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The Russian Revolution and the Rise of Stalin

The Russian Revolution and the Rise of Stalin. 1917-1937. The Russian Revolution. Tsar Nicholas II The Russo-Japanese War How did the outcome of the war affect Russia? . Social Problems in Russia . “Bloody Sunday” January 1905 Father Gapon Requests for labor laws

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The Russian Revolution and the Rise of Stalin

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  1. The Russian Revolution and the Rise of Stalin 1917-1937

  2. The Russian Revolution Tsar Nicholas II The Russo-Japanese War How did the outcome of the war affect Russia?

  3. Social Problems in Russia “Bloody Sunday” January 1905 Father Gapon Requests for labor laws The response of the workers

  4. Bloody Sunday The Response of the officials in St. Petersburg. How did Bloody Sunday impact the image of the Russian government?

  5. Moving towards Revolution Social Democrats Mensheviks Bolsheviks March 1905 The Estates General

  6. Moving towards revolution The Mensheviks strike October 1905 The October Manifesto Duma The response of the revolutionaries

  7. The Duma The Results of the Revolution of 1905 The first Duma The Mensheviks in the Duma “I do not expect to live to see the revolution” - Lenin

  8. WWI in Russia How was Russia different from other countries fighting in WWI? The role of the Socialists Personal Convictions The Russian Middle Class

  9. WWI in Russia Tannenburg and Masurian Lakes The Central Powers The response of the Tsar The Response of Russian Generals

  10. The Russian Civil War Alexandria The Tsar’s son Grigori to Rasputin Rasputin’s Reputation The response of the Duma? The assassination of Rasputin

  11. The Russian Revolution The Tsar arms the police with machine guns. Food Riots “Down with the Tsar” The Duma Committee The Petrograd Soviet

  12. The Russian Revolution The Duma Committee The Petrograd Soviet March 14, 1917 The removal of the Tsar March 17, 1917

  13. The Russian Revolution • Problems with the new provisional government • Universal male suffrage • Creating a constituent assembly • Continuing the war effort

  14. The Russian Revolution Lenin and the Bolsheviks Lenin’s 4 major points “Peace, land, and bread”

  15. The Russian Revolution November 1917 The Petrograd Soviet Leon Trotsky Josef Stalin The provisional government flees The Council of Commissars

  16. The Russian Revolution March 1918 The Communist Party The Treaty of Brest-Litovsk Trotsky Losses for Russia?

  17. The Russian Civil War Resisting the Communists The “Whites” Aid from the Allies The Cheka The Red Army

  18. The Russian Civil War Britain and France Japan and America Murmansk and Archangel Vladivostok (August 1918)

  19. The Russian Civil War 1918-1920 Trotsky Unity Poland Red Terror and the Cheka

  20. The USSR • Union of Soviet Socialist Republics • The Russian Soviet Federated Republic • The Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic • The Byelorussian (White Russia) Soviet Socialist Republic • The Transcaucasian Soviet Socialist Republic

  21. THE USSR The New Economic Policy (1921) Internal Controversy Retreating to capitalism State capitalism Trotsky and Stalin

  22. THE USSR Lenin’s Death Leningrad Trotsky and Stalin Trotsky leaves Russia Trotsky’s death

  23. Industrialization in the USSR The Five Year Plan The Hammer The Sickle Command Economy The Industrial Revolution

  24. The Industrial Revolution in the USSR Goals for the First Five Year Plan:

  25. The Five Year Plan Collectivization Livestock? Private food? Pay? Stalin’s reaction to collectivization

  26. Results of the Five Year Plan What were the results of the first five year plan?

  27. Stalin The Second Five Year Plan The Purge Trials The Old Bolsheviks

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