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Direct object pronoun It refers to items or people that have already been mentioned. ME NOS

Direct object pronoun It refers to items or people that have already been mentioned. ME NOS TE OS LO, LA LOS, LAS Ej . I write the letter I write it Rewrite the following sentences, substituting the correct direct obj , pronoun for each noun obj , in bold type. Ellos abren los libros

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Direct object pronoun It refers to items or people that have already been mentioned. ME NOS

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  1. Direct object pronoun • It refers to items or people that have already been mentioned. • ME NOS • TE OS • LO, LA LOS, LAS • Ej. • I write the letter I write it • Rewrite the following sentences, substituting the correct direct obj, pronoun for each noun obj, in bold type. • Ellosabrenlos libros • Raul llama a Diana • Recibocartas • Vemoslaschicas • Piden mas dinero.

  2. Indirect object pronoun • It refers to the person who is receiving the action of the verb. • ME NOS • TE OS • LE(se) LES (se) • *sometimes you use a + person to clarify to whom the indirect object pronoun le and les are referring • Ej. I write to Paul. I write to him • Rewrite the following sentences, substituting the correct indirect obj. pronoun for each noun obj. in bold type. • Silvia lee a su abuela. • Escriboa mi amiga • Juan pide mas dinero al jefe. • Mama sirve te a mis tias. • Pepe abre la puerta a su madre.

  3. Direct obj and Indirect obj. used together • When a verb is followed by two obj. pronouns, an accent mark is required on the stresses syllable • Infinitive: stress on last syllable Voy a ensenartelo • Indirect obj. pronoun precedes the direct obj. pronoun • They never split • They are either placed before a conjugated verb or attached to the infinitive • Ej. Tu mama te prepara el desayuno? • Indirectobj, pronounyo =me • Directobj. nounel desayuno = lo • Mama me lo prepara. • A mama le gusta prepararmelo

  4. Marta vuelve de unas vacaciones en el Caribe y trea regalos para todos. (To find out what she brought to whom, answer the following questions according to the clues, and change the nouns to pronouns. • Ej. A quien le traes los jugetes? (A Rafa) • Indirectobj. pronounSe • Directodj. Pronounlos • Answer: So los traigo a Rafa

  5. A quien le traes los CDs de Juan Luis Guerra? (A Juan y Laura) • Indirect obj. pronoun _____ • Direct odj. Pronoun_____ • Answer:_____________________________________ • A quien le traes las maracas? (A ti) • Indirect obj. pronoun _____ • Direct odj. Pronoun_____ • Answer:_____________________________________ • A quien le traes los periodicos? ( a los abuelos) • Indirect obj. pronoun _____ • Direct odj. Pronoun_____ • Answer:_____________________________________ • A quien le traes el brazalete de ambar? (a mama) • Indirect obj. pronoun _____ • Direct odj. Pronoun_____ • Answer:_____________________________________

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