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EDPD 581 Kurzweil

EDPD 581 Kurzweil. Day 2 Instructor: Maureen LaFleche. Overview. Survey experience (0-5) Beginner-Intermediate work through activities on Wiki http://at4all.pbwiki.com/Kurzweil%203000

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EDPD 581 Kurzweil

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  1. EDPD 581Kurzweil Day 2 Instructor: Maureen LaFleche

  2. Overview • Survey experience (0-5) • Beginner-Intermediate work through activities on Wiki http://at4all.pbwiki.com/Kurzweil%203000 • Advanced – Self-Directed Modules on the SET BC website - http://setbc.org/setbc/curriculum/kurzweil_3000_self_directed.html

  3. Overview • Introduction to Kurzweil – What is it? How does it tie into UDL (Universal Design for Learning) (15 minutes) • What is ARC BC (2 minutes) • What is the difference between E-text and accessible text

  4. Overview • Assignments – Hand on Explore • Activity 1: Using text notes in Kurzweil 1. Kesi Virtual Printer – KWL sheet – (15 minutes) • Activity 2: Reading Documents in Kurzweil – Time Travel (15 minutes) • Activity 3: Drag and Drop – Dictionary Skills worksheet (15 minutes) • Activity 4: Answering a Scanned Worksheet in Kurzweil – 1. Open – Halle Berry from the desktop (20 minutes) • Activity 5: Opening a Website in Kurzweil (15 minutes)

  5. Overview • Activity 6: Use Kurzweil as a Word Processor (15 minutes)

  6. What is Kurzweil 3000?Adapted from Kurzweil • Kurzweil 3000TM is the premier reading, writing and learning software for struggling students, including individuals with dyslexia, learning difficulties, or those who are English Language Learners.

  7. What is Kurzweil 3000?Adapted from Kurzweil • The software can access virtually any information, whether it is printed, electronic, or on the Web. It then reads the words aloud to the student in clear, humanlike, synthetic speech, while a patented dual highlighting feature adds visual reinforcement.

  8. What is Kurzweil 3000?Adapted from Kurzweil • For students who have difficulty physically accessing curriculum materials, Kurzweil 3000 provides a digital means of engaging with text and can support students who use alternative methods for accessing the computer.

  9. Kurzweil 3000 con’t • Patented Dual Highlighting - Kurzweil 3000 employs a multi-sensory approach to improving students' reading performance by highlighting a sentence, paragraph, line or phrase in one color and highlighting each word in another color as it is read aloud.

  10. Kurzweil con’t • Quick Access to Word Meanings - One-click access to recursive dictionary definitions, synonyms, syllabification and spell mode assists students with decoding and keeps them reading with fewer interruptions.

  11. Kurzweil con’t • Comprehensive Study Skills Tools - Students can improve their reading comprehension and retention with study skills tools that facilitate active reading including highlighting, text circle tools, annotations, Bookmarks, Voice Notes and Extract in order to create outlines, study guides, or word lists.

  12. Kurzweil con’t • Powerful Instructional Support Tools - Teachers can personalize instruction to suit student needs and learning styles using Sticky Notes , Text Notes , Voice Notes or Footnotes. Teachers can also insert Bubble Notes to appear automatically in a document. Bubble Notes help teach students specific skills, guide them through tasks, and gauge reading comprehension with multiple choice, true/ false, matching, and open-ended text response questions.

  13. Kurzweil con’t • Flexible Writing Tools - As students type, the software speaks each letter or word, so they can quickly recognize and correct spelling mistakes. The Check Spelling As You Type feature underlines misspelled words in red. The audible spell checker and customizable word prediction further assist students with creating and modifying reports, essays and papers without teacher intervention.

  14. Kurzweil con’t • Unique Test Taking Capabilities - Students can independently complete worksheets, classroom tests and standardized tests with greater confidence and fewer mistakes. Students with accommodations can easily answer fill-in-the blanks, multiple choice, true/ false, short answer, essay and other test forms while using a customized selection of writing tools, comprehension aids and visual modifications. Teachers can save documents with specific toolbars and feature locks, while also controlling which Kurzweil 3000 features are available to students during testing.

  15. Kurzweil con’t • Flexible Network Options - Students can log on from any networked computer running Kurzweil 3000 and access their personal settings and files. Educators and network administrators can centrally track student usage and progress and control the number of licenses in use. Also, the License- to- Go TM feature allows network users to access Kurzweil 3000 without being connected to the network ,enabling usage of Kurzweil 3000 in or out of the classroom.

  16. Kurzweil con’t • Online Books and Encyclopedias - Students can search through and select from thousands of electronic books and online encyclopedias such as Columbia Encyclopedia, Wikipedia Encyclopedia and Encyclopaedia Britannica, helping to ensure access to content comparable to that of their peers.

