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Ten Lessons Learned from Integrating Interaction Design and Agile Development

Ten Lessons Learned from Integrating Interaction Design and Agile Development. 作者: Tiago Silva da Silva Milene Selbach Silveira Frank Maurer 報告者: 102522063 林楷峻. Agile vs. Interaction Design. 文化差異大 現實中通常都為分開工作 該如何將兩者整合在一起呢 ?. 從「 互動介面設計師 」的角度看「 Agile 」. 盡可能的 產出 code

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Ten Lessons Learned from Integrating Interaction Design and Agile Development

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  1. Ten Lessons Learned from Integrating Interaction Design and Agile Development 作者:Tiago Silva da Silva MileneSelbachSilveira Frank Maurer 報告者:102522063 林楷峻

  2. Agile vs. Interaction Design • 文化差異大 • 現實中通常都為分開工作 • 該如何將兩者整合在一起呢?

  3. 從「互動介面設計師」的角度看「Agile」 • 盡可能的產出 code • 在 iteration 內新增軟體的 feature • 不把設計當作一回事

  4. 從「Agile」的角度看「互動介面設計師」 • 花太多時間在研究使用者經驗 • 會延遲開發的時程

  5. 將兩者結合在一起是很困難的!

  6. 相關研究 • A.Little Design Up Front • 建構出基本的 UI • B.Prototyping • 改善設計師與開發者的溝通 • 越早越好 • C. User Testing • 在 paper prototype 上實施 user testing

  7. 相關研究 (Cont.) • D. User Stories • 用 task analysis 幫助發展 user stories • 改善 prototype • E. Inspection Evaluation • 利用 paper prototype 取得功能性的評價 • F.One Sprint Ahead • 設計師應該要比開發團隊早一個 sprint 工作

  8. 研究 • 研究問題:設計師在 Agile 團隊內合作的情形 • 研究方法:在兩家大公司內觀察開發情況 • 公司挑選:使用 Agile 開發至少一年 專注在開發產品的可用性

  9. Study 1 • 一個 team 負責兩個 Project • Project X • 開發者:在現有產品中加入新功能 • 設計師:幫忙想新功能 • Project Y • 開發者:將現有產品轉移到手持設備 • 設計師:設計 prototype, UI 和使用者的互動流程 • 開發者與設計師沒有在同一辦公室

  10. Study 2 • 兩個 team各負責兩個 Project • Product A : 國際綜合農業入口網站 • 互動設計師: 使用者研究、互動設計 • 介面設計師: 使用者介面設計 • Product B: 各家公司的服務及工作機會介紹 • 互動設計師: 身兼上述兩種 • 開發者與互動設計師在同一辦公室

  11. 資料收集:觀察與訪談 • 訪談:問「Project Manager」在公司實施 Agile 的情況及與互動設計師一起合作的看法 問「互動設計師」如何在不同的 project 中工作 • 資料分析: Open Coding

  12. 研究發現 • A. Little Design Up Front • “We don't have much time to work up front. Then we try to do at least something up front, and it seems to be working” [1S2 – UX B] • “We have a Sprint 0, pre-production” [S2 – PL A] • “We don’t need to design everything up front” [S1 – UX3]

  13. 研究發現(Cont.) • B.Prototyping • “It’s tricky to UX people to code”. [S1 – UX 2] • “Once the product is defined, I prototype it in two of three weeks. Paper prototype to communicate between us and some HTML to present to directors.” [S2 – UX B]

  14. 研究發現(Cont.) • C. User Testing • “Internally studies… new people and old people frominside the Company (...) With real users just at the final stages of the project.” [S1 – UX 2] • “As we have a set of users (database of volunteers), we can call them and carry out some focus groups. We have 4 different personas with them.” [S2 – UX B]

  15. 研究發現(Cont.) • D. User Stories • “We put UX criteria as acceptance criteria at the User Stories, or we reference the behavior of the interface in a sequence of wireframes.” [S2 – UX A]

  16. 研究發現(Cont.) • E. Inspection Evaluation • “We perform some experts evaluations, peer review.” [S1– UX 1]

  17. 研究發現(Cont.) • F. One Sprint Ahead • “We should work at least one sprint ahead the development team.” [S1 – UX3] • “Me and UX work one sprint ahead of the rest of the team.” [S2 – PL A]

  18. 10 LESSONS LEARNED • 1. Use Sprint 0 to Research and Design something upfront. • 2. Prototype and evaluate iteratively independently of the technique or tool chosen. • 3. Paper prototyping might not be so efficient, mainly when the teams are distributed.

  19. 4. Use of low-fidelity prototypes, but digital rather than on paper. However, it depends on the Designer’s skills/background. • 5. Low-fidelity prototypes frequently help the communication between the development and the Interaction Designers. However, sometimes they are not sufficient to communicate design decisions to stakeholders. • 6. Perform user testing with internal users. This is a reasonable practice, but keep in mind that they may not be your end users.

  20. 7. Keep a database of ‘design partners’, which consists of having a database of potential users who are partners available to carry out user testing. • 8. Set UX issues as acceptance criteria in the User Stories, preferably enriched with prototypes. • 9. Evaluate iteratively, pairing with other Designers, Developers and Analysts. • 10. Design one sprint ahead of the development team but be always available to clarify Developers’ doubts.

  21. 結論 • 互動設計師同時最好只有一個 Project • 互動設計師必須要是Agile Team 的一員 • 互動設計師必須和 Agile Team 在同一辦公室 • 範圍只有兩間公司,不確定性的因素還很多 • 藉由上述的十項,可以讓整合 Agile 和 互動設計師變得容易

  22. Thank for listening!

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