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Why bacteria run Linux while eukaryotes run Windows?

Why bacteria run Linux while eukaryotes run Windows?. Sergei Maslov Brookhaven National Laboratory New York. Physical vs. Biological Laws. Physical Laws are often discovered by finding simple common explanation for very different phenomena Newton’s Law : A pples fall to the ground

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Why bacteria run Linux while eukaryotes run Windows?

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  1. Why bacteria run Linux while eukaryotes run Windows? Sergei Maslov Brookhaven National Laboratory New York

  2. Physical vs. Biological Laws • Physical Lawsare often discovered by finding simple common explanation for very different phenomena • Newton’s Law: • Apples fall to the ground • Planets revolve around the Sun • Discovery of Biological Lawsis slowed down by us having cookie-cutter explanation in terms of natural selection:

  3. Drawing from Facebook group: Trust me, I'm a "Biologist"'

  4. ~ Genes encoded in bacterial genomes Packages installed on Linux computers

  5. Complex systems have many components • Genes (Bacteria) • Software packages (Linux OS) • Components do not work alone: they need to be assembled to work • In individual systems only a subset of components is installed • Genome (Bacteria) – collection of genes • Computer (Linux OS) – collection of software packages • Components have vastly differentfrequencies of installation

  6. IKEA kits have many components Justin Pollard, http://www.designboom.com

  7. They need to be assembled to work Justin Pollard, http://www.designboom.com

  8. Different frequencies of use vs Common Rare

  9. What determines the frequency of installation/use of a gene/package? • Popularity: AKA preferential attachment • Frequency ~ self-amplifying popularity • Relevant for social systems: WWW links, facebook friendships, scientific citations • Functional role: • Frequency ~ breadth or importance of the functional role • Relevant for biological and technologicalsystems where selection adjusts undeserved popularity

  10. Empirical data on component frequencies • Bacterial genomes (eggnog.embl.de): • 500 sequenced prokaryotic genomes • 44,000 Orthologous Gene families • Linux packages (popcon.ubuntu.com): • 200,000 Linux packages installed on • 2,000,000 individual computers • Binary tables: component is either present or not in a given system

  11. Frequency distributions Cloud Shell Core ORFans P(f)~ f-1.5 except the top √N “universal” components with f~1 TY Pang, S. Maslov, PNAS (2013)

  12. How to quantify functional importance? • We want to check Frequency ~ Importance • Usefulness=Importance ~ Component is needed for proper functioning of other components • Dependency network • A  B means A depends on B for its function • Formalized for Linux software packages • For metabolic enzymes given by upstream-downstream positions in pathways • Frequency ~ dependency degree, Kdep • Kdep= thetotal number of components that directly or indirectly depend on the selected one

  13. TY Pang, S. Maslov, PNAS (2013)

  14. Frequency is positively correlated with functional importance Correlation coefficient ~0.4 for both Linux and genes Could be improved by using weighted dependency degree TY Pang, S. Maslov, PNAS (2013)

  15. Warm-up: tree-like metabolic network TCA cycle Kdep=15 Kdep=5 TY Pang, S. Maslov, PNAS (2013)

  16. Dependency degree distribution on a critical branching tree • P(K)~K-1.5for a critical branching tree • Paradox: Kmax-0.5 ~ 1/N  Kmax=N2>N • Answer: parent tree size imposes a cutoff:there will be √N “core” nodes with Kmax=N • present in almost all systems (ribosomal genes or core metabolic enzymes) • Need a new model: in a tree D=1, while in real systems D~2>1

  17. Bottom-down model of dependency network evolution • Components added gradually over evolutionary time • New component directly depends on D previously existing components selected randomly • Versions: • D is drawn from some distributionsame as above • Recent components are preferentially selectedcitations • There is a fixed probability to connect to anypreviously existing componentsfood webs

  18. p(t,T) –probability that component added at time T • directly or indirectly depends on one added at time t

  19. Kdep and Kout degree distributions

  20. Kdep decreases layer number Linux Model with D=2 TY Pang, S. Maslov, PNAS (2013)

  21. Zipf plot for Kdep distributions Metabolic enzymes vs Model Linux vs Model TY Pang, S. Maslov, PNAS (2013)

  22. Frequency distributions Cloud Core Shell ORFans P(f)~ f-1.5 except the top √N “universal” components with f~1 TY Pang, S. Maslov, PNAS (2013)

  23. What experiments does P(f) help to interpret?

  24. Pan-genome of E. coli strains M Touchon et al. PLoS Genetics (2009)

  25. Metagenomes The Human MicrobiomeProject Consortium, Nature (2012)

  26. Pan-genome scaling

  27. Pan-genome of all bacteria (# of genes in pan-genome)~ (# of sequenced genomes)0.5 (# of new genes added to pan-genome) ~ (# of sequenced genomes)-0.5  P. LapierreJP GogartenTIG 2009 Slope=-0.4 predictions of the toolbox model (-0.5)

  28. Bacterial genome evolution happens in cooperation with phages + =

  29. Comparative genomics of E. coliimplicates phages for BitTorrent 1kb: gene length K-12 to B comparison Phage capacity: 20kbOther strains up to 40kb

  30. Phage-Bacteria Infection Network Data from Flores et al 2011experiments by Moebus,Nattkemper,1981 WWW from AT&T website circa 1996 visualized by Mark Newman

  31. Why eukaryotes run windows? • Dependency network = reuse of components • Bacteria do not keep redundant genes after HGT • Linux developers rely on previous efforts • Pros: smaller genomes, open source, economies of scale • Cons: less specialized, potentially unstable, “dependency hell” • Eukaryotes are like Windows or Mac OS X • Keep redundant components • Proprietary software

  32. Figure adapted from S. Maslov, TY Pang, K. Sneppen, S. Krishna, PNAS (2009) # of pathways (or their regulators) # of genes

  33. Software packages for Linux • Nselected packages~ Ninstalledpackages1.7

  34. Collaborators: Tin Yau Pang, Stony Brook University Support: Office of Biological and Environmental Research

  35. Thank you!

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