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Comberton Village College

Comberton Village College. Manipulating language. Developing quality (Variety & Range). Manipulation, Quality & Accuracy. WRITING: CLASSROOM STRATEGIES. Accuracy. Comberton Village College. Expectations and shared purpose. Idea 1. Why do I mark your work?

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Comberton Village College

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  1. Comberton Village College Manipulating language Developing quality(Variety & Range) Manipulation, Quality & Accuracy WRITING: CLASSROOM STRATEGIES Accuracy

  2. Comberton Village College Expectations and shared purpose Idea 1

  3. Why do I mark your work? • What should your response be? • i.e. what should you do when you get your work back?

  4. Feedback Targets for improvement Example Scaffold Reminder Implicit ---------------------------------------------------------------- Explicit

  5. 5. Me gustaríaver el atletismo y me gustaríaprobar el hockey porquees un deporteque me interesaporqueesmuyrápido y emocionante. Why do I mark your work?What should your response be? i.e. what should you do when you get your work back?

  6. Simple as 1, 2, 3! 1. Pimp my Spanish = better language = better grade! 2. Saco mágico = make improvements and collect all your ‘best stuff’ in one place where you can use it! 3. Snowball effect! = this stage is to move what’s in your book to what’s in your head so it can come out of your mouth/pen!

  7. Comberton Village College PIMP MY LANGUAGE Idea 2

  8. Pimp my Spanish! Me gustair al cine……. En el colejuego al fútbol…... Miprogramafavoritoes….

  9. Simple as 1, 2, 3! 1. Pimp my Spanish = better language = better grade! 2. Saco mágico = collect all your ‘best stuff’ in one place where you can use it! 3. Snowball effect! = this stage is to move what’s in your book to what’s in your head so it can come out of your mouth/pen!

  10. Comberton Village College SWAG BAG (SACO MáGICO) Idea 3

  11. sacomágico

  12. Simple as 1, 2, 3! 1. Pimp my Spanish = better language = better grade! 2. Saco mágico = collect all your ‘best stuff’ in one place where you can use it! 3. Snowball effect! = this stage is to move what’s in your book to what’s in your head so it can come out of your mouth/pen!

  13. Comberton Village College THE ‘SNOWBALL EFFECT’ Idea 4

  14. The ‘snowball’ effect A ‘Vincent Everett’ phrase!

  15. Nombre: _________________________ Nombre: _________________________

  16. Comberton Village College TOOL BOX Idea 5

  17. No Hay / Había Es / Era

  18. presente Normalmente .. voy al cine me gusta ir al cine pasado futuro El próximo fin de semana.. El fin de semanapasado.. voy a ir al cine fui al cine

  19. Comberton Village College HARVESTING/CREATIVE TRANSFER Idea 6

  20. Opiniones y preferencias What can you take from what you already know? Voy a menudo (al cine) Prefiero (el cine porque…) Me gusta(n) (laspelículas de acción) No me gusta(n) (laspelículas de terror) A mi madre le encanta(n) (laspelículasrománticas) En el futuro… En el pasado (la próximapelícula) queveaserá… Voy a ir a… (la últimapelícula) que vi fue… Quierover… Fui a…… con… Tengopensado … Me lo pasébomba / fatal/ bien Tengo la intención de Me gustaría…

  21. Vocabulario Opiniones y preferencias Voy a menudo (al cine) Prefiero (el cine porque…) Me gusta(n) (laspelículas de acción) No me gusta(n) (laspelículas de terror) A mi madre le encanta(n) (laspelículasrománticas) En el futuro… En el pasado (la próximapelícula) queveaserá… el últimopaís visité Voy a ir a… (la últimapelícula) quevifue… el próximopaís Quierover… Fui a…… con… Tengopensado … Me lo pasébomba / fatal/ bien Tengo la intención de Me gustaría…

  22. Comberton Village College WORDLE Idea 7

  23. www.wordle.net

  24. Comberton Village College ONLINE REFERENCING Idea 8

  25. Research & reference1. www.wordreference.comOnline dictionary – use this and not an online translator2. http://www.verbix.com/ (or http://www.conjugation.org/ )Online verb conjugation tool – you type in the verb and it shows you all forms of all tenses 3. http://french.typeit.org/ (http://german.typeit.org/http://spanish.typeit.org/) Saves pupils having to ask how to type accents or leaving them out on homework completely!

