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Bioimpedants alanud aastatuhandel: Uued võimalused läbi uute tehnoloogiate

Bioimpedants alanud aastatuhandel: Uued võimalused läbi uute tehnoloogiate. Tallinna Tehnikaülikool , professor OÜ SmartImplant , arendusdirektor. M a r t M i n. Bioimpedants alanud aastatuhandel: Uued võimalused läbi uute tehnoloogiate. CONTENTS. Introduction

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Bioimpedants alanud aastatuhandel: Uued võimalused läbi uute tehnoloogiate

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  1. Bioimpedants alanud aastatuhandel:Uued võimalused läbi uute tehnoloogiate Tallinna Tehnikaülikool, professor OÜ SmartImplant,arendusdirektor Mart Min 5. märtsil 2005 Sokka turismitalus Otepää lähistel

  2. Bioimpedants alanud aastatuhandel:Uued võimalused läbi uute tehnoloogiate CONTENTS Introduction 1 Electrical impedance and bioimpedance 2 Impedance variations or biomodulation 3 Bioimpedance measurement 4 Heart monitoring and pacing control 5 Bioimpedance simulations 6 Experiments and clinical practice 7 Applications, Projects, Inventions 3 5 9 13 19 29 33 41 5. märtsil 2005 Sokka turismitalus Otepää lähistel

  3. Bioimpedants alanud aastatuhandel:Uued võimalused läbi uute tehnoloogiate Introduction Electrical Impedance Ż = R+jX = V/I Electrical Admittance Ŷ = G+jB= I/V = 1/Ż Electrical Bio-Impedance (EBI) Frequency Dependence (Response, Spectrum) Ż(f) 5. märtsil 2005 Sokka turismitalus Otepää lähistel

  4. Introduction About the history of EBI research Luiggi Galvani 1800 Simon Ohm 1825 Warburg 1890 Cole & Cole 1940, Foster & Schwan, Nyboer, Geddes 1950 Kubicek & Patterson - Impedance Cardiograph (ICG) of Uni. Minnesota for NASA 1966 Shramek & Bernstein 1983 The New Wave of EBI research and applications Electrical Impedance Tomography (EIT) Tissue/Organ status (tumor, ischaemia) Body composition Intracardiac EBI (used in the majority of implantable pacemekers) 5. märtsil 2005 Sokka turismitalus Otepää lähistel

  5. Bioimpedants alanud aastatuhandel:Uued võimalused läbi uute tehnoloogiate 1 Electrical Impedance and Bioimpedance • Electrical ImpedanceŻ=R+jX • Electrical Bio-Impedance (EBI) • Frequency Dependence (Response, Spectrum) Ż(f) 5. märtsil 2005 Sokka turismitalus Otepää lähistel

  6. 1 Electrical Impedance and Bioimpedance Electrical Impedance Ż=R+jXŶ=G+jB Ż = 1/Ŷ but R 1/G and X 1/B Serial equivalent Circular diagramme Parallel equivalent Electrical Impedance Ż=R+jX Electrical Admittance Ŷ=G+jB 5. märtsil 2005 Sokka turismitalus Otepää lähistel

  7. 1 Electrical Impedance and Bioimpedance Different tissues a) typical b) myocardium with current flow paths shown (transcellular and extracellular) Electrical Bio-Impedance 5. märtsil 2005 Sokka turismitalus Otepää lähistel

  8. 1 Electrical Impedance and Bioimpedance Frequency spectrum of the dielectric permittivity ε(f) shows significant falling with frequency. In accordance with this the capacitive reactance XC is not falling reversely with frequency by the known for capacitance law XC=1/jωC = 1/jπfC Frequency dependence Reactance in form of serial capacitive component XC of the EBI Z=R+jXCand corresponding frequency response of equivalent dielectric permittivity ε(f) 5. märtsil 2005 Sokka turismitalus Otepää lähistel

  9. Bioimpedants alanud aastatuhandel:Uued võimalused läbi uute tehnoloogiate 2 Impedance Variations or Biomodulation • Impedance Cardiography • Theoretical Treatment of Impedance Variations • Results of Animal Experiments • Computer Simulation of Variations 5. märtsil 2005 Sokka turismitalus Otepää lähistel

