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Analyzing MHSA Hospital Treatment: Results from an AHRQ-SAMHSA Collaboration

Analyzing MHSA Hospital Treatment: Results from an AHRQ-SAMHSA Collaboration. Carol Stocks, RN, MHSA Sam Schildhaus , PhD Katharine Levit Pat Santora , PhD AHRQ  September 19, 2011. Overview of Session. HCUP Data Overview Carol Stocks Emergency Departments

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Analyzing MHSA Hospital Treatment: Results from an AHRQ-SAMHSA Collaboration

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  1. Analyzing MHSA Hospital Treatment: Results from an AHRQ-SAMHSA Collaboration Carol Stocks, RN, MHSA Sam Schildhaus, PhD Katharine Levit Pat Santora, PhD AHRQ  September 19, 2011

  2. Overview of Session • HCUP Data Overview • Carol Stocks • Emergency Departments • MHSA Visits to Emergency Departments • Carol Stocks • SA Visits to Emergency Departments for the Uninsured • Sam Schildhaus • Inpatient Stays • MHSA Inpatient Stays in Community Hospitals • Katharine Levit

  3. HCUP Data OverviewCarol Stocks 3

  4. Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP) • What is HCUP? • Hospital-based administrative data • Large collection going back many years • Encounter-level with all “payers” including the uninsured • Includes inpatient, emergency department and ambulatory surgery data 4

  5. The Foundation of HCUP Data is Hospital Billing Data Demographic Data Diagnoses Procedures Charges

  6. The Making of HCUP Data Billing record created Patient enters hospital AHRQ standardizes data to create uniform HCUP databases Hospital sends billing data and any additional data elements toData Organizations States store data in varying formats

  7. What Are Community Hospitals? AHA definition of community hospitals: Non-Federal, short-term, general, and other specialty hospitals, excluding hospital units of other institutions (e.g., prisons) Include these hospitals: • Multi-specialty general hospitals • OB-GYN • ENT • Orthopedic • Pediatric • Public • Academic medical centers Exclude these hospitals: • Long-term care • Psychiatric • Alcoholism/chemical dependency • Rehabilitation • DoD / VA / IHS

  8. HCUP is a Family of Databases, Tools, and Products SASD SEDD NEDS SID NIS KID HCUP Databases Research Products User Support Research Publications

  9. HCUP Partners Providing 2010 Inpatient Data WA MT ND VT ME NH MN OR SD ID WI MA NY MI WY RI NV OH IA PA IN CT NE UT IL NJ CO WV CA VA DE KS MO KY MD AR NC TN OK AZ NM SC GA MS AL LA TX FL HI Key: Participating Non-participating AK AK 9

  10. HCUP Partners Providing 2010 Emergency Department Data WA MT ND VT ME MN NH OR ID WI MA SD NY MI WY RI IA PA CT NE NV OH IN UT IL NJ CO WV CA VA DE KS MO KY MD NC TN OK AZ AR NM SC GA MS AL LA TX FL HI Key: Participating Non-participating AK AK 10

  11. NIS KID HCUP National Databases are Sampled from State Databases State Emergency Department Databases State Inpatient Databases NEDS

  12. What is HCUP and What Is It Not? HCUP is... A collection of electronic discharge records from health care encounters All payer, including the uninsured Hospital, ambulatory surgery, emergency department data All hospital discharges from participating states (currently 44) Accessible multiple ways: raw data, reports, on-line aggregate statistics HCUP is NOT... A survey Specific to a single payer, e.g. Medicare Office visits, pharmacy, laboratory, radiology Only a sample Inaccessible

  13. Recap: Use of HCUP Databases Benefits • Large sample size • Uniformity of coding • Routine, regular collection • Ease of access • All-payer • Available at local, state, regional, national level • Supplemental files available Limitations • Differences in coding across hospitals • No data on individuals outside of hospital system • May not show complete episode of care • May not include all hospitals • Lack revenue information • Limited clinical details • ED data do not contain information on time to triage, time to treatment, time to disposition, etc.

