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PTNT Post-Evaluation Analysis Summit Ridge Tagaytay, November 29-30

PTNT Post-Evaluation Analysis Summit Ridge Tagaytay, November 29-30. 1. Outline:. Review Attendees Programme Pre and Post test Post-Evaluation ratings SWOT Analysis Open Discussion. 2. Review: Attendees. A total of 36 attendees, 120% achievement vs. plan.

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PTNT Post-Evaluation Analysis Summit Ridge Tagaytay, November 29-30

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  1. PTNT Post-Evaluation AnalysisSummit Ridge Tagaytay, November 29-30 1

  2. Outline: Review Attendees Programme Pre and Post test Post-Evaluation ratings SWOT Analysis Open Discussion 2

  3. Review: Attendees • A total of 36 attendees, 120% achievement vs. plan

  4. Attendees by field of specialization: Diverse!!!

  5. Review: Programme-Day 1- Orange group: Raintree B Pink group: Hazel Nut

  6. Review: Day 1- • A van was provided for the participants who heard mass at the Our Lady of Lourdes Parish. • The rest of the attendees proceeded to Giligan’s island for dinner and fellowship night.

  7. Review: Programme Day 2-

  8. Class Average: 91% Pre-test and Post-test Results PRE-TEST POST-TEST Class Average: 79%

  9. PPS President Dr. Victor Doctor PhilSPEN President Dr. Inciong The MD’s in ACTION!!! 

  10. The SPEAKERS in ACTION!!!!

  11. Pati Abbott managers nag-nose bleed sa growth chart!!!

  12. Post Evaluation Ratings:


  14. OPPORTUNITIES • For greater scientific credibility of the course, CME provider is professional society and hospital or medical school partner. Certificate is signed by their officials and moderators come from them. • PhilSPEN to take the lead to encourage more participation from its members (i.e., active participation in the program---moderator, co-facilitator) • More workshops focusing in computations of nutrient needs, BMI, etc. • Apply for CPE credits in nutrition for PhilSPEN; if PhilSPEN doesn’t have CPE units, Abbott to apply for CPE units • PhilSPEN to formalize the formation of a committee on Pediatric Nutrition Support • Train the trainers and presentation skills training • Add more facilitators • Reassign topics; rotation for mastery of ALL TOPICS • Diversify field of specialization of participants • Refresher courses through RTDs for those who attended the PTNT • Standardize the presentation slides; bring back to the original font, color, etc. • Dr. Llido to train on the admin side of putting up an NST

  15. THREATS • Competition might come up with a program with same objectives (UMED, Nestle Nutrition Institute)

  16. Next Steps: • Allot time for the introduction of participants and expression of expectations • Prepare script for introduction of all people concerned. • Master timer for the event and reps to be mobilizing people. • If X people commit to come, experience shows that almost 30 to 50% will not come, a confirmation one to two days before may help, and a back up plan to substitute people may also be helpful • There was some consensus that we begin teaching MDs the use of z scores as a screening tool, so we need to print for both PTNT and IMFED for consistency • They have requested for simple algorithm for FTT. This can be a medical give away of reps. • Ask PhilSPEN if they have the capacity to provide CPE/CME units. • Validate whether there’s value in accruing CME units • Train the trainers • Course director to meet with Dr. Noche and Dr. Inciong to plan out the next PTNT

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