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Room One

World War II Coming on Home Soon. Room Two. Room Three. Room One. Room Four. Room Five. Curator’s Offices. Maddie S., Eryn F., Victoria S. Curator’s Office. We are all 5 th graders at Lowe Elementary. Maddie loves to play softball. Eryn loves to sew. Victoria loves to dance.

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Room One

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Presentation Transcript

  1. World War II Coming on Home Soon Room Two Room Three Room One Room Four Room Five Curator’s Offices

  2. Maddie S., Eryn F., Victoria S. Curator’s Office We are all 5th graders at Lowe Elementary. Maddie loves to play softball. Eryn loves to sew. Victoria loves to dance. Contact me at [Your linked email address] Return to Entry

  3. Story Element Room Room 1 2 Setting Plot Theme Return to Entry

  4. Story Element/ HF Room Room 2 6 Other characters Perspective Characters Interactions Character Traits Historical fact from the story Return to Entry

  5. Historical Facts from Story Room Room 3 Historical fact from the authors note Historical fact from the story Historical fact from the authors note Return to Entry

  6. Research Room Room 4 Other Historical fact from research Other historical fact from research Other historical fact from research Return to Entry

  7. Cause & Effect Room Room 5 Primary Source Cause Effect To learn more about World War11: http://www.history.com/topics/world-war-ii Return to Entry

  8. Artifact 1: Setting & Point of View A girl named Ada Ruth wanting her mom to come home during World War II narrates this story in first person. Ada Ruth has some company like her Grandma and the kitten. Her Grandma and Ada Ruth live on the countryside of Chicago Return to Exhibit

  9. Artifact 2: Book Citation & Author’s Style • Coming on Home Soon, by Jacqueline Woodson, G.P. Putnam’s Sons, New York, 2004. • (Fictional characters in fictional situations, but in the context of a real historical period.) Return to Exhibit

  10. Artifact 3: Story Plot At the beginning of the story, Mama had to go work in Chicago while the opportunities (job offers) were still available. She needed to earn money for her family. To do that, she needed to wash railroad cars. Ada Ruth was a young girl and of course, Ada Ruth missed her mom so she wrote letters to her. Mama did not reply. One day Ada Ruth finds a kitten. Her grandma was the one taking care of Ada Ruth and grandma had some doubts about her keeping the kitten because how can you take care of a pet if they barely have enough money to take care of themselves. Keeping the kitten gave Ada Ruth some company while her mom was gone. Will Mama come home? Return to Exhibit

  11. Artifact 4: Story Theme The theme is that patients pays off. As time goes by, she is not as eager as before, so her patients helped her wait for Mama. Return to Exhibit

  12. Artifact 5: Characters Interactions The characters interactions helped the reader understand World War II. The story shows how a lot of family’s were separated just like Ada Ruth’s family. Also, a lot of people were poor and didn’t have money for their families because of the war. That is why people had to go work while there are opportunities. People had to travel long distances to find their job. Like Mama had to do. Return to Exhibit

  13. Artifact 6: Character’s Traits Ada Ruth’s character traits are that she is eager, impatient, caring, and hopeful. Ada Ruth is eager and impatient because she wants Mama to come home or at least write her a letter. She does not have the patience to wait. She is caring because she cares for the kitten that comforts her. The kitten is what gives Ada Ruth the patience that she needs to wait for her mom. She is hopeful because if she was not she would just give up or give up hope. If she lost hope, she would stop writing to Mama. She also would not have hope that her mom would come back. The theme is that patients pays off. As time goes by, she is not as eager as before, so her patients helped her wait for Mama. Return to Exhibit

  14. Artifact 7: Other Character’s Perspective If the story were told by Ada Ruth’s mom, it would be in a different setting (in Chicago at the train tracks). Also it would be about Mama’s feelings being away from her family. Mama went to work because her family needed money and the men were off fighting in the war. Her job was to clean off wash train cars. She would describe how she wanted to be with her family but she knew she must go, to earn money. Return to Exhibit

  15. Artifact 8: Historical Fact from Story In the story it states that during World War II most people didn’t have a lot of money or food. This historic fact from the story is true. The facts that prove the information in the story is true are:  As the 1940’s decade began, we were still experiencing the poor social and economic conditions tied to the 1930’s. An example, only 1 in 7 people had a telephone. We were still trying to pull our way out of The Great Depression.  Scarce items like food and fuel had to be saved for the troops. The government limited the amount of goods people could buy. • www.1940’s.org/fasion • 1940’s, Jim Corrigan Return to Exhibit

