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Larry Keniston, NHDOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Coordinator

NHDOT’s “renewed emphasis” (as evidenced partly by the Department’s engagement in the development of an stakeholder’s guide) on bicycle and pedestrian transportation. Larry Keniston, NHDOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Coordinator.

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Larry Keniston, NHDOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Coordinator

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  1. NHDOT’s “renewed emphasis” (as evidenced partly by the Department’s engagement in the development of an stakeholder’s guide) on bicycle and pedestrian transportation Larry Keniston, NHDOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Coordinator

  2. The Department does not advocate. The legislature sets policy and the Department carries out policy and projects. The “Advocate’s” Guide (Stakeholder’s Guide) began with a Design and Maintenance Subcommittee, one of a dozen priority projects identified in 2013 by the Bicycle and Pedestrian Transportation Advisory Committee (BPTAC). Through the Stakeholder’s Guide, stakeholders can better understand the project planning & programming process and thereby can participate in the process. The RSG contract to develop the Guide is supported by FHWA and funded by Federal State Planning and Research funds. NH 3A, Hebron, July 17, 2015 Jan Collins of Newfound Pathways

  3. Public Participation The Department remains committed to Context Sensitive Solutions How a project fits into the local vision Flexibility in design standards Inherent in the process is consideration of the needs of all users Plymouth, NH 25 at Highland Street Marshalls, Hannaford, CVS, Family Worship Center, etc. Decision for automobile-oriented development Connect Meaningful destinations: Employment, shopping, education and recreation Context Sensitive Solutions or Complete Streets?

  4. Open Communication • Stakeholder Input and Participation • Creating Partnerships • Understanding the Maintenance Requirements Boscawen, US 4 at Park and Ride Tilton, Rail with Trail

  5. Meredith - US 3 at NH 106 (Parade Road)

  6. http://www.nh.gov/dot/programs/bikeped/documents.htm http://gis.dot.nh.gov/nh-roads/ Concord, NH 13 at Interstate 89 Resurfacing and other projects as opportunities to reconsider the allocation of lane space

  7. Pembroke, NH US 3 (Proposed lane layout tick mark for three lane section)

  8. Hopkinton, NH 9 10.0’

  9. New London, NH 11 at NH 114

  10. Lebanon, NH 120 http://mutcd.fhwa.dot.gov/htm/2009/part9/fig9c_04_longdesc.htm (City-maintained Lebanon, NH 12 A sample, above)

  11. US 4, Lebanon

  12. Wentworth, NH 25

  13. AFTER BEFORE Nashua/Merrimack, US 3 http://www.nh.gov/dot/programs/bikeped/advisory-committee/documents/Lane_Marking_Package_Final_082715.pdf

  14. Bridgewater and Hebron, NH 3A the boldest effort yet attempted by communities to equitably balance the many essential functions of the public way…which include pedestrian activities, bicycle transportation, and increased accessibility to the public right of way. Newfound Pathways http://www.nh.gov/dot/programs/bikeped/documents/Newfound_Lake_Bike_Loop_072315.pdf

  15. Bridgewater Hebron NH 3A Douglas Howard – Pavement Marking Foreman

  16. STOP Truck Driver Cody Nixon Daniel Plourde – Carriage Operator Bridgewater Hebron, NH 3A Gregory Taylor Sign HM II Draven Abbott - Carriage Driver

  17. NH 3A, Hebron, July 17, 2015 http://thedartmouth.com/2014/09/26/hanover-implements-road-changes-to-boost-pedestrian-cyclist-safety/

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