  14. Mental Health and Substance Abuse (MHSA) Emergency Department (ED) Visits, 2007Carol Stocks 14

  15. Characteristics of MHSA-related Adult ED Visits • 12.5 percent of all ED visits (12 million visits) were MHSA-related: • 41 percent of visits resulted in hospital admission – over 2.5 times the rate of admission for other conditions • 54 percent of MHSA ED visits were for women • 18-44 year olds comprised the largest share (47 percent) of adult ED visits • Medicare was the most frequently billed payer (30 percent of visits) • 64 percent of visits involved MH conditions, 24 percent SA conditions, and 12 percent co-occurring MHSA conditions

  16. Most Common Reasons for MHSA-related Adult ED Visits • Five all-listed MHSA conditions accounted for 96 percent of documented MHSA conditions during ED visits: • Mood disorders (43 percent of visits) • Anxiety disorders (26 percent of visits) • Alcohol disorders (23 percent of visits) • Drug disorders (18 percent of visits) • Schizophrenia and other psychoses (10 percent of visits)

  17. Percentage of Hospital Admissions for Adult ED Visits with MHSA Conditions, 2007 17

  18. Payers for MHSA Adult Care in Community Hospitals, 2007 18

  19. Adult ED Visits with MHSA Conditions by Age Groups, 2007 19

  20. Expected Payer for ED Visits with MHSA Conditions, 2007 20

  21. ED Visits and MHSA-related Conditions • MHSA conditions were documented for 12.5 percent of the 122.3 million total ED visits for all conditions. • Mental health diagnoses were involved in 8 percent of all ED visits (9.9 million visits). • Alcohol-related disorders were involved in 2.3 percent of ED visits (2.8 million visits). • Drug-related disorders were involved in 1.8 percent of visits (2.2 million visits).

  22. MHSA Discharge Status from the ED

  23. Most Frequent Types of MHSA – related ED Visits

  24. Substance Use Disorder (SUD) Emergency Department Visits for the Uninsured, 2009Sam Schildhaus 24

  25. Emergency Department • Major portal for entry into hospital and institutional care. • Emergency Department (ED) source of admission to hospital of 50% of all non-obstetric admissions in 2006, up from 36% in 1996. • Legal mandate under Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act (EMTALA) – those who come to ED must receive medical screening and be stabilized regardless of insurance status or ability to pay

  26. Increase in ED Visits • Between 1997 and 2007, ED visits increased by 23% from 95 million to 117 million* • ED is crucial to patients with substance use disorders (SUD), saving the lives of those with drug/alcohol overdoses and treating the consequences of SUD * National Hospital Ambulatory Medical Care Survey: 1997 Emergency Department Summary, Vital and Health Statistics, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Health Statistics, number 304, May 6, 1999, Table 1, page 4; National Hospital Ambulatory Medical Care Survey: 2007 Emergency Department Summary, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Health Statistics, number 26, August 6, 2010,Table 1, page 7

  27. Prior Related Research • Owens and Mutter: HCUP-NEDS (2006) – • Treat-and-Release (routine discharge) 1.4 times higher among the uninsured than the insured • Admission among insured 2.1 times higher among insured than uninsured • Owens, Mutter, and Stocks: HCUP-NEDS (2007) – • Uninsured mental health and substance use related ED visits were two to four times less likely to result in hospitalization than patient visits with insurance coverage

  28. Study Purpose • Analyze ED visits with principal or secondary SUD diagnosis (Dx) to examine the following: • Does payer status differ among types (e.g., alcohol only, drug only, both) of SUD patients? • When the relationships are statistically controlled, is discharge of SUD patients to hospital or institution associated with patient, payer, and hospital characteristics?

  29. Operational Definition: SUD • Any SUD diagnosis (Dx), both principal and secondary Dx • ICD-9-CM • Alcohol Abuse: 291.0-291.9 303.00-303.92, 305.00-305.02, but excluding remission code of 303.03. • Drug Abuse: 292.0-292.9, 304.00-304.92, 305.20-305.92,648.30-648.34, 965.00-965.02, but excluding medication error and remission codes 292.81,304.03, 304.13, 304.23, 304.33, 304.43, 304.63, 304.73, 304.83, 305.43, 305.53, 305.63, 305.73

  30. Findings • Approximately 19 million of 77 million (25%) emergency department visits were by the uninsured ages 18-64 years • Approximately 1.4 million of the 19 million (7%) had a diagnosed substance use disorder

  31. Findings • Payer status of ED visits by those 18-64 • Uninsured: 25% • Private insurance: 39% • Medicaid: 20% • Medicare: 9% • Other payers: 6% • SUD discharges more likely than non-SUD discharges to be uninsured (35% vs. 25%)

