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Silverdale, WA A community that built a Playground

Silverdale, WA A community that built a Playground. Imagine a playground …. Designed by kids Paid for through fundraising Built by 2000 volunteers. All built in SIX Days !. It started as an idea…. January 11 th ,2001

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Silverdale, WA A community that built a Playground

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  1. Silverdale, WA A community that built a Playground

  2. Imagine a playground… • Designed by kids • Paid for through fundraising • Built by 2000 volunteers

  3. All built in SIX Days !

  4. It started as an idea… • January 11th,2001 • Silverdale Rotary members decided to do a major project for the community. • Rotary member Paulette DeGard proposes a playground.

  5. …and so it begins • The next couple of months are spent by Paulette building a working relationship with Leathers and Associates. These guys make playgrounds for a living.

  6. March 8, 2001 • Leathers & Associates comes on board with project. • Informs Paulette that subcommittees need to be established • Silverdale Rotary establishes $ 25,000.00 start up money.

  7. Volunteers Public Relations Children’s Donated and Purchased Materials Fundraising Tools Food Childcare Captains Commercial Sponsorship Subcommittees are established

  8. Leathers gives us an idea of what we can accomplish

  9. Imagine…Kitsapkids is created on April 12,2001 The subcommittees need to have chairpersons Due to my position with the local base I am asked to take a position

  10. Playground Timeline • July 27-29 2001 Whaling Days- Kick off First public information booth • October 18th 2001- Design Day • January 12th 2002-Dedication Day • March 30th 2002- Mall Tile Event • April 20th 2002 – Mall Tile Event • May 5th 2002- Rock the Playground fundraiser • May 28th-June 2nd 2002- Build Week

  11. Amount of $ needed… $250,000.00 All through fundraising and donations.

  12. Volunteers Responsible for… • collecting names and numbers and interested areas of work. • getting large groups of volunteers from businesses. • setting up volunteer schedule during build week

  13. Public Relations Responsible for… • all printed materials ie: balloons, shirts, flyer, banners, and newspaper articles. • Press releases • Coverage during fundraising events • Photo coverage of build week

  14. Children’s committee Responsible for… • Children’ s activities prior to build • Design Day organization • Kid’s Parade • Fundraising attendance • Opening Day activities

  15. Donated and Purchased Materials • Responsible for… • Collection of donated materials from various companies • Purchase of materials that are not donated.

  16. Fundraising • Responsible for… • Community fundraisers i.e. Tiles Fence Pickets Bricks Rock the Playground Concert

  17. Tools Responsible for… • Collection of public tools • Tool Shed • Tool Distribution System • Makita tools

  18. Responsible for… Collection of food for build week Sponsorship of lunches and dinners for build week Food

  19. Childcare Responsible for… • Childcare from 7:00 a.m.-9:00 p.m. during build week • Securing facilities for child care • Clearing caregivers through state security checks • Equipment and activities for the week

  20. CaptainsResponsible for all captains prior to and during build week

  21. Commercial Sponsorship Responsible for… • Selling components of the park • Recruiting support through donations of money or materials

  22. Whaling Days July 27-29 2001 • First public forum to talk about playground • Kids march in parade and hand out balloons (3000 in all !) • Collection of volunteer names start 11 months before build

  23. Design Day October 18,2001 • All local elementary schools participate • Two classrooms per school • Kids are asked to draw their perfect playground • All drawings are given to architect from Leathers & Associates • By 6:00 p.m. a composite drawing of playground is complete.

  24. Dedication Day January 12th,2002 • Park Department settles on land for park • Sign is erected with build week advertised. • Parks Department signs on as major contributor of staff and equipment • Land is donated to committee.

  25. March 30th 2002- & April 20th 2002 Mall Tile Event • First Major fundraising with public. • Held at Mall • Tiles are sold for $25.00 a piece • Pickets and Bricks are also available • Between two events $ 10,000.00 is raised (400 tiles sold)

  26. May 5th 2002- Rock the Playground fundraiser Local Musicians donated their time for a ten hour concert Cover charge is raised for the playground $6500.00 raised

  27. Build week May 28th-June 2nd Day 1

  28. Cutting tent

  29. Site on Day 1

  30. Day 2

  31. Final Poles in Place

  32. Something for everyone

  33. Young and old volunteer

  34. Cutting and Drilling Area

  35. Day 4 Starting to come together

  36. Fun at Child Care

  37. A lot of gravel! We shoveled gravel for 11 hours

  38. And then we shoveled just as much bark if not more.

  39. It’s all about the kids

  40. At this point… Over $225,000.00 has been collected

  41. And the tops go on Day 5

  42. Local Artist donated time and materials

  43. Day 6

  44. Only One major injury The first aid lady!

  45. A crowd starts to gather about 5:30 Park opens at 6:30

  46. Hand Tiles Displayed

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