  17. Kurzweil con’t • Vocabulary List Support - Teachers and students can use Vocabulary Lists for new or curriculum-based vocabulary learning. They can choose from included Vocabulary Lists such as homophones or confusables or quickly and easily create new lists and share them through importing and exporting.

  18. Kurzweil con’t • Natural Sounding Synthetic Speech Options - Two clear, human- sounding VoiceTextTM voices from Neo Speech - one male, one female and precise ETI- EloquenceTM voices deliver superior text - to - speech (TTS ) , making reading easier to comprehend and adjust to users’ reading preferences.

  19. Kurzweil con’t • Toolbar Toggles and Customization Features - Quickly show and hide toolbars at any time by clicking Toolbar Toggles, making it easier to view the desired toolbar when you need it. In addition, the Customize Toolbar feature gives you the flexibility to choose the exact set of icon buttons to have on each toolbar.

  20. Kurzweil con’t • Multilingual Assistance - With audible dictionary definitions available in English, French, German,Spanish or Italian, and the ability to read text aloud in any of these languages, users can master material in the language of their choice.

  21. Kurzweil con’t Other Notable Features • Easy Web Access - Support for Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox. • Audio File Creation - Create MP3 and WAV files for listening while on the go. • Broad Access to Electronic Files - Supports formats such as DOC, PDF and DAISY. • Picture Dictionary and ASL Animation Support - Provides an alternative way to communicate and teach the meanings of words.

  22. 7 Multiple Intelligences Howard Gardner • We all have different strengths and learn in different ways.

  23. Challenges for Students with Learning Disabilities? • Oral and written (expressive) language at the word, sentence or discourse levels • Language processing • Reading or listening comprehension • Sustained attention • Memory • Executive function skills - a set of cognitive abilities that control and regulate other abilities and behaviors – initiate and stop reactions, monitor and change behaviour, anticipate outcomes, adapt to changes, form concepts, and think abstractly Joan Sedita

  24. Kurzweil Gives Kids: • Different ways to Read (Active) • Different ways to Demonstrate Knowledge • Interactive Study Skills Tools • Organization Tools

  25. Universal Design for Learning • 3 PRINCIPLES OF UDL • Multiple means of Representation (different ways to take “things” in) • Multiple means of Expression (different ways to show what they know) • Multiple means of Engagement (multimodal & motivating)

  26. What is ARC-BC? • Accessible Resource Centre – BC • SET BC and PRCVI • Available in September

  27. What is e-text? What is accessible text? • E-text (from "electronic text"; sometimes written as e-text) is, generally, any text-based information that is available in a digitally encoded human-readable format and read by electronic means – usually does not have graphics or pictures (Wikipedia) e.g. Holes – E:\WD Sync Data\Kurzweil\Kesi Novels\Holes\Holes Novel Kesi\Holes_by_Sachar.kes • Accessible text is text that has graphics and pictures e.g. ..\..\..\Program Files\Kurzweil Educational Systems\Kurzweil 3000\Sample Documents\Social Studies\History Textbook.kes (5 minutes)

  28. What students are saying about Kurzweil….

  29. The computer and Kurzweil has made school a lot easier now. I don’t need an assistant teacher to do it for me it makes me more independent. If I didn’t have the computer, I probably wouldn’t have made it to grade 8 because all of my work is done on a the computer.

  30. Using the computer and software makes my projects more exciting and creative. The computer gives me a different way to learn that is easier.

  31. Activities

  32. Activity 1: Using text notes in Kurzweil 1. Demo/Hands On – Kesi Virtual Printer – KWL sheet – drag and drop text boxes and record What I Know About Kurzweil – What I Want to Know About Kurzweil Features Used: Reading Tool Bar, Text Boxes (15 minutes)

  33. Activity 2: Reading Documents in Kurzweil • Demo/Hands On - Reading Documents in Kurzweil – Time Travel Features Used: Reading Tool Bar - Spell check/ underline/ options spell check/ read character/ word/ sentence add ruler/ margins/ personal dictionary/ pronunciations (15 minutes)

  34. Demo/Hands On - Drag and Drop – Dictionary Skills worksheet (15 minutes) Features Used: Spell check/ underline/ options spell check/ read character/ word/ sentence add ruler/ margins/ personal dictionary/ pronunciations Activity 3: Drag and Drop

  35. Activity 4: Answering a Scanned Worksheet in Kurzweil • Demo/Hands On - Answering a Scanned Worksheet in Kurzweil – 1. Open – Halle Berry from the desktop – (20 minutes)

  36. Activity 5: Opening a Website in Kurzweil • Demo/Hands On - Opening a Website in Kurzweil (10 minutes)

  37. Activity 6: Use Kurzweil as a Word Processor • Hands On - Use Kurzweil as a Word Processor (10 minutes)

  38. If you want to find out more about Kurzweil go to Jane’s Wiki http://region1handouts.pbwiki.com/

  39. Questions

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