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EDUC 4464 – Class 4 J/I Methods

EDUC 4464 – Class 4 J/I Methods. Bell Work As a group, discuss why it is important to create lessons which have the students involved in their own learning?. Reviewing the DILP. Refine the expectation Create assessment and application

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EDUC 4464 – Class 4 J/I Methods

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  1. EDUC 4464 – Class 4J/I Methods Bell Work As a group, discuss why it is important to create lessons which have the students involved in their own learning?

  2. Reviewing the DILP • Refine the expectation • Create assessment and application • From the application pull out the Content you need to teach • Directly across from the Content put the step-by-step Teaching Strategies • Create a Consolidation (quick review) • Create a Hook • Anything for the Lesson Conclusion? • All the Preassessment: students, environment and adjustments, resources • Reflect after the lesson has been taught

  3. Direct Instruction & ActivityNipissing Lesson Planning Formats New concepts given by the teacher • DILP • ALP • Teacher-directed • Student activity at end is more passive (i.e., a note, working from a text book, ….) or practice Sage on the Stage Teacher’s role Students’ role • Most of the lesson has the students involved in an activity which, though introduced in the lesson, is more discovery-based (i.e., science experiments, working on a group research project …) – learning mostly occurs during the activity Learning mostly occurs from discovery (experiment, group discussion) Guide on the Side The activity is not picked based on the format; the format is picked based on the activity. Ask yourself – This is what I want to do …. Which format fits best?

  4. Sometimes it is easy to figure out which LP to use; sometimes it is hard. Look at the applications below. As future professional teachers, discuss as a group if they belong in a DILP or ALP: • Copy the note from the blackboard • Rotate around the biology labs following the directions on each centre card • I have showed you the correct T-formation for a free throw. In your squads, practice the free throw. • Look at the baseball cards on the table. As a group discuss the best stages your arm should go through as it throws. After you have isolated the stages, go and practice. • Here are the stages of process writing. Write a story. • Write a story based on the theme we discussed using the stages of process writing. In the application, the students are to:

  5. Modelling an Activity Lesson Lower or shut off your laptops please Thanks!

  6. Welcome to Grade 6 Science! Good day class. Let’s begin by reviewing what we already know about electricity. Your Task: • Have one person from your group come up to get the materials • Your task is to make the light bulb light • Lift your hand up when your group does it

  7. Activity Planning Format For Lesson Plans This part is the same as a DILP 1) from the curriculum documents …. 6s52 Grade 6 Science and Technology Energy and Control Overall Expectations • design and construct a variety of electrical circuits and investigate ways in which electrical energy is transformed into other forms of energy; Today, students will: 1

  8. Activity Planning Format For Lesson Plans This part is the same as a GLP 1) from the curriculum documents …. 6s52 Grade 6 Science and Technology Energy and Control Overall Expectations • design and construct a variety of electrical circuits and investigate ways in which electrical energy is transformed into other forms of energy; Today, students will: 2) Now make it specific to your lesson 1 • discover how to construct a simple electrical circuit

  9. Flip down to find the Assessment section Remember Design-Down 6s52 Grade 6 Science and Technology - Electricity • discover how to construct a simple electrical circuit 2 Expectation: discover how to construct a simple electrical circuit How am I going to assess the students? Using a clipboard and class list as a checklist, observe students during the Application as they try to light the light bulb using a simple electrical circuit; - Note a S if the student has discovered how to construct a simple electrical circuit as evidenced by the light bulb lighting - Note an X in the first column if the student requires extensive remediation to construct a simple electrical circuit, - Note a P if the students are able to construct the circuit and get the light bulb to light after receiving some prompts from the group or the teacher - Note an E for a level 4 (achieved an S for discovering how to construct a simple electrical circuit and went beyond expectation by figured it out quickly. Further if they went beyond expectation by using scientific terminology, which too would warrant an E if an S were achieved). - Class list is attached. When assessment is complete please date the sheet and return it to the blue assessment binder in my desk, top right-hand drawer How could I make this stronger by self or peer assessment? Does it reflect the expectation? Learning Skills (not to be included in assessment of the expectation) Note: a B for behavioral issue. Note: if any student was not participating fully Record learning skills in students’ individual folders located in the file cabinet under each student’s name Learning Skills

  10. An advance notice… • In Ontario, assessment is based on achievement of the expectations only. If you design down, this naturally happens. • Just so you know (and I cover this when we do the report card in block 3) the following can be tracked but not assessed for a mark or contributing to a grade: Learning Skills from the Ontario Report Card In Addition Independent Work Cooperation with others Up-keeping notes Up-keeping a notebook Marks can not be subtracted for lateness Initiative Conflict Resolution Homework Completion Class Participation Use of Information Problem-solving Goal-setting to improve work Because?

  11. What are the routines? Include general routines that apply to this subject and routines specific to this lesson 2b

  12. 2c The content for the activity will the students be doing Remember Design-Down

  13. How will I introduce the lesson? 3 2b

  14. 3 2b 4

  15. Same as DILP 5 What do the students need to know before they can be successful in this lesson? How must the environment be set-up? 5 What resources are needed? 5

  16. Same as DILP After the lesson is over 6 Clear Statement including indicators describing to which the expectations were achieved; Reflect on the learning expectations –Is there a better expectation you could have chosen? Was the assessment reliable and valid? Go to the PT Handbook. OR use the ALP ‘What Goes Where’ Handout Fill out the reflection based on the lesson presented and the questions on these pages. What needs to be done next in the following lesson? What needs to be reviewed? What needs to be taught? Reflect on the quality of your delivery of the lesson. Think about communication, your planning, the implementation of the plan, organization, your teaching/learning strategies, questioning, did you motivate, etc….How effective was this lesson? How effective were the individual parts of the lesson? Reflect on pro-active classroom management strategies you could use next time What do you need to remember for the next time you do this specific lesson (i.e., next year)? Dr. J. Barnett

  17. Getting Ready for Placement • Please take out your PT Handbook • Please take out what ever you need • to make notes

  18. Take out your PT Handbook and turn to the placement chart on pp. 5-6. Placement Review Binder Organization: pp. 11-12 Sample PT Report: pp.50-53 Your Role: pp. 9-10 Growth Descriptor Rubric Checklist for DILP: pp. 20-22 pp.54-56 Checklist for ALP: pp. 33-35

  19. Lesson Conclusion

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