  32. Multivariate Analysis • Would the substantial difference in discharge disposition between the SUD and non-SUD patients be associated with many patient and facility characteristics? • To test the relationship among the characteristics, we used a multivariate model that statistically controls for patients’ socio-demographic characteristics, chronic conditions, self harm, insurance, and hospital characteristics

  33. Likelihood of discharge to hospital/institution after ED visit • Older patients (45-64) 9% less likely than younger (18-44) patients • Women 21% less likely than men • Patients residing in poorest zip codes 17% less likely than patients residing in wealthier zip codes • Patients with Medicare 15% more likely than uninsured • Patients with private insurance 41% more likely than uninsured

  34. Likelihood of discharge to hospital/institution after ED visit • Patients with other insurance 57% more likely than uninsured • Patients with higher number of Dx 42% more likely than with lower number of Dx • Visits by patients with higher number of chronic conditions 31% more likely than with lower number of chronic conditions • Visits by patients who intended to hurt self 3.9 times more likely than others • Visits at teaching hospital 31% more likely than visits at nonteaching hospital

  35. Issues • Over one third (35%) of MHSA visits treated in community hospital EDs are uninsured • Lack of insurance is associated with decreased post-ED care in community hospitals even after demographic, diagnostic, and hospital characteristics are statistically controlled • Important to monitor this relationship under expanded insurance coverage through the Affordable Care Act

  36. Mental Health and Substance Abuse (MHSA) Community Hospital Inpatient Visits, 2008Katharine Levit 36

  37. MHSA Conditions Accounted for 5% of Hospital Stays • 39.9 million inpatient stays in 2008, 1.8 million (about 5%) for MHSA • 6 MHSA stays per 1,000 population • MHSA stays averaged 7.1 days compared to 4.6 days for all stays • MH stays: 10.8 days per stay • SA stays: 4.7 days per stay • MHSA stays cost $5,500 per stay compared to $9,100 for all stays

  38. Mood Disorders were the Single Largest Reason for an MHSA Stays

  39. ALOS 2.5 Days Longer for MHSA Stays than for All Diagnoses

  40. ALOS Varied Considerably by MHSA Diagnosis

  41. MHSA Stays Accounted for 21% of All Discharges Leaving the Hospital Against Medical Advice (AMA)

  42. MHSA Diagnoses had a Higher Rate of Discharges AMA than All Other Diagnoses

  43. Non-elderly Adults had a Disproportionate Share of All MHSA Stays Relative to their Share of the Total Population and All Hospital Stays

  44. There were 60 MHSA Hospital Stays per 10,000 Population

  45. Most Frequent Principal MHSA Diagnoses by Age • Mood disorders was the most frequent principal MHSA diagnosis across all age groups in 1997 and 2008 • Alcohol-related disorders accounted for 12 percent of MHSA stays among 18-44 year olds, 21 percent of MHSA stays among 45-64 year olds, and 12 percent of MHSA stays for 65-84 year olds • The number of hospital stays for drug-related conditions rose rapidly for all age groups over 45 years old (87-117-percent increase from 1997-2008), while remaining relatively stable (11-percent decline) among 18-44 year olds • The underlying causes of this increase were rapid growth in drug-induced delirium and in poisonings by opiate-based pain medications

  46. Rise in Drug-induced Delirium and Poisonings by Opiate-based Pain Medications Fueled Increase in Drug-related Hospitalizations for Patients 85 and Older • Drug-induced delirium and poisonings by opiate-based pain medications accounted for 78 percent of the drug-related stays and 89 percent of the increase in drug-related stays for patients 85 and older • Drug-induced delirium can result from side-effects of medications and occurs often in elderly hospitalized patients • Drug-induced delirium and poisonings by opiate-based pain medications were also responsible for a large number of drug-related discharges in 45-64 year olds (19 percent) and 65-84 year olds (60 percent)

  47. Adults 18-44 Accounted for Large Shares of Stays for the Most Frequent MHSA Conditions

  48. The Gender Split for MHSA Stays Varied by Diagnosis

  49. 14% of All Discharges had a Secondary MH Diagnosis

  50. 5% of All Discharges had a Secondary SA Diagnosis

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