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IPv4 has 12 mandatory fields in its Header.. Version. HD Len. TOS. Total Length. Identification. Flags. Frg Offset. TTL. Protocol. Header Checksum. Source Address. Destination Address. Options. Padding. . 32 bits. . 20 Octets. IPv6 removes Six fields and is simpler. Version. Traffic Class. . Payload

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    1. IPv6 Paul Schopis pschopis@itecohio.org

    2. IPv4 has 12 mandatory fields in its Header.

    3. IPv6 removes Six fields and is simpler

    4. Extension Headers Multiple headers must follow designated order IPv6 Header Hop-by-Hop Options Destination Header(Placed here used with Routing Header) Routing Header Fragment Header Authentication Header

    5. Extension Headers 7. Encapsulation Security Payload (ESP) 8. Destination Options 9. Upper Layer (TCP/UDP)

    6. Hop-by-Hop Options Header Every node processes the Hop-by-Hop Header Primarily used for Router Alerts Jumbograms Jumbogram = Type 194 Fragment Header is not present Packet Exceeds 65,535 octets

    7. Destination Options Not processed by routers Header Type = 60 Options field allows rich number of options e.g. > 256.

    9. Routing Header Type = 43 Explicit Routing Path Does not require a complete list Number of Headers does not change but is updated.

    10. Fragment Header Host is responsible for fragmenting Assumes MTU discovery is in use Only used when packet exceeds MTU Routers do not deal with Fragmentation

    11. Authentication Header Type = 51

    12. Upper Layer Protocols TCP is unchanged UDP unlike IPv4, checksum is no longer optional it is mandatory.

    13. ICMPv6 Now includes Multicast functions Multicast Listener Protocol Type Field and Code Field allow more discrete treatment per Type.

    14. Two Broad Categories Error Messages Informational

    15. Destination Unreachable

    16. Packet Too Big

    17. Time Exceeded Message Type = 3 It has two codes 0 = Hop Limit Exceeded 1 = Fragment reassembly time exceeded. Identical to Destination Unreachable except for type and code values.

    18. Parameter Problem

    19. Echo and Echo Reply

    20. Multicast Listener Protocol

    21. Neighbor Discovery Protocol Combines several IPv4 features into a single protocol. Replaces ARP Router Discovery Redirect Messages

    22. Router Solicitation Message

    23. Neighbor Discovery –Router Solicitations

    24. Router Advertisement Message

    25. Neighbor Discovery –Router Advertisements

    26. Neighbor Solicitation Message

    27. Neighbor Advertisement Message

    28. Neighbor Discovery-Neighbor Solicitation

    29. Neighbor Discovery-Neighbor Advertisement

    30. Redirect Message

    31. Neighbor Discovery –Redirect

    32. Neighbor Discovery Options Type 1 and 2 share the same format Type 1 is Source Data Link Layer Type 2 is Target Data Link Layer

    33. Prefix Information Option

    34. Redirected Header Option

    35. MTU Discovery Option

    36. Path MTU Algorithm

    37. Address Representation Format X:X:X:X:X:X:X:X where X is a 16 bit hexadecimal field 2001:0468:0B01:0003:0000:0000:0000:0001 Leading zeros Leading Zeros may be truncated 2001:486:B01:3:0:0:0:1 Successive fields of zeros May be eliminated with :: but only once within an address 2001:468:B01:3::1

    38. Address Representation IPv4-Compatible =0:0:0:0:0:0: =:: =::C0A8:1E01 In a URL use brackets http://[2001:1:4F3A::206:AE14]:8080/index.html Brackets delimiter for : as part of IPv6 address verses port number

    39. Address Representation Continued IPv4 Mapped addresses. 0:0:0:0:0:FF: =::FF: =::FF:C0A8:1E01

    40. Unspecified and Loopback Address Unspecified address: 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0 or more simply :: Used as a place holder when no address is available. Loopback Address: 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 or ::1 Same as in IPv4 Ids self.

    41. Link-Local Reserved address: In binary is 1111 1110 10 In hexadecimal is FE80::/10 Link-Local Addresses: Have scope limited to Link Automatically configured with interface ID

    42. Site-Local Reserved Address: In binary 1111 1110 11 In Hexadecimal FEC0::/10 Site-Local Address: Have site limited scope Gives topology info via the subnet field.

    43. Aggregatable Global Unicast Addresses TLA – Top Level Aggregator RES – Reserved NLA – Next Level Aggregator SLA – Site Level Aggregator

    44. Multicast First byte is FF e.g. 1111 1111 binary. First half of next byte is Flag. 0 = permanent 1 = temporary Second half is scope. 1= node 2 = link 5 = site 8 = organization E = global

    45. Multicast Examples FF02::/16 = Link-Local FF08::/16 = Organizational FF0E::/16 = Global

    46. Multicast Assigned Addresses FF0X:: is reserved where x=(0..F)

    47. Anycast Similar to multicast except only one node needs to receive packet All routers are required to support it In it’s simplest form it is:

    48. Anycast EUI-64 Format 64 bit prefix 57 bits of ones, except 7th bit from left set to zero 7 bit Anycast ID

    49. Anycast Non-EUI-64 N number of bits in prefix (Variable) allows greater granularity (128-n of ones)-7 7 bits of Anycast ID

    50. Required Node Addresses Link-Local Loopback Address Assigned Unicast Address All-Nodes Multicast Address Solicited-Node Multicast for each unicast and anycast address Multicast address for all groups to which it belongs Site-Local address if used

    53. Required Router Addresses All required node addresses Subnet-router anycast addresses for interfaces configured to act as forwarding interfaces. Other anycast configured addresses All-routers multicast address Specific multicast addresses for routing protocols.

    55. Addressing Architecture

    56. Addressing Architecture Continued

    57. IPv6 over Data Link Layers Ethernet FDDI Token Ring Arcnet PPP NBMA ATM Frame Relay

    58. IPv6 over Ethernet IPv6 has a specific Ethernet protocol ID

    59. EUI-64

    60. Multicast Mapping over Ethernet

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