  26. http://www.verbix.com/languages/spanish.shtml Escribe el infinitivo en español aquí el presente el pretérito

  27. Comberton Village College LOOKING BACK Idea 9

  28. 1. My school is a mixed comprehensive school. 2. The subject I most like is maths because I always get good marks. 3. My ideal teacher has a sense of humour and always wants to help us. 4. The school rules are important but too strict – for example you can’t wear coats inside the building. 5. The biggest problem at my school is the stress of exams. 6. After school there’s a lot to do. I usually do dance club on Tuesdays. 7. My primary school was much smaller than this school. I was able to walk there everyday. 8. Last year I did work experience for 2 weeks. I had a good time and learnt a lot. 9. Next year I plan to do A levels. I want to study English, Spanish and Maths.

  29. NAME:__________________________________________________________Translate into Spanish and write your text in the lined space provided below:Hello. My name is Claire and I live in Cambridge (3) with my family and my dog (3) who is called Schmitty (3).Cambridge is an old city (3). I don’t have any brothers or sisters (3). In Cambridge there is a market, two swimming pools and some museums (3). My mum likes to go to the museums (3) but I prefer to go bowling (3).There isn’t an ice rink in Cambridge (3) but you(‘one’) can go to Peterborough (3). I like Cambridge and in my opinion it’s pretty (3) but it isn’t big (3). Sometimes I go to the café in the village (3). My friends play table football (3) but I can’t play (3) because it’s too difficult (3). ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________

  30. Comberton Village College DICTIONARY SKILLS http://www.tes.co.uk/article.aspx?storyCode=6067974 Idea 10

  31. Comberton Village College FUNCTIONS & THEMES Idea 11

  32. Comberton Village College GROUP WRITING Idea 12

  33. Comberton Village College ASL (Average Sentence Length) Idea 13

  34. Comberton Village College TICK GRID Idea 14

  35. How to use the tick grid • With text book listening tasks • With written text • When peer assessing • When completing speaking preparation for GCSE tasks • When listening to exam board sample material • When assessing model answer provided by the teacher

  36. Comberton Village College PEER ASSESSMENT Idea 15

  37. “In lessons, students are regularly required to check each other’s work, discuss it and spot errors before they look at the correct copy.” • paired assessment before handing in • whole class assessment of anonymous samples of student homework as starter • ‘auction’ activities to spot errors/correct formulations • paired listenings

  38. Comberton Village College SENTENCE AUCTION Idea 16

  39. ¿Quéapuestas? • Marca con / o x las frases correctas y las frases con errores • Apuesta entre 1 y 10 puntos • Escucha al profesor para ver si las frases son correctas o no • Si has escrito / o x en el lugar correcto ganas los puntos. Si no, pierdes los puntos • Escribe tu total en la casilla

  40. ¿Qué apuestas? • Marca con / o x las frases correctas y las frases con errores • Apuesta entre 1 y 10 puntos • Escucha al profesor para ver si las frases son correctas o no • Si has escrito / o x en el lugar correcto ganas los puntos. Si no, pierdes los puntos • Escribe tu total en la casilla Gano - pierdo = Total

  41. Comberton Village College TXT SPK Idea 17

  42. ¿Cómomandar un SMS en español? a2 hl xfa salu2 tas OK? bs

  43. ¿Cómomandar un SMS en español? 1. ‘e’, ‘es’ y la ‘d’ entre vocalesdesaparecen Porejemplo: estoy toy/toi / espera  pera / todo  too 2. Unasletrascambian: ‘c’ y ‘q’  ‘k’ / ‘y’  ‘I’ / ‘ch’  ‘x’ Porejemplo: quiero → kiero, quién → kien, escucha → kuxa 3. Siglas (initials) Porejemplo: tkm tequiero mucho / tki  tengoqueirmenph  no puedohablar / npn  no pasa nada 4. Letrasquehablan Porejemplo: bb  bébé / rs  eres /

  44. 5. Los números y los símbolos Porejemplo: x = por, + = mas, and – = menos saludos → salu2, recién → re100, besitos → b7s, porque → xq, al menos → al-, demasiado → de+sia2 6. La ‘u’: ‘bu’ y ‘gu’ pierden ‘b’ y ‘g’. El sonido ‘u’ se escribecomo ‘w’ Porejemplo: bueno → weno, guapo → wapo 7. La inclusividad Porej.: amigos/amigas → amig@s, todos/todas → tod@s 8. El uso del fonéticoespañolparacomunicarpalabrasinglesas Porejemplo: jelou, japibirdei, sorri, plis.

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