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Telling E-Portfolio Stories 09

Telling E-Portfolio Stories 09. What are the benefits of supervising placement students electronically via their e-portfolio reflective learning diary blogs? Pritpal Sembi Senior Lecturer in Film Studies – University of Wolverhampton. Introduction.

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Telling E-Portfolio Stories 09

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  1. Telling E-Portfolio Stories 09 What are the benefits of supervising placement students electronically via their e-portfolio reflective learning diary blogs? Pritpal Sembi Senior Lecturer in Film Studies – University of Wolverhampton

  2. Introduction • The Film Studies department runs a 3rd level placement module called Student Link • Part of the assessment for this module is a Reflective Learning Diary weighted at 30% • Traditionally done ‘on paper’ but we are trialling the blog function in Pebblepad so that students can deliver electronically • Film Studies are very new to Pebblepad!

  3. What is Student Link? • An accredited placement learning module validated in the School of Humanities, Languages & Social Sciences in the early 1990s • Allows students to use their academic skills within a professional environment • Students negotiate their own learning outcomes, which form the assessment criteria for their final project submission (ie portfolio of work, video) • Students can find their own placements or apply to ‘off the shelf’ placements

  4. Examples of Placements • BBC Birmingham (documentary research for factual dept and Countryfile) • After-School Film Club • Script writing & editing • Hotbed Media (programme ideas) • PowerPack films (ADHD documentary) • Pre-production research for several other local independent producers/directors (ie casting, location scouting, sourcing funding, etc).

  5. Benefits of Student Link • The Student Link module has had a very positive impact upon many involved • It links our Subject with the local, and even national, economy (ie Momentum) • It links our Subject with local filmmaking initiatives that are often below the radar • It makes our subject more appealing • It convinces parents at Open Days!

  6. Background to the Research • Duffy [et al] (2008,9) argue that there is little information on the use of e-Portfolios in UK HEIs and ask whether there is a ‘generalisable e-portfolio advantage over p-portfolios’. • They also argue that ‘Reflective practice is deemed to be an essential skill for placement learning and life long learning but there is little evidence on how it is achieved and some difficulties in how it is assessed’ (2008,9).

  7. Demonstration of Diary • Students gave consent to show diaries (Sem One 12&19/11, 3&10/12)

  8. Research progress so far • Piloted 4 successful trials of Pebblepad usage in Semester 1 & 2 • Student submits their learning diary to their online blog and feedback can be given almost immediately • Entries are time-stamped so we know if they do it on time • Feedback can let staff know of any potential problems

  9. Anecdotal Findings (Semester 1) • The single trial student from semester 1 enjoyed using the Pebblepad system to record her experience • The supervision of the trial student was considerably less time-consuming than usual • Student diary entries were much more reflective, evaluative and lengthy than paper based ones • The student grade was measurably higher than the average ‘paper-based’ approach

  10. Anecdotal Findings (Semester 2) • 3 students involved in this subsequent trial with mixed results. Pebblepad was made ‘compulsory’ for all placement students in this semester • One student did OK, another deleted all my feedback when updating her diary entries • The other needed massive encouragement & training throughout and submitted very late • Student diary entries were still more reflective, evaluative and lengthy than paper based ones • The student grade was also still higher than the average ‘paper-based’ approach too

  11. Focus Group Questions • What is your understanding of the reflective learning diary in Student Link? • Did you complete the learning diary regularly or just before the deadline? Why? • Did you feel fully supported by your tutor whilst on placement? • What is your understanding of Pebblepad? • How did you find using Pebblepad for completing the diary? • How do you feel about tutors interacting with Pebblepad to supervise students exclusively via electronic means? • Do you think Pebblepad should totally replace the paper diary? • If there was one thing, in your control, that you could change about Pebblepad what would it be?

  12. 1st Focus Group Findings #1 • Found the weekly blog input quite invigorating & refreshingly original • They liked the structured diary proforma as opposed to a blank open-ended form • Students found the blog quite motivating, especially on the days when they thought they had achieved little on placement • Tutor comments on student blogs assisted with their experience the next day

  13. 1st Focus Group Findings #2 • Students were VERY wary of Pebblepad before their placement, but really liked it afterwards • Students found it user friendly overall • Students felt that electronic supervision alone might work, if supported by email and telephone • Students didn’t feel a tutor placement visit was at all necessary, unless there’s a problem, and some would even find it ‘embarrassing’ • Students felt Pebblepad shouldn’t totally replace paper portfolios – better to give students the choice whilst strongly encouraging Pebblepad • Students would definitely recommend Pebblepad

  14. Has Pebblepad been a Success for Supervising Placement learning? • Develop how to rigorously measure the benefits of the electronic approach, compared to the paper-based approach, for both staff and students • Possible ‘measurements’ include: focus group interviews, individual interviews, length/quality/breadth/reflexivity of diaries (content analysis), supervision time allocation, participant questionnaires, outcome achievement, grading, DELPHI. • How can we ensure these measurements are as accurate, appropriate, objective and controlled as possible? • How can we be confident that any measured positive changes are due solely to e-portfolio usage and not variations in student ability, placement suitability, and other factors (ie technophobia, student apathy, etc)? • Developing the criteria for measuring the success of the trials is the most pressing and urgent goal of the research at the moment.

