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Multilinear Maps From Ideal Lattices and Applications

Multilinear Maps From Ideal Lattices and Applications. Sanjam Garg (UCLA) Joint work with Craig Gentry (IBM) and Shai Halevi (IBM). Outline. Bilinear Maps: Recall and Applications Motivating Multilinear maps Our Results Definitions of Multi-linear Maps Classical Notion Our Notion

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Multilinear Maps From Ideal Lattices and Applications

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  1. Multilinear Maps From Ideal Latticesand Applications SanjamGarg(UCLA) Joint work with Craig Gentry (IBM) and ShaiHalevi (IBM)

  2. Outline • Bilinear Maps: Recall and Applications • Motivating Multilinear maps • Our Results • Definitions of Multi-linear Maps • Classical Notion • Our Notion • Our Construction • Security

  3. Cryptographic Bilinear Maps(Weil and Tate Pairings) Recalling Bilinear Mapsand its Applications: Motivating Multilinear Maps

  4. Cryptographic Bilinear Maps • Bilinear maps are extremely useful in cryptography • lots of applications • As the name suggests allow pairing two things together

  5. Bilinear Maps – Definitions • Cryptographic bilinear map • Groups and of order with generators and a bilinear map such that • Instantiation: Weil or Tate pairings over elliptic curves. DDH is easy Given Given hard to get

  6. Bilinear Maps: ``Hard” Problems • 3-party Decisional Diffie-Hellman: Given hard to distinguish • Bilinear Diffie-Hellman: Given hard to distinguish from Random

  7. Application 1 Non-Interactive Key Agreement [DH76] • Easy Application: Tri-partite key agreement [Joux00]: • Alice, Bob, Carol generate and broadcast . • They each separately compute the key • What if we have more than 3-parties? [BS03]

  8. Application 2 Non-Interactive Zero Knowledge [BMF88] Witness for statement being true Common reference string : Statement : Proof: What if we had Bilinear maps from some other assumption? Prover Verifier Soundness: Statement is true Zero-knowledge: Nothing but truth revealed Only know constructions are from Bilinear Maps[GOS06] and Trapdoor permutation[FLS90] .

  9. Application 3 PKE with Enhanced Capabilities • Identity Based Encryption [Sha84] • Bonehand Franklin using bilinear maps [BF01] • More general notion – • Attribute Based Encryption [SW05]

  10. OR OR SK SK’ AND AND Chancellor Chancellor TAU Professor TAU Professor Application 3 Attribute-Based Encryption [SW05] What if we had multilinear maps?   MSK   PK   Key Authority   How general can this policy be? “Tel-Aviv University” “Professor” “Tel-Aviv University” “Grad-student” Bottom line: Very few policies such as formulas are known to be realizable.

  11. Other Applications • Traitor-Tracing (with small ciphertexts)[BSW06] • Efficient Signature Schemes [BLS04] • Efficient Broadcast Encryption • Attribute based signatures • Blind Signatures/Anonymous Credentials • Structure Preserving Signatures • And many more…. • There is a conference on Pairing based Cryptography • What if we had multilinear map? [BS03]

  12. Outline • Bilinear Maps: Recall and Applications • Motivating Multilinear maps • Our Results • Definitions of Multi-linear Maps • Classical Notion • Our Notion • Our Construction • Security

  13. Our Results Candidate approximate Constructions of multi-linear maps • constructionsof multi-linear maps • Usethese to get • -party non-interactive Diffie Hellman • NIZKs from lattice assumptions • Attribute based encryption for general circuits[GGH12, SW12] • Witness Encryption [GGSW12] • Insufficient for [Rot12] counterexample • Every bit encryption remains secure even when encryption of the secret key is given out (Public parameters hide secrets)

  14. Application 4 Witness Encryption Witness for statement . Statement : Encrypter Encrypter Receiver Soundness: Statement is false Semantic Security

  15. Outline • Bilinear Maps: Recall and Applications • Motivating Multilinear maps • Our Results • Definitions of Multi-linear Maps • Classical Notion • Our Notion • Our Construction • Security

  16. Cryptographic Multi-linear Maps Definitions: Classical notion and our Approximate variant

  17. Multilinear Maps: Classical Notion • Cryptographic n-multilinear map (for groups) • Groups of order with generators • Family of maps: , where • . • And at least the ``discrete log” problems in each is ``hard’’. • And hopefully the generalization of 3-party DH

  18. Getting to our Notion

  19. Bilinear Maps: Our visualization

  20. Bilinear Maps: Our visualization Sampling It was easy to sample uniformly from .

  21. Bilinear Maps: Our visualizationEquality Checking Trivial to check if two terms are the same.

  22. Bilinear Maps: Our visualizationAddition

  23. Bilinear Maps: Our visualizationMultiplication

  24. Bilinear Maps: Sets(Our Notion) Level-0 encodings

  25. Multilinear Maps: Our Notion Finite ring and sets ``level- encodings” Each set is partitioned into for each : ``level- encodings of ”.

