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ten commandments

ten commandments. By: Nick, Grace, and Kenzie . BEING A CHRISTIAN MEANS THAT YOU FULFILL AND FOLLOW THE COMMANDMENTS THAT THE BIBLE BRINGS BEFORE US. Exodus 20 shows the ten commandments that a believer should live their life by. .

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ten commandments

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  1. ten commandments By: Nick, Grace, and Kenzie

  2. BEING A CHRISTIAN MEANS THAT YOU FULFILL AND FOLLOW THE COMMANDMENTS THAT THE BIBLE BRINGS BEFORE US. Exodus 20 shows the ten commandments that a believer should live their life by.

  3. The commandments listed in exodus 20 are:1. You shall not have any other gods before me2. Do not worship false idols3. Do not take the lord’s name in vain4. keep the Sabbath day holy5. honor thy father and mother6. do not commit murder7. do not commit adultery8. do not steal9. do not bare false witness against thy neighbor10. do not covet

  4. First commandment

  5. The first commandment in exodus 20:3 and Deuteronomy 5:7 says ‘you shall not have any other gods before me’what this means is to only have god in your life.

  6. Secondcommandment

  7. The second commandment states in exodus 20:4 And Deuteronomy 5:8 ‘Do not worship false idols’ which means we should not worship anyone or anything other than the lord

  8. Third commandment

  9. Exodus 20:7 and Deuteronomy 5:11‘do not use god’s name in vain’. This meaning do not say ‘oh my god’ or anything to that matter.

  10. Fourth commandment

  11. The fourth commandment says in exodus 20:8 and Deuteronomy 5:12‘Keep the Sabbath holy’. This means that we should go to church every Sunday, and worship our lord.

  12. Fifth commandment

  13. The fifth commandment says in exodus 20:12 and Deuteronomy 5:16‘ honor thy father and mother’. This means to not be disrespectful to your mom and dad. Appreciate them.

  14. sixth commandment

  15. The sixth commandment states in exodus 20:13 and Deuteronomy 5:17‘you shall not murder’. This means you should not kill anyone.

  16. Seventh commandment

  17. The seventh commandment says in exodus 20:14 and Deuteronomy 5:18‘DO not commit adultery’. DO not cheat on your spouse or be unfaithful.

  18. Eighth commandment

  19. The eighth commandment says in exodus 20:15 AND DEUTERONOMY 5:19‘thou shall not steal’. This meaning do not steal.

  20. Ninth commandment

  21. The ninth commandment says in exodus 20:16 AND DEUTERONOMY 5:20‘do not bear false witness’. This means do not lie, or cover up for someone else by lying

  22. Tenth commandment

  23. The last but not least commandment says in exodus 20:17 AND DEUTERONOMY 5:21 ‘Thou shall not covet’. This meaningYou should not get jealous, or be envious off what somebody else has

  24. History of the ten commandments

  25. There is a lot of important events that made the ten commandments be here. In these next few slides, we will talk about all of the history behind the making of the ten commandments

  26. Receiver of the ten commandments

  27. There was only one man who got to directly see the ten commandments. It was moses. Deuteronomy 5:1-5 says ‘Moses summoned all Israel and said: Hear, Israel, the decrees and laws I declare in your hearing today. Learn them and be sure to follow them.

  28. Why the Israelites were given the ten commandments

  29. Exodus 32 says ‘aaron the brother of moses built an alter of a gold calf for the Israelites. This was sin against god, so he sent the ten commandments.

  30. Why the ten commandments were to us

  31. the ten commandments were given to us to show us our sins.

  32. Romans chapter 7

  33. Romans chapter 7 tells us that the ten commandments were given to us to show us that we are SINNERs! Jesus said even if we try to not sin, we still will. We all fall short of the glory of god.

  34. This situation is the same, as the laws are now. They have not changed over time.

  35. The ten commandments were given to us to show us our sins, and he wants us to live by them.

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