  15. The next step • Fully evaluate the focus group interview data • Continue to encourage the use of Pebblepad during placement modules • Embed the innovation once we know there are enough tangible and positive benefits for staff and students

  16. To consider • In their conclusion, Duffy [et al] (2008,74) suggest that ‘It is the message and not the medium that is most important. It is more important to have a portfolio with the right content and an appropriate assessment and feedback strategy, than to implement a high-tech solution to delivery.’ • They also suggest that ‘there is not enough evidence yet that they [e-portfolios] assist students to improve the quality of their reflection.’ Duffy [et al] (2008,76)

  17. Bibliography • Boud, D. & Solomon, N. (eds) (2003) Work-based Learning: A New Higher Education? Bury St Edmunds: St Edmundsbury Press Ltd. • Brennan, J. & Little, B. (1996) A Review of Work Based Learning in Higher Education. London: Department for Education & Employment. • Carless, David R. (2002) 'The 'Mini-Viva' as a Tool to Enhance Assessment for Learning', Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 27:4, 353 – 363. • Duffy, K., Denis Anthony & Francesca Vickers (2008) Are e-portfolios an asset to learning and placement? ASET: De Montford University. • Fell, A. (2003) ‘Placement Learning and the Code of Practice: Rhetoric or Reality?’. Active Learning in Higher Education, 4(3): 214-225. • Gleaves, Alan, Walker, Caroline and Grey, John (2007) 'Using digital and paper diaries for learning and assessment purposes in higher education: a comparative study of feasibility and reliability', Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 32:6, 631 – 643. • Hager, P. (1998) ‘Recognition of informal learning challenges and issues’. Journal of Vocational Education and Training, 50(4): 521-35. • Harvey, Lee, William Locke & Alistair Morey (2002) Enhancing employability, recognising diversity: Making links between higher education and the world of work. Manchester: Universities UK. Available from <www.universitiesuk.ac.uk>. Accessed 1/12/07. • The Higher Education Academy (2006) Work-based Learning: Illuminating the Higher Education Landscape [online]. York: The Higher Education Academy [cited 20th March 2003]. <http://www.heacademy.ac.uk/research/WBL.pdf> • Klenowski, Val, Askew, Sue and Carnell, Eileen (2006) 'Portfolios for learning, assessment and professional development in higher education', Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 31:3, 267 – 286. • Marshall, Iain S. & Lynne S.M. Cooper (2001) ‘Earning Academic Credit for Part-Time Work’ in Boud, D. & Solomon, N. (eds) (2003) Work-based Learning: A New Higher Education? Bury St Edmunds: St Edmundsbury Press Ltd, pp XX-XX. • Moreland, N. (2005) Work-related learning in higher education [online]. York: The Higher Education Academy [cited 20th March 2003]. <http://www.heacademy.ac.uk/resources.asp?process=full_record&section=generic&id=582> • The Pedagogy and Employability Group (2006) Pedagogy for Employability [online]. York: The Higher Education Academy [cited 20th March 2003] <http://www.heacademy.ac.uk/resources.asp?process=full_record&section=generic&id=357> • Portwood, D. (1993) ‘Work-based learning: linking academic and vocational qualifications’. Journal of Further and Higher Education, 17(3): 61-9. • Solomon, N. & John McIntyre (2000) ‘Deschooling Vocational Knowledge: Work-based learning and the Politics of the Curriculum’ in Symes, C. & McIntyre [eds] (2000) Working Knowledge: The New Vocationalism and Higher Education. Buckingham: SRHE / Open University Press, pp111-122. • Turoff, M. & Linstone, H. [eds] (2002) The Delphi Method: Techniques and Approaches [online]. California: University of Southern California [accessed 20th March 2007]. Available from: <http://www.is.njit.edu/pubs/delphibook/>. • Usher, R. & Solomon, N. (1999) ‘Experiential learning and the shaping of subjectivity in the workplace’. Studies in the Education of Adults, 31(2): 155-63. • Usher, Robin (2000) ‘Imposing Structure, Enabling Play: New Knowledge Production and the “Real World” University in Symes, C. & McIntyre (eds) (2000) Working Knowledge: The New Vocationalism and Higher Education. Buckingham: SRHE / Open University Press, pp98-110. • Woodward, Helen and Nanlohy, Phil (2004) 'Digital portfolios: fact or fashion?', Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 29:2, 227 – 238. • Yorke, Mantz and Knight, P. (2006) Embedding Employability into the Curriculum [online]. York: The Higher Education Academy [cited 20th March 2003]. <http://www.heacademy.ac.uk/resources.asp?process=full_record&section=generic&id=338>

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