember being emotional. • Made a movie after it. • Also know as Hyperkileremia

  9. Sources • http://www.scielo.br/pdf/%0D/anp/v63n4/a34v63n4.pdf • http://www.google.com/#hl=en&safe=strict&sclient=psy-ab&q=stendhal+syndrome&oq=stendhal&gs_l=hp.1.1.0l4.,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&fp=542022f660c52bf6&biw=1440&bih=806 • http://www.huffingtonpost.com/jane-chafin/stendhals-syndrome_b_817047.html • http://www.nytimes.com/1989/05/15/world/florence-s-art-makes-some-go-to-pieces.html

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