  10. 2 Impedance Variations or Biomodulation Impedance cardiography (a)(b) Placement of electrodes for estimation of cardiac output a) noninvasively, and b) minimally invasively 5. märtsil 2005 Sokka turismitalus Otepää lähistel

  11. 2 Impedance Variations or Biomodulation Theoretical treatment of impedance variations 5. märtsil 2005 Sokka turismitalus Otepää lähistel

  12. 2 Impedance Variations or Biomodulation Variations of the intracardiac impedanceŻ of a sheep Variations of the intracardiac impedance Ż of a sheep were measured in the frequency range from 2 to 256kHz. The impedance was measured between the ventricular tip electrode placed in apex, and subcutaneous titanum reference electrode. Respirator was switched off. St Jude Medical AB, USA/Sweden Dynamic responses of the real (Re) and imaginary (Im) parts of the impedance Ż of the 3-element equivalent circuit: triangular variation of the parallel resistance R1 = 500 Ω in the range  40% Waveforms of ReŻ and Im Ż are shown for the frequency 64 kHz only. 5. märtsil 2005 Sokka turismitalus Otepää lähistel

  13. Bioimpedants alanud aastatuhandel:Uued võimalused läbi uute tehnoloogiate 3 Bioimpedance Measurement • An Analog PWM Solution • Using of Synchronous Undersampling • Simultaneous Multifrequency Measurement 5. märtsil 2005 Sokka turismitalus Otepää lähistel

  14. 3 Bioimpedance Measurement Block diagram of the analog two-phase lock-in bioimpedance analyser in which the pulse-width modification (PWM) of rectangular wave is used instead of pure sine/cosine waveforms 5. märtsil 2005 Sokka turismitalus Otepää lähistel

  15. 3 Bioimpedance Measurement Pulse-width modification (PWM) of rectangular waves ensures sparse coincidence of spectral lines 5. märtsil 2005 Sokka turismitalus Otepää lähistel

  16. 3 Bioimpedance Measurement 5. märtsil 2005 Sokka turismitalus Otepää lähistel

  17. 3 Bioimpedance Measurement 5. märtsil 2005 Sokka turismitalus Otepää lähistel

  18. 3 Bioimpedance Measurement A multifrequency impedance analyser of responses to simultaneous multisignal excitationfor the frequency range from 10 Hz to 10 MHz. 5. märtsil 2005 Sokka turismitalus Otepää lähistel

  19. 3 Bioimpedance Measurement KOLMEDIMENSIONAALNE SÜDAMEMUDEL KUI VIRTUAALMÕÕTMISE OBJEKT 5. märtsil 2005 Sokka turismitalus Otepää lähistel

  20. 3 Bioimpedance Measurement VIRTUAALINSTRUMENDI GRAAFILINE KASUTAJALIIDES 5. märtsil 2005 Sokka turismitalus Otepää lähistel

  21. Bioimpedants alanud aastatuhandel:Uued võimalused läbi uute tehnoloogiate 4 Heart Monitoring and Pacing Controlon the basis of bioimpedance measurement • Measurement of Cardiac and Respiratory Impedances • Adaptive Pacing Control • Monitoring of Ventricular Energy Balance • Ischemia Monitoring 5. märtsil 2005 Sokka turismitalus Otepää lähistel

  22. 4 Heart Monitoring and Pacing Control Problem: How to control the pacing rate avoiding imbalance between energy consumption and energy supplyof the myocardium, by impedance based estimation of • minute volume (MV) of ventilation • relative stroke volume (SV) • diastolic time (tdiast) • ischemic phenomena 5. märtsil 2005 Sokka turismitalus Otepää lähistel

  23. 4 Heart Monitoring and Pacing Control Measurement of Cardiac (ŻC) and Respiratory (ŻR) Impedances 5. märtsil 2005 Sokka turismitalus Otepää lähistel

  24. 4 Heart Monitoring and Pacing Control 5. märtsil 2005 Sokka turismitalus Otepää lähistel

  25. 4 Heart Monitoring and Pacing Control 5. märtsil 2005 Sokka turismitalus Otepää lähistel

