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The Armed Forces Communications Electronics Association Philadelphia Chapter

Air Force Operational Support Modernization Presented To. The Armed Forces Communications Electronics Association Philadelphia Chapter. BGen(S) Michael Basla Deputy Director CIPT Action Group 13 April 2005. Future End State: Focus on Commanders. MAJCOM. AFFOR. WG/CC. GP/CC. SQ/CC.

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The Armed Forces Communications Electronics Association Philadelphia Chapter

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  1. Air Force Operational Support Modernization Presented To The Armed Forces Communications Electronics Association Philadelphia Chapter BGen(S) Michael Basla Deputy Director CIPT Action Group 13 April 2005

  2. Future End State:Focus on Commanders MAJCOM AFFOR WG/CC GP/CC SQ/CC AIRMAN • Strategic Planning and Budgeting Changethe AF OS focus from the AF functional domains to the Commander • Human Resource Management including Medical • Logistics • Technical Infrastructure • Acquisition/ Procurement • Installations and Environment • Accounting/ Financial Management

  3. Operational Support Enables Operations Commanders need OS to enable mobilization, movement, sustainment, recovery, and reconstitution of Forces

  4. Even A One Airman UTC DeploymentRelies on Enterprise Processes Air Force Processes Airmen Fulfilling Need Commander’s Need Air Traffic Control Support

  5. Even A One Airman UTC DeploymentRelies on Enterprise Processes Portions of AF Enterprise Processes Request for Forces Requirements ID Nomination Source Requirement Transit Accountability Airmen Personnel Services Logistics & Transportation Airmen Arrives in theater … Right Airman, Right Place, Right Time, Fully Supported Airmen Training Airmen Readiness Airmen Notification & Out processing Air Force Processes Combatant Commander’s Need Air Traffic Control Support Airmen Fulfilling Need

  6. Commanders’ IPT Commanders’ IPT Chair: Lt Gen Hobbins, AF/XI Vice: Mr. Gilligan, AF-CIO Key Members: XO, FM, DP, IL, SG, AQ, ACC, AFMC, AFSPC, AMC, AETC Advisors: AA, XP CIPT Action Group Director: Mr. Tillotson, AF/XIW Deputy Director: BG(S) Basla Members: AQ, CIO, DP, FM, IE, IL, SG, XI, XO CIPT Senior Working Group Chair: Mr Tillotson Members: AQ, CIO, DP, FM, IL, SG, XO OS CONOPS IPT Lead: Col Saunders, AFMC/TRA Members: MAJCOMs & Functionals OS Develop/Field/ Sustain IPT Lead: Mr. Weber, ESC/OS Deputy: Col Muhs, ESC/OS Members: MAJCOMs OS Enterprise Architecture IPT Lead: Mr. McFarren, AF-CIO/A Deputy: Mr. Lowman, AF-CIO/A Members: XO, XI, Functionals OS Resources IPT Lead: Col Crane, AF-CIO/R Deputy: Mr. Garman, AF/XIPP Members: XP, FM, DP, IL, AQ, XI, (Appropriation Mgrs) PROCESS CHAMPION Full Spectrum Threat Response BG Patrick Burns, ACC/CE PROCESS CHAMPION OS Command and Control Mr KennethCalicutt, AFC2ISRC/CCT PROCESS CHAMPION AEF Deployment Management BG Stephen Hoog, AEFC/CC

  7. Number of Manual Processes (% of total) Number of Data Sources Number of Processes where CC Visibility is a Challenge (% of total) Manual processes, Disparate data, Little/Fragmented CC visibility Some automation, Limited shared data, Limited CC visibility 2004 32 (76%) 61 24 (57%) Automated processes, Shared data, Full CC visibility Deployment Management 2004 3 4 5 6 Deploy: - People - Equipment 7 Prepare to move: • Customs • Over flight • Med Clearance Tailor Ops Support pkg Move ops support pkg Closing actions: Arrival Pay & accounting ACC/CC Base (ANG) CC of Deploying Personnel Tanker Sq/CC AFFOR-F AEFC MOC 2 Prepare the mission • ID & prep personnel • Resource equipment • Allocate transport Fighter Sq/CC Airlift/CC JFACC Commercial Carrier 1 Validation & source requirement COCOM CJTF

  8. Maintainer, Parts, & Support Equip in The Field fixes jet Plan Repair Aircraft Down In Theatre Fly Operational Support Mission Assemble repair capability package at Base Locate Key Support Equipment Locate & order parts & engines Contact TACC Locate Key Personnel 7 Agile Sustainment 2004 2 5 RSS AMC Specific Goodness CIRF 4 Base 8 1 TACC 6 3 Depot 9

  9. Locate Key Personnel Maintainer, Parts, & Support Equip in The Field fixes jet Plan Repair Aircraft Down In Theatre Locate Key Support Equipment Fly Operational Support Mission Assemble repair capability package at Base Contact TACC Locate & order parts & engines 7 Agile Sustainment 2011 2 5 RSS CIRF AMC Goodness + LogEA 4 Base 8 1 TACC 6 3 Depot 9

  10. OS Process Engineering Initiatives • AEF Deployment Management: • AEFC/CC • Full Spectrum Threat Response: • ACC/CE • OS Command and Control: • AFC2ISRC/CCT G.O. level process owners leading AF-wide, warfighter-focused process engineering

