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January 30, 2017

January 30, 2017. CHART ACTIVITY: Use your note-taking skills to summarize the differences between Hamilton and Jefferson. Turn to the next odd page and make a t-chart like below. 1 st in war 1 st in peace 1 st in the hearts of his countrymen Quote by Henry Lighthorse Lee.

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January 30, 2017

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  1. January 30, 2017 CHART ACTIVITY: Use your note-taking skills to summarize the differences between Hamilton and Jefferson. Turn to the next odd page and make a t-chart like below.

  2. 1st in war 1st in peace 1st in the hearts of his countrymen Quote by Henry Lighthorse Lee

  3. Two Learning Goals: • I can list the differences between the first two political parties. • I can explain the difference between loose and strict construction.

  4. Political Parties in the United States Views of the Founders: Hamilton Jefferson

  5. SOCIAL BELIEFS Hamilton Federalists Jefferson Democratic-Republicans • “I’m for the little guy” • He believed in the intelligence of the “common man”. • He thought that the best way to earn a living was through farming, and that our nation’s economy should be based on agriculture. • “A powerful government makes a strong nation” • Hamilton had little faith in the common man. • He thought the common man was likely to be short-sighted and to cast his vote without much thought or intelligence.

  6. ECONOMIC BELIEFS Hamilton Federalists Jefferson Democratic-Republicans • Jefferson thought that the best way to earn a living was through farming, and that our nation’s economy should be based on AGRICULTURE. • Jefferson didn’t trust banks and big business---he thought they would just make more money for rich people and hurt the common man. • Hamilton thought that the nation’s economy should be based on MANUFACTURING. • Hamilton believed that the nation should be run by wealthy, well-educated men (elites), who he thought would have better judgment than the common man.

  7. POLITICAL BELIEFS Hamilton Federalists Jefferson Democratic-Republicans • Jefferson believed that most government power should be at the STATE level and in the LEGISLATIVE branch. • Hamilton thought that the EXECUTIVE branch of the government should have lots of power, and that most government power should be at the NATIONAL level.

  8. POLITICAL BELIEFS Hamilton Federalists Jefferson Democratic-Republicans • Jefferson favored a STRICT construction, or interpretation, of the Constitution. • Just like a strict teacher, he didn’t believe in much “wiggle room”. • Hamilton favored a LOOSE construction, or interpretation, of the Constitution. • Just like loose clothes give you room to grow, a loose interpretation of the Constitution would let government grow.

  9. POLITICAL BELIEFS Hamilton Federalists Jefferson Democratic-Republicans • Thomas Jefferson’s beliefs became the basis for the DEMOCRATIC REPUBLICAN political party. • Alexander Hamilton’s beliefs became the basis for the FEDERALIST political party.

  10. DIRECTIONS LEFT SIDE ACTIVITY: Analyze the given quotes and create a t-chart to categorize who said each quote. Hamilton Federalists Jefferson Democratic-Republicans As a group, place the quote in the appropriate party.

  11. PRACTICE QUOTES 1. Our party has strong support in the South and West. 2. Our party believed in strict interpretation of the Constitution in order to limit the powers of the federal government. 3. Our party favored a strong national government and believed in a loose interpretation of the Constitution in order to expand the powers of the federal government. 4. Our party supported Hamilton’s financial plan because it would prepare the U.S. to be a strong, industrial nation. 5. Our party opposed Hamilton’s financial plan because it gave too much power to the national government. 6. People and states should retain as many rights as possible.

  12. 7. Our party has strong support in New England. 8. Our members were made up of wealthy merchants, bankers, and manufacturers. 9. Alexander Hamilton is the best leader for our party. 10. Power should NEVER be placed in the hands of the common people. 11. Our members were made up of farmers, frontier settlers, small shopkeepers, and laborers. 12. Thomas Jefferson is the best leader for our party. Create your own Democratic-Republican quote. Create your own Federalist quote.

  13. Name That Quote! What does this quote mean in your own words: Who do you think said it (Hamilton or Jefferson)? Explain.

  14. Critical Thinking Question A: “All communities divide themselves into the few and the many. The first are the rich and well born; the other the mass of people…The people are turbulent and changing; they seldom judge or determine right. Give therefore to the first class a…permanent share in the government…they therefore will ever maintain good government.” Hamilton

  15. Critical Thinking Question B: “Our country is too large to have all affairs directed by a single government.” JEFFERSON

  16. Critical Thinking Question C: “The small landowners are the most precious part of the state.” JEFFERSON

  17. Critical Thinking Question D: “The powers contained in a constitution…ought to be constructed liberally (generously/freely) in advancement of the public good.” Hamilton

  18. Critical Thinking Question E: “The superiority…enjoyed by nations that have perfected a branch of industry, constitutes a formidable (difficult/large) obstacle.” Hamilton

  19. Critical Thinking Question F: “I consider the foundation of the Constitution as laid on this ground- that all powers not delegated [given] to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states, or to the people.” JEFFERSON

  20. DISCUSSION QUESTION After studying the viewpoints of both parties, who do you agree with more? Explain.

  21. Two Learning Goals: • I can list the differences between the first two political parties. • I can explain the difference between loose and strict construction.

  22. Your Task: Create a bumper sticker for the political party of your choice. (Federalists or Democratic-Republicans) • The bumper sticker should: • Fill the entire front side of your paper. • Contain a slogan and picture/symbol. • Be sponsored by the party you support. • Include at least 3 colors. • Accurately reflect the views of the political party. Homework: Due ____February 3___________

  23. Choice #2: Create a radio ad for the political party of your choice. (Federalists or Democratic-Republicans) • The advertisement should: • Be 15-20 seconds long. • Contain a slogan and either a positive or negative viewpoint. • End in “My name is ___________ (Jefferson/Hamilton), and I approve this message.” • Accurately reflect the views of the political party. Homework: Due _______________

  24. Avoid: • Libel – nothing written that’s untrue (easier to prove) • Slander – a spoken lie

  25. Wrap-it up: Think About It! • The _________ Party was more interested in helping businesses grow during the 18th century. • What are two things Washington did to impact (or affect) the new nation? Federalist

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