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Baltimore Washington Corridor Chamber of Commerce

Baltimore Washington Corridor Chamber of Commerce. BRAC Presentation. Michael Paone December 14, 2005. Maryland Department of Planning. Military Impact on Maryland’s Economy. $18 billion annually...and growing Approximately100,000 DoD personnel

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Baltimore Washington Corridor Chamber of Commerce

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  1. Baltimore Washington Corridor Chamber of Commerce BRAC Presentation Michael Paone December 14, 2005 Maryland Department of Planning

  2. Military Impact on Maryland’s Economy • $18 billion annually...and growing • Approximately100,000 DoD personnel • Largest employer in state is NSA, Anne Arundel County • Significant growth expected: Ft. Meade, Ft. Detrick, APG, National Naval Medical Center • Growth will bring high-paying jobs

  3. Major Military Installations in MD • Andrews AFB • Ft Meade • Army Research Lab, Adelphi • Fort Detrick • Aberdeen Proving Ground • NSWC, Carderock • NSWC, Indian Head • Patuxent River NAS • US Naval Academy • National Naval Medical Center

  4. Where Are We in the Process? • Nine-member Commission voted on recommendations Aug 24-27 • President received final report on Sept. 8 • President forwarded the report to Congress by September 23 • Congress had 45 legislative days to pass a joint resolution rejecting the BRAC list; time lapsed without any Congressional action • Therefore, the BRAC recommendations became law

  5. BRAC 2005: Maryland Fared Well • Gained upwards of 13,000 DoD civilian and military personnel • Contractor trail is significant for APG, Meade • Gaining the most: • Ft. Meade [5,191] • APG [5,224] • Bethesda Navy Medical Center [3,500]

  6. Growth at Ft. Meade DoD Establishes Joint Facilities • DoD Media and Publications • DoD Adjudication, Hearings & Appeals • Joint C4ISR (Development and Acquisition)

  7. Growth at Bethesda DOD Establishes Joint Medical Facility • Walter Reed National Military Medical Center • Creates a world class Center of Medical Excellence • Elements of Walter Reed Hospital move to Bethesda

  8. Growth at APG DoD Establishes Land C4ISR • Land Command, Control Communication and Computers Intelligence Surveillance and Reconnaissance (C4ISR) • Research, Development, Acquisition, Test &Evaluation (RDAT&E) • Joint Program Executive Office for Chemical Biological Defense

  9. Ongoing Activities • DLLR & DOL & OED grants • Seven military alliances: Ft. Meade; Ft. Detrick; Maritime; APG; Andrews AFB; Navy-Pax River; Indian Head continue to work issues at local level • Maryland Military Installation Strategic Planning Council continues to coordinate state and county interaction with BRAC process

  10. Follow-up Items • Coordinate infrastructure priorities to accommodate identified needs • Coordinate additional DOL/DoD Grants • Ensure appropriate legislation is in place • Brief various local, state and federal lawmakers

  11. Future Activities • Regional meetings with state/local/county officials and Ft. Meade & APG base commanders • Summarize county concerns for state and federal lawmakers, state officials and surrounding communities • Hire consultants using DOL grant to utilize BRAC emergency grant (coordinate with DLLR and local WIBs)

  12. DBED Office of Military Affairs POCs • BGen Mike Hayes USMC (Ret.) mhayes@choosemaryland.org 410.767.2988 • Patt Parker pparker@choosemarlyand.org 443.624.3116 • Catherine Barrett cbarrett@choosemaryland.org 410.767.0684 Consultants: • Tim Wittig wittigsall@aol.com 202.841.0655 • Clark Tyler ml.ct2@verizon.net 703.893.3336

  13. Demographics: An Aging Population

  14. Elderly Population as a Percent of the Total Population in Anne Arundel County Source: U.S. Census 2000 and the Maryland Department of Planning

  15. Elderly Population as a Percent of the Total Population in Howard County Source: U.S. Census 2000 and the Maryland Department of Planning

  16. Elderly Population as a Percent of the Total Population in Montgomery County Source: U.S. Census 2000 and the Maryland Department of Planning

  17. Elderly Population as a Percent of the Total Population in Prince George’s County Source: U.S. Census 2000 and the Maryland Department of Planning

  18. Elderly Population as a Percent of the Total Population in Corridor Counties Source: U.S. Census 2000 and the Maryland Department of Planning

  19. Growth in Elderly Corridor Population Over the 2000 to 2030 Time Period Source: U.S. Census 2000 and the Maryland Department of Planning

  20. Worker Commutation for the Corridor Counties

  21. Net Commutation (In – Out) for the Corridor Counties, 2000 Source: U.S. Census Bureau

  22. Commuters Into Anne Arundel from Other Jurisdictions

  23. Commuters From Anne Arundel To Other Jurisdictions

  24. Commuters Into Howard from Other Jurisdictions

  25. Commuters From Howard To Other Jurisdictions

  26. Commuters Into Montgomery from Other Jurisdictions

  27. Commuters From Montgomery To Other Jurisdictions

  28. Commuters Into Prince George’s from Other Jurisdictions

  29. Commuters From Prince George’s To Other Jurisdictions

  30. Cause for Concern Labor Force vs. Job Growth

  31. Growth in Total Jobs and Labor Force,Anne Arundel County, 2000-2005 Source: Maryland Department of Planning

  32. Growth in Jobs and Labor Force,Howard County, 2000-2005 Source: Maryland Department of Planning

  33. Growth in Jobs and Labor Force, Montgomery County, 2000-2005 Source: Maryland Department of Planning

  34. Growth in Jobs and Labor Force,Prince George’s County, 2000-2005 Source: Maryland Department of Planning

  35. Growth in Jobs and Labor Force,CorridorCounties, 2000-2005 Source: Maryland Department of Planning

  36. Multi-Family Housing

  37. Multi Unit Housing in Corridor CountiesUnits Existing in 2000 and Post 2000 Additions Source: U.S. Census 2000 and the Maryland Department of Planning

  38. Multi Units as a Pct of Total Units 2000& Pct Multi Unit Permits Issued, 2000 - 2004 Source: U.S. Census 2000 and the Maryland Department of Planning

  39. Ft. Meade Study Area Place of Residence Characteristics

  40. Ft. Meade Study Area: Labor Force in 200072,140 persons ages 16 and over Source: U.S. Bureau of the Census

  41. Ft. Meade Study Area: Class of Worker in 2000 Source: U.S. Bureau of the Census

  42. Fort Meade Study Area: Employment by Industry in 2000 Source: U.S. Bureau of the Census

  43. Fort Meade Study Area: Occupation in 2000 Source: U.S. Bureau of the Census

  44. Ft. Meade Study Area: Household Income Distribution, 2000 Median HH Income - $63,580

  45. State Rated Capacity and Projected P.S. Enrollment for Ft. Meade Study Area (2004/2005) Source: Anne Arundel County Board of Education

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