  26. 4 Heart Monitoring and Pacing Control 5. märtsil 2005 Sokka turismitalus Otepää lähistel

  27. 4 Heart Monitoring and Pacing Control oxygen uptake (arterio-venous difference) energetical coefficient myocardial blood volume (balance) hydraulic coronary resistance (energy balance) coronary resistance ratio the condition for myocardium’s energy balance coronary reserve arteriosclerosis healthy heart Analytical Approach for finding Pacing Rate Limits(using simplifications) 5. märtsil 2005 Sokka turismitalus Otepää lähistel

  28. 4 Heart Monitoring and Pacing Control (by E. Gersing) • Tissue oedemais caused by changing of • liquid amount/balance. • Types of oedema: cellular, extracellular, and combined. • The cellular oedema(ischaemic) • occurs through an intracellular hyperosmolarity or through • an extracellular hypotonicity as a result of • occlusion of the blood inflow (arterial supply) (Fig.1). Fig.1. • The extracellular oedema (interstitial) • is a result of buildup of oedema fluid in the extracellular space • (Fig.2) of the tissue (parenchyma). • Two ways for genesis of the extracellular oedema: • - through increased ultrafiltration (through the walls of capillars), or • - due to decreased reabsorption (inhibition of the venous outflow). • Fig.2. 5. märtsil 2005 Sokka turismitalus Otepää lähistel

  29. Bioimpedants alanud aastatuhandel:Uued võimalused läbi uute tehnoloogiate 5 Bioimpedance Simulations • Simulation Schematics • Isopotential Surfaces and Current Flow-lines 5. märtsil 2005 Sokka turismitalus Otepää lähistel

  30. 5 Bioimpedance Simulations Simulation Schematics 5. märtsil 2005 Sokka turismitalus Otepää lähistel

  31. 5 Bioimpedance Simulations Im(Ù) Re(Ù) Nyquist plot Real Imaginary Isopotential Surfaces and Current-flow Lines Real Imaginary 5. märtsil 2005 Sokka turismitalus Otepää lähistel

  32. 5 Bioimpedance Simulations A system of artificial blood circulation for experiments with separated animal heart 5. märtsil 2005 Sokka turismitalus Otepää lähistel

  33. Bioimpedants alanud aastatuhandel:Uued võimalused läbi uute tehnoloogiate 6 Experiments and Clinical Practice • Experiments with the Isolated Heart • Tissue Transplantation • Monitoring of the Transplanted Tissue 5. märtsil 2005 Sokka turismitalus Otepää lähistel

  34. 6 Experiments and Clinical Practice Experiments with Isolated Heart 5. märtsil 2005 Sokka turismitalus Otepää lähistel

  35. 6 Experiments and Clinical Practice Trauma ... and Tissue Transplantation 5. märtsil 2005 Sokka turismitalus Otepää lähistel

  36. 6 Experiments and Clinical Practice BIOIMPEDANCE BASED TISSUE MONITOR TM03 (SmartImplant Ltd.) 5. märtsil 2005 Sokka turismitalus Otepää lähistel

  37. 6 Experiments and Clinical Practice BIOIMPEDANCE MEASURMENT CHIP (ASIC) An ASIC for multifrequency impedance spectrum analysis for the frequency range from 1 kHz to 128 kHz. Simultaneous two signal excitation (LF and HF) and measurement 5. märtsil 2005 Sokka turismitalus Otepää lähistel

  38. 6 Experiments and Clinical Practice Application of the ASIC for multifrequency impedance spectrum analysis in implantable cardiac pacemakers Simultaneous dynamic analysis at two frequencies (LF and HF) 5. märtsil 2005 Sokka turismitalus Otepää lähistel

  39. 6 Experiments and Clinical Practice Application software and user interface(es) for multifrequency impedance spectrum analysis for simultaneous dynamic analysis at several locations and at multiple frequencies 5. märtsil 2005 Sokka turismitalus Otepää lähistel

  40. 6 Experiments and Clinical Practice Wide frequency range impedance spectrum analyser Simultaneous dynamic analysis at multiple frequencies 5. märtsil 2005 Sokka turismitalus Otepää lähistel

