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TAP Basics

TAP Basics. (Preparing for Success in a TAP School) [PSTS]. TAP Principles. Performance-based Accountability. Performance & Responsibility drive compensation. Multiple Career Paths. Ongoing Applied Professional Growth. State Testing. School Labeling. District Goals. School Goals.

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TAP Basics

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Presentation Transcript

  1. TAPBasics (Preparing for Successin a TAP School) [PSTS]

  2. TAP Principles Performance-based Accountability Performance & Responsibility drive compensation Multiple Career Paths Ongoing Applied Professional Growth

  3. State Testing School Labeling District Goals School Goals The “GAP” NCLB Student Growth?

  4. School Goals Cluster goals Individual Teacher goals Student Growth

  5. Steps for Effective Learning • School Plan • School Goal • Cluster Goal • Individual Growth Plans

  6. Cluster Groups Create long range plans Group Meeting Record Pretest data STEPS Posttest results

  7. STEPS for Effective Learning 1. Identify problem or need Evidence of need is clear, specific, high quality and measurable (using pretest) Addresses content learning with links to teacher strategies and rubric

  8. STEPS for Effective Learning 1. Identify problem or need 2. Obtain new teacher learningaligned to student need (formatted for classroom application) Using credible sources – proven applicationshowing student growth

  9. STEPS for Effective Learning 1. Identify problem or need 2. Obtain new teacher learningaligned to student need (formatted for classroom application) 3. Develop new teacher learningwith support in the classroom Through demonstrations, modeling, practice,team teaching, and peer coaching With subsequent analysis ofstudent work

  10. STEPS for Effective Learning 1. Identify problem or need 2. Obtain new teacher learningaligned to student need (formatted for classroom application) 3. Develop new teacher learningwith support in the classroom 4. Apply new teacher learning Evidenced through observation, peer-coaching, self-reflection

  11. STEPS for Effective Learning 1. Identify problem or need 2. Obtain new teacher learningaligned to student need (formatted for classroom application) 3. Develop new teacher learningwith support in the classroom 4. Apply new teacher learning 5. Evaluateimpact on studentperformance Post-test aligned with data analysis & new teaching strategies

  12. 1 Identifythe problemor need

  13. 2 Obtainnewlearning

  14. 3 Develop thenew learning

  15. 4 Apply new skillsin the classroom

  16. 5 Evaluate theimpact on studentperformance

  17. TAPLeadership Team TAP Director TAP Leadership TeamPrincipal Assistant PrincipalMaster TeachersMentor Teachers

  18. TAPLeadership Team Develop school plan for improving student achievement Determine cluster goals and monitor movement to them Monitor IGP goals and activities Monitor inter-rater reliability and evaluation skills Responsibilities

  19. TAPLeadership Team Maximize meetingsSet norms for meetings Develop norms for members Documentation Leadership Team Meeting Log Processes

  20. TAPTeacher Rubric 25%NWEAresults 50%Teacher skills & knowledge 25%CSAPresults

  21. Determined by TAP Rubricsand Responsibility Survey 50%Teacher skills & knowledge The RUBRIC: Planning Instruction Implementing Instruction Learning Environment Responsibilities

  22. Cluster Groups Data-driven!

  23. Cluster Groups Led by master or mentor teachers Meet 1-3 hours per week Regular membership Have plan focused on student learning goals Members grouped by grade level, content, or shared students

  24. Cluster Group Documentation Cluster Meeting Record Cluster Long Range Plan

  25. Cluster Meeting Record Rubric* Goal Outcomes Follow-up Long Range Plans (*EVALUATES CLUSTER MEETING RECORDS)

  26. Cluster Meeting Record Rubric* Goals Help focus work of cluster members Demonstrate student gains as a result of cluster work

  27. Cluster Meeting Record Rubric* Outcomes Most should have no more than 2 items Use Bloom’s taxonomy to help Should include Steps 2 & 3 to allow for new learning (Obtain & Develop New Learning) 3 2

  28. Cluster Meeting Record Rubric* Outcomes 1. Identify knowledge/topic/problem2. Segment into learning modules3. Design an outcome using Bloom’s taxonomy what? How much? How?

  29. Cluster Meeting Record Rubric* Follow-up Who? What? Activity due date Expectations of next meeting

  30. Cluster Meeting Record Rubric* Long Range Plans Provide focus & directionSimpleDeveloped quarterly (as development of school plan)Provides record of general topic & classroom follow-upClassroom follow-up is clearly marked

  31. IGP Individual Growth Plan

  32. 2005 Gary Burns, Eagle County Schools

  33. elements www.animationfactory.com

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