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Palm Oil Production

Palm Oil Production . By Morgan Hyland. How is the energy source being used? . Still mostly used in the manufacturing of food products Found in 1 in 10 food items in the UK Now being used as an ingredient in bio-diesel also transportation

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Palm Oil Production

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Palm Oil Production By Morgan Hyland

  2. How is the energy source being used? • Still mostly used in the manufacturing of food products • Found in 1 in 10 food items in the UK • Now being used as an ingredient in bio-diesel also transportation • Also used as fuel to be burnt in power stations to produce energy • Indonesia and Malaysia are the biggest market for palm oil energy production

  3. Palm Oil Production Bunch Thresher Fruit Sterilizer Wet and Dry Method of extracting oil….

  4. continued…

  5. Environmental Impacts • Largest cause of rainforest clearance • Responsible for destruction of 10 million hectares of rainforest • 6.5 million hectares of palm oil plantations have been created • Responsible for the destruction of species • responsible for at least half of the observed reduction in orangutan between 1992 and 2003 • Causes an increase in green house gas emissions • Chief cause of forest fires in Indonesia

  6. Other disadvantages • Benefitted large companies at the expense of small communities • Lose their land and access to rainforest resources and economic profits • Palm oil production often more associated with corporate greed rather than sustainable development

  7. Advantages • Reduces green house gases that destroy the ozone layer • Renewable resource- most commonly produced vegetable oil in the world • It has the lowest production cost of all the major oils

  8. Where produced?

  9. What would it replace? • In its use in creating biofuels, it would reduce the need for crude oil • It reduces the amount of green house gases that are emitted into the atmosphere • Renewable resource • Costs less than all other oils

  10. http://www.foe.co.uk/resource/briefings/palm_oil_biofuel_position.pdfhttp://www.foe.co.uk/resource/briefings/palm_oil_biofuel_position.pdf • http://www.biomass-asia-workshop.jp/biomassws/04workshop/presentation_files/17_Choo.pdf • http://www.fao.org/DOCREP/005/Y4355E/y4355e04.htm

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