  11. Operational Support Process Engineering Initiatives • AEF Deployment Management, AEFC/CC lead • Reclama process in test at six bases: Corrects #1 cause of short notice deployments • UTC Posturing and Coding: Reviewed Total Force posturing and standardized IDO tools for order fulfillment fidelity • Base-level Readiness Center: Creates single CC go-to source; a single standing center vice 21 serial steps • On deck: Enhance C2 deployment data; improve UTC status reporting, posturing, and sourcing • OS Command and Control, AFC2ISRC/CCT lead • Standardized Battle Staff Phase I Briefing: Improves info quality and reduces cycle time by estimated 5200 hrs per year across 50 Wings • On deck: Medical deployment, Wing status reporting, Battlestaff administration • Full Spectrum Threat Response, ACC/CE lead • IDed potential 20% reduction in time to dispatch 1st responders • On deck: Improve Crash Net processes, medical responses, and UCC operating standards G.O. level process champions leading AF-wide, warfighter-focused process engineering

  12. Operational Support Modernization Cross Functional Changing Culture Leveraging the power of shared authoritative information Lean Process Reengineering Process Champions Effects Driven Situationally Aware Commanders and Leaders

  13. AEF Deployment ManagementProcess Engineering Scope: From request for forces to ready to deploy • Paradigm/culture shifts • AF process owner • “Verification” done at time of sourcing • Wing/CCs graded on both force deployability and home-station operations Early win we were looking for

  14. Drivers for Transformation of AF Support Commanders and Joint Staff relying on Interoperability Across Armed Forces Changing Nature of Threats, & Ability to Respond Efforts of Airmen being Taxed Reaching Limits of Organizational Response With Functional Solutions Need to Accelerate Transformation Technology Opportunity Budget Pressures Over Time Industrial Globalization Competition for People and Assets Growth Unsustainable Within Fiscal Constraints

  15. Aligning OS with Ops OS …Fast, Flexible, Agile, and Integrated Capabilities To Support and EnableFast, Flexible, Agile, and Lethal Combat Forces • Make the needs of AF Operations the primary driver for OS priorities • Define and build OS services based on the demands of AF Operations • Apply OS resources to enable AF Operations • Consider the impacts on AF Operations when making AF decisions on OS This Means

  16. Transportation Program Formulation Distribution Acquisition Mgt Configuration/BOM Finance Quality Mgt Activity Costing Budgeting Deployment Readiness Repair Project Mgt Program Oversight Order Mgt Asset Mgt Program Execution Customer Relation Mgt Personnel Mgt & Dev Contracting Mgt Advanced Plan & Sch Science & Technology Materiel Mgt Installations Mgt AF Operational Support is a Single, Global Enterprise Providing Functional Support to the Expeditionary Warfighter

  17. Agile Combat Support Scope Create/Shape the Force Employ the Force: Generate Mission Renew the Force Units People Materiel Equipment Installations S Situationally Aware Commanders and Leaders Pay COCOM/AFFOR/Wing MAJCOM JAOC Service and Support Recruit Access COSP Prevention Train Educate Treatment Ind. Medical Readiness Assign Relocate Evaluate Promote Shared Authoritative Data People Enterprise Processes Separate Retire WeaponSystems + Position the Force Reconnoiter Exped. Equipment Installations Debark Move, Beddown Prepare the Battlespace Generate Multi-Functional Capabilities Deploy the Force Science/ Technology Mobilize, Align, Embark Sustain the Force AEF Employ the Force Plan Fight in Place Deployed Design Develop Test Re-embark, Evacuate, Retrograde, Re-align Ready the Force Recover the Force Procure Protect the Force Produce Field Secure Defend Destroy Distribute Maintain Infrastructure Dispose Manage Assets Agile Support Governance Facilities Infostructure Financial Management DoD Synchronization Plan Strategic Planning Develop Program Legislative Synchronization Maintain Execute Provide Rapid and Predictive Operational Support and Response Support Doctrine/Policy Retire Dismantle OSMP Focuses on Processes and Information Flows

  18. What are we buying? • The capability to deliver OS effects at a given level of performance. This includes: • The capability for the Warfighter to effectively execute through predicable delivery of OS effects and visibility of that delivery • Knowledge of the way we do business and the ability to improve delivery of operational support to the commander and airmen. • An organizational investment process to make more informed, enterprise-wide decisions

  19. When are we done, we will have … • A common operational support picture available to commanders • Flexible mission re-planning performed in a near real-time fashion • Integrated deployment management with predictive view of people, materiel, transportation, installation • Achieved total workforce visibility (Active, Reserve, Guard, Civilian, Contractor) Virtual Unit Management • Predictive asset visibility including availability to promise • Enabled sense and respond logistics

  20. Air Force Enterprise Functionality Nodes Air Force Operational Support Federated Enterprise External Services Decision Support/Business Intelligence Agencies Portal Access and Collaboration Suppliers Net-centric Integration Personnel Mgt & Dev Project Mgt Finance Repair Order Mgt Activity Costing Contracting Mgt Quality Mgt Customer Rel. Mgt Budgeting External Data Exchanges Program Oversight Program Formulation Installations Mgt Materiel Mgt Transportation Advanced Plan & Sch Configuration / BOM Asset Mgt Acquisition Mgt Deployment Enterprise Functional Nodes Science & Technology Program Execution Distribution Readiness Information Services Data and Tools Expeditionary Logistics for the 21st Century (eLog21) Transformation Personnel Service Delivery (PSD) Transformation Acquisition Transformation Action Council (ATAC) Transformation Service Delivery Model (SDM) Transformation Logistics Domain Finance Domain HR Domain I&E Domain SP&B Domain Acquisition Domain Legacy Enterprise Capability Legacy Domains Joint

  21. ERP: Whom we talked to…Over $50B, multi-national, benchmarking success and failure (Good and Bad) Industry Advisors Government

  22. Rapid and Predictive Response through Situationally Aware Commanders

  23. End

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