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Questionnaire. Heimat Europe. AGE. AGE. MY FAMILY. Turkey ?. BIRTH. CITIZENSHIP. Mother tongues. Have you lived in different places ?.

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  1. Questionnaire Heimat Europe Norway March 2016

  2. AGE AGE

  3. MY FAMILY Turkey?


  5. Mothertongues

  6. Have youlived in different places?

  7. My secondhomplace is: Norway:1 Myanmar, 1 Germany, 1 Eritrea, 1 Poland, 1 Iran, 1 Lihuania, 1 Denmark, 2 Russia, 2 Bosnia, 8 Norway (2 divorcedparents)

  8. What makes you feel at home?


  10. 8. WHY DID YOU AND YOUR FAMILY MOVE AWAY FROM YOUR HOMELAND/HOMEPLACE? • The answers are divided into 3 groups: • Family reasons and a better life • Economic reasons • Lac of safety and war • Family reasons and a better life: • Marriage and divorce, family-reunion • Some had fathers that were guest workers or got a job first and the family came after • “My farther did get a job in X-country. We moved to X-country so that we could be together with him” • Education and better jobs, better life • “I can get a better future and see something new” • “We moved here because my dad had an accident at work and my family wanted me to get education in X-country” • “See the world; get to know other cultures and languages”

  11. 8. WHY DID YOU AND YOUR FAMILY MOVE AWAY FROM YOUR HOMELAND/HOMEPLACE? 2. Economic reasons • Unemployment, better wages, debts • “Because of the unemployment” • “For a better future” • “For a better situation in X-country, better job conditions” 3. Lac of security and war • Feeling unsafe, crime and war • “Not possible to have a good life in X-country, bad economic, civil war” • “Because we didn`t feel safe” • “It is a secret. I won`t forget all that happened to me. I cannot see. It is too difficult for me to think or explain it. I am sorry”.

  12. 9. WHAT DO YOU MISS MOST OF ALL FROM YOUR COUNTRY? The answers are divided into 2 groups: • Most of the answers are related to family, friends and the place they lived: • Parents, grandparents, friends, the food, the culture, the landscape, religion ect. • Many also mention “the feeling of being heimat”: • The unity, the mentality, the traditions, the culture, religion, the customs, the atmosphere, the kindness, to be integrated • One wrote – and we feel that can summit what many of the students wrote: • “I cannot say definitely, as I miss so many things and I cannot decide”

  13. 9. WHAT DO YOU MISS MOST OF ALL FROM YOUR COUNTRY? • Family, friends and the place they left behind • “My parents and I miss the place of childhood and the friends I left behind” • “The culture, mentality, the beautiful places, I also miss the bricks on the road” • “The rest of my family and the house where they lived” • “My friends from my childhood, my own house, my school” 2. The feeling of being Heimat • “The air and the feelings are different than in my Heimat” • “My routine there, my friends, easy transportation, traditions” • “That people think the way I do”

  14. 10. WHAT CAN IMMIGRANTS DO TO MAKE THEMSELVES FEEL AT HOME IN A NEW COUNTRY? The answers are divided into 3 groups: • The importance of language, education, get a job, get an income and get to know the new country and its culture. • The importance of getting new friends, to be active and communicate, be open, try to integrate and try to get/make a “normal life”. • A few mention the importance of being able to keep their own traditions, religion and customs 1. Language, education, job, know the country and culture • “Learn the language early, try to understand the people who are living in the country” • “They can learn the language and the neighborhood” • “They have to get used to the culture in the country they are currently living in respect and follow the laws and try to learn the language”

  15. 10. WHAT CAN IMMIGRANTS DO TO MAKE THEMSELVES FEEL AT HOME IN A NEW COUNTRY? 2. Friends, be active, integrated, make a life • “To integrate in the culture, you cannot be like you were in your homeland” • “To integrate and accept the new culture as part of their life” • “Spend time with friends and friendly people • “To adapt, learn the language, make you a new Heimat” 3. Take care of their own religion, traditions etc. • “The can demand opportunities for fulfilling their cultural festivals, traditions and religious beliefs” • “They can bring their beloved things with them” • “Get to know the culture and find connections to their own”

