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How we metagcognicise English Literature & English Language

How we metagcognicise English Literature & English Language. Mrs Louise Ford Head of English DUBAI ENGLISH SPEAKING COLLEGE. Which side of the brain do we favour? Do we teach in a way that best engages our brain, or the brains of our students?

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How we metagcognicise English Literature & English Language

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  1. How we metagcognicise English Literature & English Language Mrs Louise Ford Head of English DUBAI ENGLISH SPEAKING COLLEGE

  2. Which side of the brain do we favour? Do we teach in a way that best engages our brain, or the brains of our students? How can we use our knowledge of the brain to retain those bright students who choose Maths/Science over English? When was the last time that we stopped and took time to think about thinking? THINGS TO THINK ABOUT

  3. TIME 2 TEST! http://www.buzzfeed.com/video/micaela/are-you-right-or-left-brained DONT WORRY IT WON’T HURT A BIT!


  5. IS LANGUAGE A SCIENCE OR AN ART? Both! If you study Linguistics (the study of Language) at university, you can opt for a Scientific course (BSc) or Art course (BA). Linguistics BScmight cover phonetics, speech and hearing physiology, psycholinguistics and child language, with correspondence to cognitive and developmental Psychology, Neuropsychology, Biology, Mathematics, and Physics. For Linguistics BA , you would expect to study etymology, sociolinguistics, gender in language, pragmatics, which could be combined with English Literature, Modern Foreign Language, Humanities or Social Sciences.

  6. T&L ACTIVITIES TO ENGAGE LEFT BRAINERS • SWEATY paragraphs • Tick sheets • Search and Rescue • Content Tests • Turning mark schemes into grids • ORGANISATION TO ENGAGE RIGHT BRAINERS • Timed • Competitive • Algorithmic • Closed • Clear purpose

  7. T&L ACTIVITIES TO • ENGAGE RIGHT BRAINERS • Hot Seating • Being a critic • Being a character • Turning novels into plays • Speed dating • ORGANISATION TO ENGAGE RIGHT BRAINERS • Open ended • Group work • Extended periods of time • Projects • Lively/crazy

  8. ACTOR MAT DAMON (Bourne Identity)


  10. WANT TO SEE MORE OF THIS KIND OF THING? EMAIL ME lford@descdubai.com

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