  16. Artifact 9: Historical Fact from Story In the story it states that during World War II newspapers were the only way to find information about the war. This historic fact from the story is false. The facts that prove the information in the story is false are:  They used radios to find out news about the war.  Magazines were another way to find information about the war. The United States government quickly realized someone needed to resume the task of producing war goods at home, so they advertised jobs to women in magazines.  www.history.com/WWII  www.knight.as.cannel Return to Exhibit

  17. Artifact 10: Historical Fact from Author’s Note • In the author’s note it states that women had to go work at jobs in big cities while men were at war. This historic fact from the author’s note is true. The facts that prove the information in the author’s note is true are: •  Women needed to fill many traditional male jobs. Like working at factories and operating machinery. •  Some women operated in cranes in shipyards. For most it was their first experience with factory employment. • • www.nwhm.org • • The 1940’s, Jim Corrigan http://media.web.britannica.com/eb-media/53/18453-004-E560ABF1.jpg Return to Exhibit

  18. Artifact 11: Historical Fact from Author’s Note In the author’s note it states that during that time people had to send letters for communication. This historic fact from the author’s not is true. The facts that prove the information in the author’s note are: Written letters and cards maintained communication between people separated by movement caused by World War II. With telephones out of the question, writing letters was the only way to keep in touch. Millions of letters were written back and forth across the Atlantic Ocean and Pacific Ocean during World War II. • www.synonym.com/types of communication-1940’s • World War II for kids, Richard Panchy K https://landlordrocknyc.files.wordpress.com/2013/01/dothejobheleftbehind.jpg Return to Exhibit

  19. Artifact 12: Other Historical Facts from Research It is estimated that 1.5 million children died during the Holocaust. Approximately 1.2 million of them were Jewish and tens of thousands of them were Gypsies. • www.factretrever.com/worldwar11 citatihttp://www.jpost.com/HttpHandlers/ShowImage.ashx?id=255307&h=530&w=758 Return to Exhibit

  20. Artifact 13: Other Historical Fact from Research http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-Y1sDGFp6Yis/TsISkJRwufI/AAAAAAAAHUc/LlZZXGhXPd4/s1600/japanese-infantry-march-manchuria-1931.jpg Most historians agree that World War II began when Germany invaded Poland on September 1st, 1939. Others say it started when Japan invaded Manchuria on September 18th, 1931. Some scholars suggest World War II is a continuation of World War I with a break in between. • www.factretriever.com/worldwarII Return to Exhibit

  21. Artifact 14: Other Historical Facts from Research For every 5 German soldiers died in World War II, 4 of them died on the Eastern front. • www.factretriever.com/worldwarII http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_LoPTdkHrjjk/Szr3xNpHxNI/AAAAAAAAGJM/uc3f_yv6PM0/s1600/german-soldiers-ww2-second-world-war-eastern-front-russian-rare-pictures-images-photos-wehrmacht-nazi-germany-008.jpeg Return to Exhibit

  22. Artifact 15: Cause of the Event in History • From the leftover problems of World War I. It began when troops from Germany came to Poland on September 1st, 1934. A man named Aldo Hitler wanted more land for his country so he planned on taking land away from Poland. The U.S.A entered the war after the Japanese planes attacked Pearl Harbor, a navy base in Hawaii, on December 7th, 1941. • World book Discovery encyclopedia, WWII https://www.pinterest.com/pin/339951471844671237/ Return to Exhibit

  23. Artifact 16: Primary Source This advertisement shows that women can do men’s jobs, that they can do there everyday jobs alongside men. This is an advertisement to get women to work and encourages them to keep things running. It is telling them to do there house jobs and work the men’s jobs while they are off fighting in the war. https://envisioningtheamericandream.files.wordpress.com/2015/03/wwii-food-heinzswscan00135-copy.jpg Return to Exhibit

  24. Artifact 17: Effect of the Event in History • International power shifted. Old empires in Europe collapsed and new countries emerged. Two allied countries (U.S.A and Soviet Union) that have fought together to defeat the Axis powers in WWII now began a long, bitter political struggle with each other • The 1940’s, Jim Corrigan http://redefininggod.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/romesfall.jpg Return to Exhibit

  25. Artifact 18: Our Artifact The artifact that represents the story and the time period is a mail bag because in the book, the mailman/boy was the person that delivered hand written letters. At the time, letters were the only way for people to communicate regularly, so without the mail man letters would not get delivered. Return to Exhibit

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