  16. 11. WHAT IS IMPORTANT FOR IMMIGRANTS IN ORDER TO FEEL WELCOME IN A NEW COUNTRY? • The answers are divided into 2groups: • The importance of feeling safe, to be with family, to be allowed to practice their religion and traditions • The importance of being welcomed, respected, not made fun of, not being discriminated 1. Feeling safe, be true to their own religion and traditions • “To practice their religion” • “They should not meet negative reactions about their religion, languages and customs” • “Teachers and other people should smile at them and get them feel secure” 2. Feeling welcome and respected • “Do not have prejudices before meeting migrants” • “That people accept them and make them feel welcome” • “Not being made fun of” • “That people don’t look down on you – instead help you”

  17. 12. WHAT CAN YOU DO/HAVE YOU DONE TO MAKE IMMIGRANTS FEEL WELCOME? • The answers are divided into 3 groups: • On one side the attitudes towards migrants and how you feel about them. • On the other side the actual actions and the way you treat and communicate with them • Some mention the way the government can help, but the majority answer the questions on a personal level and the majority has only positive suggestions on behalf of themselves and others. Only a few students have a negative approach. 1. Attitudes and feelings. • “Let go of your prejudice” • “I told them about my experiences and that it is only important to be an honest man. It does not matter where you come from” • “Welcome everybody. The citizenship don`t matter” • “We shouldn’t judge them by appearances or clothes” • “We should be tolerant, we should not exclude them” 2. Actions and communication • “Treat all people the same no matter where they come from” • “We should treat them as if they are one of us. We should teach them our customs and traditions”

  18. 12. WHAT CAN YOU DO/HAVE YOU DONE TO MAKE IMMIGRANTS FEEL WELCOME? • “We should try to learn and understand their culture”. • “We have to welcome the immigrants and let them know that they are safe here and we should do everything to make their life easier” • “Try to help them if needed, don`t be shy if you meet them just go for a small chat with them” • “Give them things, food, clothes” • “Help them getting a job, in school, education or saving money” • “Invite them to my home and to activities” • “Talk to them to make them feel at home, and help them get new friends. It is also important to involve them in sports and other activities/events” • “Treat them nicely, with respect, be kind and helpful – and SMILE” • “I am standing here with open arms and welcome them”

  19. 12. WHAT CAN YOU DO/HAVE YOU DONE TO MAKE IMMIGRANTS FEEL WELCOME? 3. Government responsibility and negative comments • “The politicians are doing a lot” • I am not an adult, so I can do nothing • “Consider cultural aspects in “refugee’s stations” in order to make them feel a bit like being home • “A chance to get an education, show them how to behave and to respect our culture” • “Nothing. They should go back to their homeland and fight the ISIS” • “Nothing. I do not care about their feelings and what they are going through. If they want to live in our country, they must follow our rules and adapt to our culture and traditions. • NB: Out of all the questionnaires, we counted five negative comments (only 2 examples here). That is actually very positive

  20. 13. OTHER COMMENTS • Every human being should be treated the same way • Home is where your heart is • Stick to the roots, Heimat is traditions and language • Heimat is to me the place I grew up, when you move to new place this place will never be my Heimat but just the place I live • Actually I don’t know where my Heimat is. • It is important to make immigrants feel welcome • They are humans too, we should be nice to them • If I sometime have to flee I would love to be respected, therefor you should help the immigrants • I think wherever we go we should try to integrate and make ourselves feel at home

  21. 13. OTHER COMMENTS • “FremdesindFreude die wirnurnochnichtkennen”. Irish. • In our country women and girls don’t behave as humans and have no rights. • I think if people started to accept their earlier life and culture it would be so much easier to talk to them, only a small hallo or a little smile actually do help. Everyone should at least give them a smile if you walk past them • I accept everyone no matter where they are from. I don’t see the point in discriminating people based on their skin color, language, religion, sex or anything else. The world should not be used as a place for war and fights. • I will accept all the people if they accept me. I will look at them the same way I look at xxx, we are all the same. So if they are nice, I will be nice back. • Both parts has to work to make a better place for all, greet them • Immigrants must adapt or respect religion, culture, way of life in the new country • The most important thing is smiling. A single smile effaces everything!

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