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THE GOSPEL OF JOHN III. The Opposition to the Son of God (5:1–12:50)

THE GOSPEL OF JOHN III. The Opposition to the Son of God (5:1–12:50) A. At The Feast In Jerusalem ( Jn 5:1-47) B. During The Passover ( Jn 6:1-71) C. During The Feast Of Tabernacles ( Jn 7:1 – 10:21) D. During The Feast Of Dedication ( Jn 10:22-42)

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THE GOSPEL OF JOHN III. The Opposition to the Son of God (5:1–12:50)

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  1. THE GOSPEL OF JOHN III. The Opposition to the Son of God (5:1–12:50) A. At The Feast In Jerusalem (Jn 5:1-47) B. During The Passover (Jn 6:1-71) C. During The Feast Of Tabernacles (Jn 7:1 – 10:21) D. During The Feast Of Dedication (Jn 10:22-42) E. Because Of The Death And Resurrection Of Lazarus (Jn 11:1-57)

  2. 1. The Report of Lazarus’ Illness (11:1-16) 2. The Return of Jesus to Bethany (11:17-37) a. Jesus Arrives in Bethany (vv. 17-19) b. Martha Meets Jesus (vv. 20-24) c. Jesus Proclaims Himself (vv. 25-26) d. Martha Responds to His Proclamation (vv. 27) e. Mary Meets Jesus (vv. 28-32) Read Jn 11:28-32.

  3. The reason also why she called Mary at allwas (in addition to her own desire) that Jesus had requested her to do this. Read Jn 11:29-31. Whatever the attempt at privacy, it was to no avail. Read Jn 11:32. Mary and Martha were both convinced that Jesus would have been able to do something had Lazarus still been living.

  4. f. Jesus Grieves with the People (vv. 33-37) Read Jn 11:33. When Jesus saw all this, “He was outraged in spirit, and troubled.” Two questions: 1) What does the crucial Gk. root word in this passageactually mean? In extra-biblical Greek, it can refer to the snortingof horses; as applied to human beings, it invariably suggests anger, outrage or emotional indignation.

  5. ~ John adds that He “was troubled,”the same strong verb used in Jn 12:27; 13:21. ~ Jesus, according to this interpretation, was“filled with indignation.” 2) Why was He angry? The answer that is generally given is this: Jesus was concentrating His attention upon sin, as the underlying cause of all suffering, grief, and sorrow.

  6. Nevertheless, this explanation, though correct as far as it goes, does not go far enough. ~ The entire setting clearly indicates that it also included sympathy. Read Jn 11:35. ~ Heb 5:7 ~ However, there surely is a connection between Jn 11:35 and Rev 7:17: because of His tears ours shall be wiped away.

  7. Among the commotion and the loud wailing of the mourners, Jesus shed tears. ~ This picture of Jesus reminds us of the picture in Isa 53:3. In connection with these tears, they prove Jesus’ true humanity. ~ John’s Gospel (the very book which stresses Christ’s deity) describes Him as being not only absolutely divine but also truly human.

  8. ~ It must be stressed, however, that these tears of our Lord were unaccompanied by sin. ~ They were the tears of the pure and holy, sympathizing High Priest! ~ They proceeded from the most genuine love for man found in the entire universe, the love which gave itself.

  9. John Calvin: “... there is a great difference between us and Christ. Our feelings are sinful because they rush on without any restraint and know no bounds; but in Christ they were composed and regulated in obedience to God and were completely free of sin.... Our vain minds make us sorrow or grieve over trifles or for no reason at all, because we are too devoted to the world. Nothing like

  10. this was found in Christ. No passion of his ever went beyond its proper bounds. He had none that were improper or not founded on reason and sound judgment.... “When Christ took human emotions on himself, he did so without any disorder. He who obeys the passions of the flesh is not obeying God. Christ was indeed troubled and greatly upset, but in such a way that he kept himself in his Father’s will. In summary, if you compare Christ’s

  11. compassion with ours, they are as different as pure, clear water flowing in a gentle river and muddy, dirty foam.” Christ’s example should cause us to try to correct and tame that stubbornness which pervades our affections because of our sin. ~ But Paul in 1Thes 4:13 does not demand a hardened senselessness from us, but tells us to grieve in moderation.

  12. ~ CHRIST TOOK OUR EMOTIONS INTO HIMSELF, SO THAT BY HIS POWER WE MAY SUBDUE WHATEVER IS SINFUL IN THEM. John stresses that we have a God who cares. ~ He often expressed deep emotion, and we must never be afraid to reveal our true feelings to Him. ~ He understands them, because He experienced them.

  13. Read Jn 11:36-37. Jesus’ display of emotion is interpreted in two ways by the Jews, both interpretations curiously right and wrong. ~ Some understood His grief to be as despairing as their own. ~ Others wondered why someone who could heal so powerfully could not have prevented the death of a friend He obviously loved.

  14. ~ Nevertheless, even to ask the question in this way betrays massive unbelief. ~ It is the unbelief of the person whose faith does not rest on who Jesus is and what He has revealed of the Father, but on displays of power. ~ Such undeveloped “faith” is so weak it constantly demands new signs and miracles.

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