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CryCupboard 2.0 The New Face to Grocery Shopping Cheralyn Cofer CS491 5.29.06

CryCupboard 2.0 The New Face to Grocery Shopping Cheralyn Cofer CS491 5.29.06. cry cupboard?. Definition Origin Why use it as a website name?. Recap. What is CryCupboard.com’s service? The 3 C’s: Centralization Cross-referencing Coordination Why do we need it?.

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CryCupboard 2.0 The New Face to Grocery Shopping Cheralyn Cofer CS491 5.29.06

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  1. CryCupboard 2.0 The New Face to Grocery Shopping Cheralyn Cofer CS491 5.29.06

  2. cry cupboard? • Definition • Origin • Why use it as a website name?

  3. Recap • What is CryCupboard.com’s service? • The 3 C’s: • Centralization • Cross-referencing • Coordination • Why do we need it?

  4. The Larger Aspiration • Combat the fastfood phenomena • Internet niche that’s still untapped • Tool to help career parents

  5. The Personal Aspiration

  6. What we’ll discuss • Rethinking the orthography • The grocery list as a “smart list” • Some SQL insights

  7. Rethinking the orthography • The traditional one-to-many organization of a recipe box • Problem: Is Chicken Caesar Salad a chicken dish or a salad dish? • It can be both! Recipe Meal Type

  8. Rethinking the orthography • The virtual recipe box allows many-to-many organization • There is no “shelf” • Chicken Caesar Salad is both a chicken dish and a salad • Restructuring Recipe RecipeTypeLine Meal Type

  9. The grocery list as a “smart list” • Step 1: The big picture SELECT[recipe ingredients]… UNION SELECT[ad-hoc items]…

  10. The grocery list as a “smart list” • Step 2: User considerations • Grocery list could be 20+ items • Tedious to un-check the same items Solution  Find a way to “remember” what user has in-stock

  11. The grocery list as a “smart list” • Step 3: Record finalized list items Procedure  • Record checked items • Record un-checked items in not in database

  12. The grocery list as a “smart list” • Step 3 (cont): Record finalized list items Implementation  • The 3 scenarios • Actions: Insert / Update / Do nothing • Data value: New timestamp / Keep existing timestamp • Data structure: use Set vs. Map Example

  13. The grocery list as a “smart list” • Step 4: Now put the smart in “smart list”  Automate some of the user’s un-checking How: • Compare the recorded ingredient history to the average shelf-life of each ingredient to evaluate ingredient status Purpose

  14. The grocery list as a “smart list” • Step 4 (cont): Now put the smart in “smart list” Implementation: • Create a view that does the calculation on the fly • Left-join the data set with this view results • Mark each ingredient as either ok, overdue, or n/a

  15. The grocery list as a “smart list” • Step 4 (cont): Now put the smart in “smart list” CREATE VIEW view_smart_items AS SELECT f.u_id, f.item_id, f.date_finalized, g.shelf_life_days, datediff(now(), f.date_finalized) AS diff, CASE 1 WHEN (g.shelf_life_days IS NULL) THEN 'na' WHEN (datediff(now(), f.date_finalized) > g.shelf_life_days) THEN'overdue' ELSE 'ok' END AS status FROM finalized_grocery_items f, groceryitemscategorymember g WHERE f.item_id=g.item_id

  16. The grocery list as a “smart list” • Step 5: Putting it all together query = (SELECT tmp.a_id, tmp.aisle, tmp.ic_id, tmp.aislecategory, tmp.unit, tmp.quantity, tmp.g_id, tmp.g_name, tmp.item_id, tmp.itemname, tmp.r_id, tmp.r_name, tmp.item_brand, tmp.details, tmp.sequence, CAST(tmp.ingrec_id AS CHAR), v.status, v.date_finalized FROM ( SELECT a.a_id, a.a_name AS aisle, ic.ic_id, ic.ic_name aislecategory, ir.unit, ir.quantity, gs.g_id, gs.g_name, g.item_id, g.item_name itemname, r.r_id, r.r_name, ir.item_brand, ir.details, gsla.location_seq AS sequence, ir.ingrec_id FROM recipes r, ingredientsinrecipe ir, itemcategories ic, grocerystoreaislecategory gsac, aisle a, grocerystores gs, grocerystorelocatedaisles gsla, groceryitemscategorymember g WHERE r.r_id=ir.r_id AND ir.item_id=g.item_id AND g.ic_id=ic.ic_id AND gsac.g_id=gs.g_id AND gsac.a_id=a.a_id AND gsac.ic_id=ic.ic_id AND gsla.g_id=gs.g_id AND gsla.a_id=a.a_id AND r.r_id in (SELECT r_id FROM recipescomposingmealplans where mp_id= ? ) AND gs.g_id = ? ) tmp LEFT JOIN view_smart_items v on (tmp.item_id=v.item_id AND v.u_id= ?) ) UNION (SELECT tmp.a_id, tmp.a_name, tmp.ic_id, tmp.ic_name,'','',tmp.g_id,tmp.g_name,tmp.item_id, tmp.item_name,'','','','',tmp.location_seq,'', v.status, v.date_finalized FROM (SELECT a.a_id, a.a_name, ic.ic_id, ic.ic_name,gs.g_id,gs.g_name,g.item_id, g.item_name,gsla.location_seq FROM groceryitemscategorymember g, itemcategories ic, grocerystoreaislecategory gsac, aisle a, grocerystores gs, grocerystorelocatedaisles gsla WHERE g.ic_id=ic.ic_id AND gsac.g_id=gs.g_id AND gsac.a_id=a.a_id AND gsac.ic_id=ic.ic_id AND gsla.g_id=gs.g_id AND gsla.a_id=a.a_id AND gs.g_id = ? AND g.item_id IN ( " + itemsQueryIn + " ) ) tmp LEFT JOIN view_smart_items v on (tmp.item_id=v.item_id AND v.u_id= ?) ) ORDER BY sequence, aisle, aislecategory, itemname ;

  17. Some SQL insights • Cast operation • Similar to Oracle’s To_char and To_Date functions • When to use • Why I used SELECT CAST(tmp.ingrec_id AS CHAR)…

  18. Some SQL insights • Using hexidecimal • When to use • Why I used SELECT r.r_id, r.r_name, r.r_source, replace(r.r_directions,0xD,'<br>'), r.r_serving_size, r.r_scope, r.added FROM … • #0xD represents a carriage return

  19. Some SQL…questions • An SQL question • Is there a function that takes an array and outputs a list such as: WHERE (r.r_type like ‘%Appetizer%’ OR r.r_type like ‘%Dessert%’ OR r.r_type like ‘%Side dish%’) • How do you use the Prepared Statement ? with a comma-separated list such as: WHERE r.r_id IN (23,45,88)

  20. In Conclusion • What we discussed • Rethinking the orthography • The grocery list as a “smart list” • Some SQL insights

  21. In Conclusion • Some fun things we can do next • Automate a user’s “favorite recipes” list • Suggest recommended meals with consideration to “in stock” items • Functionality to download grocery list to PDA

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