  41. Bioimpedants alanud aastatuhandel:Uued võimalused läbi uute tehnoloogiate 1. Tissue monitoring2. Contact with the tissue3. Organs4. Whole body5. Transplantation6. Electrochemistry (accus, chemical cells, corrosion)7. Soil humidity and other properties8. Semiconductor materials 7 Applications, Projects, and Patents APPLICATIONS OF ELECTRICAL IMPEDANCE MEASUREMENT MEANS 5. märtsil 2005 Sokka turismitalus Otepää lähistel

  42. 7 Applications, Projects, and Patents ETF grandid “Ischemia,Resuscitation,Measurement,Bioimpedance”RE sihtfinantseeritav teadusteema - meditsiinielektroonika alateemaEU Copernicus JEP “Hardware based Fuzzy Logic Pacemaker” St Jude Medical AB (Sweden) “Adaptive Control of Pacing Rate”Ragnar Granit Institute (Tampere) “Bioimpedance Measurement”Guidant Corp.(USA) “Multifrequency Bioimpedance Analysis”JR Medical (Estonia) – “Multipoint impedance cardiography”Clinics of Reconstructive Surgery (Tallinn) “Transplant Monitoring”EU ProjectDASPTOOL (WP5) “Signal Processing in Medicine”Univ. of Minnesota(USA) “Modeling and Simulation”Karolinska Institutet(Sweden) “Bioimpedance Basics” New co-operation proposals, mostly from USA and Germany,but also from Belgium, Hungary and UK. PROJECTS IN THE FIELD OF ELECTRICAL BIOIMPEDANCE MEASUREMENTPAST, RUNNING AND PERSPECTIVE 5. märtsil 2005 Sokka turismitalus Otepää lähistel

  43. 7 Applications, Projects, and Patents 1. A rate adaptive pacemakerA rate adaptive pacemaker. European patent EP 1 169 085 B1 (International publication PCT WO 00/57953) Authors: M.Min, A.Kink, T.Parve. Applicant: St. Jude Medical Sweden AB, USA/SwedenPatendi kehtivus: Sw, De, Fr, It, Liechtenstein. Bulletin 2004/33, 11.08.2004.A rate adaptive pacemaker. European patent application EP 1 169 084 B1 (International publication PCT WO 00/57954) Authors: M.Min, A.Kink, T.Parve. Applicant: St. Jude Medical Sweden AB, USA/SwedenTo be published on 06.04.2005.2. Method and device for electrical bioimpedance measurementMethod and Device for Measurement of Electrical Bioimpedance. Internat. patent applic. PCT/EE03/00006, filed 28.11.2003International publication PCT WO 2004/052198 A1, published 24.06.2004 Authors: A.Kink, R.Land, M.Min, T.Parve Applicant: Tallinn University of Technology.Meetod ja seade elektrilise bioimpedantsi mõõtmiseks. Eesti patendi taotlus EE200200677A, avaldatud 16.08.2004. Autorid: A.Kink, R.Land, M.Min, T.Parve. Omanik: Tallinna Tehnikaülikool.A Method and Device for Simultaneous Analysis of Multicarrier Signal. Provisional Patent Appl. US 60/581298, June18, 2004. Authors: M.Min, R.Land, T.Parve, O.Märtens, A.Ronk. Applicant: Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia.3. Meetod ja seade kudede seisundi monitooringu jaoksA Method and Device for Determining Relative Amount of Intracellular and Extracellular Liquid in Living Tissues. Provisional Patent Application US 60/580831, June 18, 2004 Authors: A.Kink, M.Min, T.Parve, I.Rätsep. Applicants: SmartImplant OY, and Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia. INVENTIONS IN THE FIELD OF ELECTRICAL BIOIMPEDANCE MEASUREMENT 5. märtsil 2005 Sokka turismitalus Otepää lähistel

  44. Bioimpedants alanud aastatuhandel:Uued võimalused läbi uute tehnoloogiate The “old” Bioimpedance is again on the crest of a waveand seeks for new application ideas supported by new technologiesand open minded people. Thank you! 5. märtsil 2005 Sokka turismitalus Otepää lähistel

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