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SURFnet5, experiences in building the next generation Internet in The Netherlands

SURFnet5, experiences in building the next generation Internet in The Netherlands. Erik-Jan Bos Washington, DC, October 2000. The Netherlands. The Netherlands. Topics. Introduction SURFnet and GigaPort GigaPort network SURFnet5 (Access Projects) External Connectivity Closing remarks.

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SURFnet5, experiences in building the next generation Internet in The Netherlands

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  1. SURFnet5,experiences in building the next generation Internet in The Netherlands Erik-Jan Bos Washington, DC, October 2000

  2. The Netherlands TheNetherlands

  3. Topics • Introduction SURFnet and GigaPort • GigaPort network • SURFnet5 • (Access Projects) • External Connectivity • Closing remarks

  4. SURFnet • Provides the Dutch National Research Network • Not for profit company • 200 connected organisations, 400.000 users • Turnover (1999): 20 M€ • Infrastructure services: • innovation paid for by government • cost effective exploitation for higher education and research

  5. Customer Connections - evolution Access capacity

  6. Start up of GigaPort initiative • SURFnet realised that a new infrastructure project was needed, but • the required funds couldn’t be delivered solely by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science • the project would have a broader (economic) value • network and applications need to be developed simultaneously • The government allocated part of the general infrastructure funds to knowledge infrastructure

  7. History of the GigaPort initiative Submission of business plan (September) Parliament motion: Invest also in knowledge infrastructure (November) Start of the project (April) Grant of 71 M€ (October) Opinion article in newspaper (August) Submission of request for grant (June) 1997 1998 1999

  8. GigaPort objectives • Accelerate innovation using NGI technologies for: • Business • Research and Education • Healthcare • Offer: • State-of-the-art research network as testbed • Know-how regarding NGI applications • Access to innovative user group (students) • Contacts to form consortia

  9. GigaPort funding 1999-2002 100% =€ 71 mln Source Destination Ministry for Education, Science and Culture Management Applications knowledge generation 2 9 14 Access projects 4 62 35 16 Research network International connectivity Ministry for Economic Affairs

  10. GigaPort projects and organisation

  11. Main challenges • Address high costs of ‘last mile’ access to • network • Reinforce role of universities and research • institutes as accelerators • Accelerate rate of experimentation by business • Achieve shared sense of urgency and • opportunity

  12. SURFnet AUP • Full service for Research and Higher Education Institutes • All others, including industry, test and development activities for advanced applications

  13. GigaPort-Network 2002 National Research Network 100 times faster than SURFnet4 (partnership) 15 PoPs - 20 Gbit/s access per PoP IP over optical transmission infrastructure New IP features Access projects Pilots for wired and wireless access (multiple partnerships) (GPRS, xDSL, Cable modems, UMTS, Gigabit Ethernet) International connectivity AMS-IX: 5 Gbit/s (procurement) Europe: 2,5 Gbit/s Global: 2.5 Gbit/s

  14. National Research Infrastructure SURFnet4 / SURFnet5 Overview GigaPort Network Access Users Organisations IP over wireless LAN Amsterdam Amsterdam Internet Exchange Access Internet Exchange IP over GSM, UMTS, satellite Europe Europe External Connectivity Users Intercontinental Global Access IP over cable, Users xDSL,PON

  15. Timepath SURFnet5

  16. SURFnet4 topology

  17. Specifications of SURFnet5 • 100 times as fast as SURFnet4 • IP over optical transmission infrastructure • 80 Gbit/s backbone - 20 Gbit/s access • Introduction of new IP features, e.g. • Authentication and Classes of Service • IPsec, Multicasting and IPv6 • MPLS, VPN and Traffic Engineering, including FRR • In partnership with industry

  18. SURFnet5: Status overview • SURFnet5 Pilot network: 1Q2000 - 4Q2000 • SURFnet5 Pre-production network: 4Q2000 - 2Q2001 • SURFnet5 Production network: 3Q2001- 4Q2005

  19. SURFnet5: Pilot network • Four-node GSR+ network @2.5G POS-framing • Status: up-and-running • Available until November 2000 for testing: • Performance tests using GIGAcluster • MPLS Traffic Engineering including Fast ReRoute • New multicast features • IPv6

  20. SURFnet5: Pilot network (schematic) Amsterdam Enschede SURFnet4 (global connectivity) POS framing 2.5 Gbit/s Eindhoven Delft

  21. Amsterdam Enschede Eindhoven Delft SURFnet5: GIGAcluster testing (schematic) GIGAcluster

  22. SURFnet5: GIGAcluster testing results

  23. SURFnet5: GIGAcluster testing results

  24. SURFnet5: Pre-production network • Collapsed backbone with: • 2 core sites (each 2 GSR+s interconnected at 10G POS) • 15 concentrator sites (each 1 GSR+ connected to both core sites at 10G POS) • Status: Currently being built • Available end of 4Q 2000 (except one concentrator) • Selected customers connected to SURFnet4 *and* SURFnet5

  25. SURFnet5: Pre-prod network (schematic) POS framing at 10 Gbit/s Concentrator (15x) FRR Telfort’s DWDM Network: Always two separate routes POS framing at 10 Gbit/s Hempoint SP (SARA)

  26. LSP A LSP B SURFnet5: MPLS TE FRR usage Concentrator X SP (SARA) Hempoint Concentrator Y

  27. SURFnet5: Concentrator locations

  28. SURFnet5 Production network • Putting the pre-production network into production • Planning: Summer 2001 • Start migrating all 200+ customers to SURFnet5 • Upgrade of the 4 core routers to next generation routing platform (contracted but to be defined) • Available until the end of 2005

  29. SURFnet5 access capacity 100 Gbit/s SURFnet5 20 Gbit/s SURFnet4 10 Gbit/s 10 Gbit/s 2,5 Gbit/s 1.0 Gbit/s 1 Gbit/s Access capacity 155 Mbit/s 100 Mbit/s 10 Mbit/s 1999 2000 2001 2002

  30. GigaPort External connectivity (now) • Global Internet Connectivity 622 Mbit/s (OC-12 level) • 2x OC-3 trans-Atlantic from Teleglobe • 2x OC-3 in Amsterdam from Level 3 • OC-3 to Abilene in NYC • OC-3 to STAR TAP • OC-3 to TEN-155, 2x gigE in October 2000 • gigE to the AMS-IX, 2x gigE in December 2000

  31. 200 ms 650ms 1% loss 7% loss 10% loss Europe seen from High Energy Physics USA

  32. GigaPort External connectivity (planned) • Global Internet Connectivity tender: • OC-48 in Amsterdam • OC-12 in Chicago • VPN-like service (LSP or IP VPN) • trans-Atlantic lambda in cooperation with our partners CANARIE and STAR TAP • Tender available real soon now through European Union guidelines

  33. http://www.surfnet.nl/ http://www.gigaport.nl/ Erik-Jan Bos <bos@surfnet.nl>

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