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DNA Barcoding and The Australian Barcode Network

ALPHA TAXONOMYBarcoding provides a rapid assessment without the need for detailed morphological expertise in the first instance. More detailed morphological analyses can be undertaken if one is interested in functional morphology, evolutionary adaptations etc.Rapid confirmation of cryptic species..

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DNA Barcoding and The Australian Barcode Network

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    1. DNA Barcoding and The Australian Barcode Network

    9. Barcode of Life - International Consortium Initiative Vision: Plan to launch a large-scale, collaborative program to build comprehensive barcode registry for eukaryotic life Initiator - Paul Hebert, University of Guelph, Ontario Targets: Acquisition of DNA barcode records for 5M specimens representing 500K species Timeframe 5 Years Raise $150M Invitation Australia has been invited to join ICI

    13. Examples of Current Australian Barcoding Projects Fauna

    14. Examples of Current Australian Barcoding Projects Flora

    15. Australian Barcoding Regional Node to be called The Australian Barcode Network; a decentralised model with a large network of barcode supporters, users and participants; a Steering Committee will facilitate and support the barcoding network; Website to be established as a key means of communication.

    16. Steering Committee Dr Les Christidis (Chair) Australian Museum, Sydney Dr Stephen Cameron CSIRO Entomology, Canberra Dr Joanne Daly CSIRO Agribusiness, Canberra Dr Dan Faith Australian Museum, Sydney Prof Andrew Lowe Adelaide Botanic Gardens/Univ. of Adelaide Dr Andrew Mitchell NSW Dept Primary Industries, Wagga Wagga Dr Janette Norman Museum Victoria, Melbourne Dr Bob Ward CSIRO Marine & Atmospheric Research Dr Cameron Slatyer Aust Dept Environ & Water Resources, Canberra Dr Brett Summerrell Botanic Gardens Trust, Sydney Dr Paul de Barro CSIRO Entomology, Queensland Secretary to Committee Australian Museum, Sydney Rebecca Hancock

    17. Links to International Initiatives CBOL Scientific Advisory Committee Paul de Barro, CSIRO Entomology - Australian representative CBOL fish barcoding Dr Bob Ward, CMAR - co-chair of with Paul Hebert Australian FISH-BOL Dr Bob Ward, CMAR & Martin Gomon, Museum Victoria - co-chair CBOL “All Birds Barcoding Initiative” Dr Les Christidis, Australian Museum, Dr Janette Norman, Museum Victoria, Dr David Lambert, Massey University, NZ - co-regional coordinators CBOL “Leading Lab” network Australian Museum CBOL members - Plant Biodiversity Centre, Adelaide Botanical Gardens; - CSIRO, Hobart; - Australian Plant DNA Bank, Lismore; - National Herbarium of Victoria at Royal Botanic Gardens, Melbourne - Australian Museum, Sydney - Macquarie University, Sydney

    18. Roles of the Steering Committee promoting barcoding for the benefit of Australia; contribute to international initiatives where appropriate; establishing Australian Barcode Network website; informing the Network about barcoding initiatives, support, conferences etc; providing advice on CBOL standards; Workshops /training; negotiating on behalf of barcoders; providing a link for barcoders to government departments – to “wave the flag”; pursue funding opportunities.

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