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Triggering exps (SON)

Triggering exps (SON). 150mb, 300mb, 600mb, no limit (‘no limit’ is labeled as test sometimes). References for Triggering experiments. Wilson and Roberts, 2005MWR, Summary of convective storm initiation and evolution during IHOP:observational and modeling perspective

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Triggering exps (SON)

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Triggering exps (SON) 150mb, 300mb, 600mb, no limit (‘no limit’ is labeled as test sometimes)

  2. References for Triggering experiments • Wilson and Roberts, 2005MWR, Summary of convective storm initiation and evolution during IHOP:observational and modeling perspective • Xie etal., JGR2004, Impact of a revised convective triggering mechanism on community atmosphere model, Version 2, simulations: Results from short-range weather forecasts • Lee, etal., JGR2008, Role of convection triggers in the simulation of the diurnal cycle of precipitation over the US Great plains in a CGM • References listed in the refererence section in the paper by Lee. • Why does the warm season moist convection at ARM SGP site occur mostly at night rather than in the afternoon as it the case for most other land areas ? • Get Phillips , T.J., et al (2004) BAMS, Evaluating parameterizations in general circulation models: climate simulation meets weather prediction. • Is there another paper by Xie etal about the impact of the new triggering mechanism on climate simulation ? • Get xie and Zhang (200) JGR(105), Impact of the convective triggering function on single-column model simulations. • Dai, etal (JGR1999), Observed and model simulated precipitation diurnal cycle over the contiguous US.

  3. NINO3.4

  4. Precip (SON)

  5. Precip diff (SON)

  6. SST (SON)

  7. SST diff (SON)

  8. NSW sfc (dn+) (SON)

  9. NetLW(dn+) sfc (SON)

  10. DNLW sfc (SON)

  11. UPLW sfc (SON)

  12. SHFLX sfc (SON)

  13. LHFLX sfc (SON)

  14. Total cld cover (SON)

  15. High cld cover (SON)

  16. Middle cld cover (SON)

  17. Low cld cover (SON)

  18. Low cld cover diff (SON)

  19. Boundary cld cover (SON)

  20. Bnd cld cover diff (SON)

  21. Pwater (SON)

  22. Pwater diff (SON)

  23. Cldwater (SON)

  24. NSW sfc (SON)

  25. Omega(SON 20S)

  26. U (20S SON)

  27. V (20S SON)

  28. Omega (EQ SON)

  29. U (EQ SON)

  30. V (EQ SON)

  31. Triggering exps (JJA) 150mb, 300mb, 600mb, no limit

  32. Precip (JJA)

  33. SST (JJA)

  34. Total cld cover (JJA)

  35. High cld cover (JJA)

  36. Middle cld cover (JJA)

  37. Low cld cover (JJA)

  38. Boundary cld cover (JJA)

  39. Pwater (JJA)

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