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Konsument Europa/ European Consumer Centre (ECC) Sweden ADR in cross-border disputes - practical examples 3 rd Octobe

Konsument Europa/ European Consumer Centre (ECC) Sweden ADR in cross-border disputes - practical examples 3 rd October 2013 Vilnius. Ms. Jolanda Girzl Konsument Europa/ECC Sweden. Konsument Europa/ECC Sweden. Independent u nit within the Swedish Consumer Agency SCA (CPC, NEB)

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Konsument Europa/ European Consumer Centre (ECC) Sweden ADR in cross-border disputes - practical examples 3 rd Octobe

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  1. Konsument Europa/ European Consumer Centre (ECC) SwedenADR in cross-borderdisputes - practical examples 3rd October 2013 Vilnius

    Ms. Jolanda Girzl Konsument Europa/ECC Sweden
  2. Konsument Europa/ECC Sweden Independent unit within the Swedish Consumer Agency SCA (CPC, NEB) Offers consumer advise in cross-border matters Part of the European Consumer Center Network, the ECC-Net Co-financed by the European Commission and the Swedish Consumer Agency 50/50 Goal - inform European consumers so they can take full advantage of the opportunities offered by the Internal Market.
  3. European Consumer Centres (ECC) Centres in 28 member states + Norway and Iceland. Aim - promote consumer confidence in cross-border transactions. Provides information and advice on consumer rights within the EU and feedback to the European Commission and other stakeholders based on practical experiences of case-handling. Assistance for the extrajudicial resolution of cross-border complaints and promotion of alternative dispute resolution and online dispute resolution. Regular exchanges with ADR-bodies, notified and non notified ADRs. Public information campaigns, reports, projects, surveys, publications and consultations. In 2012 the ECC-Net handled 72 067 contacts. 32 197 were complaints, 32% concerned the transport sector of which 21,6 % were air transport.
  4. ECC - Handling of complaints usingADR/ODR schemes Consumer Trader EU, Norway or Iceland Consumer ECC- EU Trader ECC- EU Norway or Iceland Norway or Iceland Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) National Enforcement Bodies (NEB) Consumer Protection Cooperation (CPC) National Traders
  5. The National Board for Consumer Disputes

    Public authority, ARN functions like a court.(1968) Soon also Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) Main task - to impartially try disputes between consumers and business operators free of charge. Petitions are filed only by the consumer in writing. The Board's recommendations are not binding, but the majority of companies follow them (2012:76%). Provides for collective procedures. Chairperson is a lawyer (court experience). Consumer’s and trader’s representatives.
  6. ARN – the procedure No mediation – the boards decides according to the legal rules. Value limitations: 500 SEK, 1 000 SEK, 2 000 SEK. The parts has to prove their statements, no investigation by the board. The average duration is 5 to 6 months. The decision is a recommendation. Black list published twice a year in the Swedish consumer magazine Råd & Rön “naming and shaming” http://www.radron.se/svarta-listan/?industry=5
  7. Cross border issues Since the decision is not binding and not enforceable, the board accepts cases, where it is probable that the trader will follow the recommendation. Considerations to decide if a dispute can be handled by the ARN board: Place of business or establishment in Sweden Marketing to Sweden Place where the service has to be performed Place of incident
  8. Practical examples An Estonian consumer ordered a car engine for 3 315 EUR from a company in Sweden. The engine was not delivered and the consumer turned to ECC Estonia, who shared the case with ECC Sweden. ECC Sweden contacted the company, but the case could not be resolve through mediation. The case was sent to ARN and they recommended the company to reimburse 3 315 Euros to the consumer.
  9. Practical examples A Norwegian consumer bought a puppy from a Kennel in Sweden. After veterinary inspection, it turned out that the dog had Patella luxationon two legs. The consumer contacted the seller and complained, demanded a price reduction. The seller refused, so the consumer turned to ECC Norway. ECC Sweden received the case and contacted the seller, but the seller was not willing to agree to a price reduction. The case was sent to ARN and they recommended the seller to give the consumer a price reduction by 865 Euros.
  10. ADR cases regarding the volcanic ash cloud By May 2011, the Swedish ADR had received 492 volcanic ash related cases, of which 309 have been handled.
  11. Dismissed & rejected cases Due to withdrawal 7 %
  12. Statistics cross-border cases
  13. Statistics – type of decisions
  14. Reasons why cases are not transferred to ADR No competent ADR ADR with only regional competence ADR requires that trader is a member of a certain trade association ADR requires that the trader accepts ADR-handling on a case by case basis which the trader does not Consumer not interested due to fees at the ADR
  15. Thank you for your attention! Jolanda Girzl Director European Consumer Centre Sweden/Swedish Consumer Agency  Tage Erlandergatan 8A | 651 02 Karlstad Phone: +46 54 19 40 52 E-mail: jolanda.girzl@konsumenteuropa.se www.konsumenteuropa.se
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