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Transforming Suffolk: Community and Innovation Funds

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Transforming Suffolk: Community and Innovation Funds

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    1. Transforming Suffolk: Community and Innovation Funds

    2. Final tranche of Performance Reward Grant: £2.5million total funding To be delivered by The Suffolk Foundation in partnership with Suffolk County Council Draws on lessons learnt and experience of previous PRG funding rounds delivered by SCC’s Programmes Management Team Background to Funding

    3. What is the fund for? To help communities to help themselves To allow individuals the opportunity to build or strengthen the links between themselves and their community

    4. The fund is open to organisations from the: Public sector Private sector Voluntary and community sectors

    5. Fund criteria No restrictions on the types of project that can be supported through the fund, however All projects must involve and have support from the local community Applicants are encouraged to be innovative and develop new ways of working, paying particular attention to the following core principles of the fund: - Aspiration - Collaboration - Simplification  

    6. Projects that integrate existing services or develop new ones with the objective of long term sustainability Projects which support sustainable voluntary and community organisations by helping them to help themselves Research into needs and service provision Development of innovative and/or transferable practices for delivering new and improved services Examples of projects 

    7. A simple application form completed and returned Evidence of match funding and any other income A short breakdown of the project costs A brief explanation of what outputs and outcomes the project will achieve Which of the core principles of the fund these contribute towards

    8. The total funding available is £1.5m over 3 years A maximum grant of £50,000 is available to applicants, over a period of up to 3 years. 75% of the eligible project cost is available for the funding. The applicant, either from their own funds or via an additional funder or funders, must provide the remaining 25%. Grants will normally be paid retrospectively on evidence of expenditure. Certain applicants may qualify for partial advance payments, dependant on circumstances.

    9. The total funding available is £1m over 3 years. The programme has been designed for Suffolk’s community and voluntary sector. A maximum grant of £5,000 is available to applicants. Full or partial project cost is available for the funding. Community Fund Financial Information

    10. Numbers of community groups supported and developed and communities engaged with Numbers and types of new and improved services delivered Numbers of new partners engaged with and partnerships formed

    11. Improvements to local networks through collaboration of delivery partnerships Barriers removed by simplification of procedures Communities aspiring to change

    13. For funding information please contact: Suffolk County Council’s External Funding team: 01473 260122 / www.suffolk.gov.uk The Suffolk Foundation 01473 734120 / www.suffolkfoundation.org.uk For advice on applying for a grant please contact: Programmes Management Team, Suffolk County Council 01473 260122 / programmesteam@suffolk.gov.uk

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