  26. Bilinear Maps: Sampling(Our Notion) I should be efficient to sample such that for a uIt may not be uniform in or . It was easy to sample uniformly from .

  27. Multilinear Maps: Our Notion Finite ring and sets ``level- encodings” Each set is partitioned into for each : ``level- encodings of ”. Sampling: Output for a u

  28. Bilinear Maps: Equality Checking(Our Notion) Check if two values come from the same set. It was trivial to check if two terms are the same.

  29. Multilinear Maps: Our Notion Finite ring and sets ``level- encodings” Each set is partitioned into for each : ``level- encodings of ”. Sampling: Output for a random Equality testing(): Output iffsuch that

  30. Bilinear Maps: Addition(Our Notion)

  31. Multilinear Maps: Our Notion • Finite ring and sets ``level- encodings” • Each set is partitioned into for each : ``level- encodings of ”. • Sampling: Output for a random • Equality testing(): Output iffsuch that • Addition/Subtraction: There are ops and such that: • We have and

  32. Bilinear Maps: Multiplication(Our Notion)

  33. Multilinear Maps: Our Notion • Finite ring and sets ``level- encodings” • Each set is partitioned into for each : ``level- encodings of ”. • Sampling: Output for a random • Equality testing(): Output iffsuch that • Addition/Subtraction: There are ops and such that: • Multiplication: There is an op such that: • such that • We have .

  34. Bilinear Maps: Noisy(Our Notion) All operations are required to work as long as ``noise’’ level remains small.

  35. Multilinear Maps: Our Notion Discrete Log: Given level- encoding of , hard to compute level-- encoding of . n-Multilinear DDH: Given level- encodings of and a level-n encoding T distinguish whether T encodes or not.

  36. Outline • Bilinear Maps: Recall and Applications • Motivating Multilinear maps • Our Results • Definitions of Multi-linear Maps • Classical Notion • Our Notion • Our Construction • Security

  37. ``Noisy” Multilinear Maps (Kind of like NTRU-Based FHE, but with Equality Testing)

  38. Our Construction • We work in polynomial ring • E.g., ( is a power of two) • Also use • Public parameters hide a smalland a random (large) • defines a principal ideal over • The ``scalars” that we encode are cosets of (i.e., elements in the quotient ring ) • e.g., if is a prime, then we can represent these cosets using the integers

  39. Our Construction If , are both short then,has the form , where is still short and If , are both short then,has the form , where is still short and Multiplication Addition should have small coefficients • Smalldefines a principal ideal over • A random (large)

  40. Our Construction (in general) Sampling and equality check? • In general, ``level-k encoding” of a cosethas the form for a short • Addition: Add encodings • as long as || • Multi-linear: Multiply encodings • to get an encoding of the product at level • as long as • ``Somewhat homomorphic” encoding

  41. Sampling • Sampling: If (wider than smoothing parameter of but still smaller than ), then encodes a random coset. • Why should this work? • -- vector with tiny coefficients

  42. Encoding this random coset • Publish an encoding of 1: • Sampling: If (wide enough), then encodes a random coset. • Don’t know how to encode specific elements • Given this short , set • is a valid level- encoding of the coset • Translating from level to :

  43. Equality Checking • Do encode the same coset? • Suffices to check -encodes . • Publish a (level-k) zero-testing param • h is ``somewhat short” (e.g. of size ) • To test, if encodes , compute • = = • Which is small if (or, )

  44. Re-randomizaton This re-randomization gets us statistically close to the actual distribution [AGHS12]. Need to re-randomize this as well. • And • But then • We need to re-randomize the encoding, to break these simple algebraic relations

  45. The Complete Encoding Scheme • Parameters: , , and • Encode a random element: • S • Re-randomize u (at level 1): • Zero Test: • Map to level(by multiplying by for appropriate j) • Check if is small

  46. Variants Asymmetric variants (many zi’s), XDH analog , , Partially symmetric and partially asymmetric Statistical Zero-test security

  47. Security: Cryptanalysis

  48. Attacks , , and • Goal: To find or • Covering the basics (Not ``Trivially’’ broken) • Adversary that only (iteratively) adds, subtracts, multiplies, or divides pairs of elements that it has already computedcannot break the scheme • Similar in spirit to Generic Group model • Without the - essentially the NTRU problem

  49. Attacks But more cryptanalysis needs to be done! , , and • Goal: To find or • Algebraic and Lattice Attacks • Averaging attacks • Other attacks for Principal Ideals

  50. Summary Presented ``noisy” cryptographic multilinear map. Construction is similar to NTRU-based homomorphic encryption, but with an equality-testing parameter. Security is based on somewhat stronger computational assumptions than NTRU. But more cryptanalysis needs to be done! And more applications need to be found!

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